
Alliance Aviators: The Rebel Alliance Best Pilots

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (SWG) is a great multiplayer roleplaying game, also you can too buy app reviews. Some people say that it’s not that good as World of Warcraft but it depends on the player. In this game, you will find two factions: The Rebels and The Galactic Empire.

The forces of the two factions have different means of harming each other. The rebel pilots are probably the most heroic rebel warriors. They learned their flying abilities on the job. They didn’t go through any formal education but they don’t seem to miss it. They have become what they are through passing many challenges and getting alive from plenty of deadly encounters.

The following are some of the best rebel pilots:

#1: Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles was human and one of the heros of the Rebel Alliance. Both his parents and his girlfriend were killed by mercenaries. He sworn to revenge them and this fueled his dedication for fighting the bad guys.
He and his friend Luke Skywalker founded the Rogue Squadron after the Battle of Yavin. The squadron was very successful against the forces of the Galactic Empire.

#2: Ace Azzameen
Ace had an impeccable reputation as a pilot. His talents and skills were well known and highly appreciated. He decided to fight against the Galactic forces when his older brother and father died because of the Galactic forces. He fought many battles and he had a decisive role in helping the alliance achieve its key objectives.

#3: Tycho Celchu
He was a well-known starfighter pilot. He fighted both for the Rebel Alliance and for the New Republic. Like many other rebel pilots, he chose to fight under the flag of the Rebel Alliance after he suffered a setback. In this case, the first Death Star destroyed his native home Alderaan.

#4: Arvel Crynyd
He was a very important pilot for the rebels. That’s partly because he was a leader that inspired courage in its team members. He led his squadron of ships in an important mission during the Battle of Endor. He was able to disable the ion cannons of the Star Destroyers.
He received after his death the distinction called the New Republic Medal of Bravery for his decisive actions against the second Death Star.

#5: Biggs Darklighter
He was one of the best rebel alliance best pilots despite his upclass background. He was born to an agricultural land owner whose name was Huff Darklighter. He made friends with Luke Skywalker in the town of Anchorhead.
Luke was one of his lifetime friends. They made their bond stronger by racing landspeeders and skyhoppers. He did many heroic challenges in the town of Anchorhead. Once, he was able to go through a small opening in a 200 feet rock wall whose name was Stone Needle. The people who lived in Anchorhead at the time were astonished b


y his feat.

#6: Gavin Darklighter
Gavin Darklighter represents the classic success story. He started from humble beginnings and he was able to gradually climb the ladder until he became the commanding admiral. He was a cousin of the Biggs Darklighter who was also an incredible pilot.
At 16, he joined the New Republic military force. He was able to progress quickly mostly because of his background in piloting skyhoppers. His wife was Sera Faleur and he was the commander of the Rogue squadron.

#7: Vrad Dodonna
He became one of the pilots of the Rebel Alliance along with his father. He died because of the Super Star Destroyer Executor which was a huge and powerful offensive weapon of the Galactic forces. He killed himself while he flew with his aircraft straight into the Executor. Because of his sacrifice, many rebels were able to escape.

These above alliance aviators are some of the best pilots that rebels possesed. They did many great things and they will be forever remembered. Star Wars would not have reached its level of success without them.