
Proclamation of Grievances and Failed Performance of Mayor Lauren Poe


 "Mayor" refers to Mayor, Lauren Poe

"City" refers to the City of Gainesville, Fl.

"CONUS" refers to the Continental United States

"GRU" refers to Gainesville Regional Utilities

"Reichert House" refers to  REICHERT HOUSE, INC. - Florida Not For Profit Corporation

"ADL" refers to Anti-Defamation League

Reichert House in the News

4/16/2019 Sex act on Reichert House bus not reported to Gainesville Police for 10 days


Whereas the Mayor has abandoned his sworn oath to protect the safety of Gainesville citizens, GRU ratepayers and property owners by imposing unnecessary increases in utility rates, property and fire assessment taxes in order to fund catered meals, junkets and various extravagances: and

Whereas the Mayor has demonstrated contempt and disdain for members of the public who attempt to ask questions and has sought to change the rules for citizen comment at City Commission meetings in order to silence and castigate his critics; and

Whereas the Mayor's choice for interim City manager fails to inspire confidence with a record of financial coverup when she was fired from her Birmingham job as chief of staff to Larry Langford in order to restore confidence in government related to a $20 million dollar international financial scandal ; and

Whereas the Mayor's choice for interim City manager has engaged in unlawful tactics and hostile retribution to force resignation of the City auditor following his report that exposed the Gainesville Police Department's Reichert House youth project as financially and operationally corrupt ; and

Whereas the Mayor is presiding over a municipality with no auditor, permanent City manager and a police department unable to fill numerous critical vacancies ; and

Whereas the Mayor has endangered the financial future of the City by adopting high risk bond issues that increase the risk of municipal bankruptcy ; and

Whereas the Mayor has made no attempt to reduce the debt by adopting budget cuts proposed by the interim City manager ; and

Whereas the Mayor has encumbered the city with unnecessary debt and atmospheric pollution by attending a lavish and unnecessary US Mayors Conference in Honolulu, HI located outside the Continental United States (CONUS) ; and

Whereas the Mayor has demonstrated stark hypocrisy and disregard for his alleged position on biomass generation as a solution to global warming, when he embraced round-trip airline travel to transit a distance of over nine-thousand miles, generating an inordinate tonnage of carbon dioxide gas. ; and

Whereas the Conference of Mayors has unacceptably partnered with the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) to suppress constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment criticism of Israel. (More)

NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority of Gainesville residents who endorse this Proclamation of Grievances hereby call for the resignation of Lauren Poe as Mayor of the City of Gainesville, Florida.

