
What is AJAX technology?

AJAX technology is a widely used technique in web design to exchange information with the server and update parts of the web page without the need to load and reload the entire page.
Using AJAX has many benefits for both users and site owners. For example, it is no longer necessary. On the other hand, site owners can provide more and better service by providing a new and very practical technology.
One of the most famous uses of Ajax is the Google Suggest system, which is beautifully designed and embedded. When you enter a term in the Google search box, Google offers similar to your term from the server and shows it. This possibility is built for you by AJAX technology, and it is actually AJAX technology that displays the results for you quickly.

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Stay with us until the end of this article to fully understand how Ajax technology works and its components.

Introduction of AJAX technology

AJAX keyword is abbreviated as Asynchronous JavaScript And XML and means asynchronous and asynchronous combination of JavaScript and XML. Familiarity with this widely used technology is essential for developers and designers.
Ajax is a technique for creating dynamic and fast pages that can be updated and sent to the server without loading the entire page. In the case of classic web pages, the entire page should be loaded when changing from the page.
If you pay attention to the performance of the web pages, you will notice that to display each new content or page, the web pages are refreshed to display the new one. Ajax technology has the ability to load only the changed page instead of loading the whole page when changing a page. In fact, Ajax technology allows the user to send data to the server to be processed there without reloading the page. After that, it receives the information and displays it on the web page.
If there was no AJAX technology, the user would have to refresh the entire page to receive information from the server, even simple information. Many famous sites in the world such as Gmail, YouTube and Facebook are becoming the subject that use this technology.

History of AJAX technology

The technologies that make up Ajax, despite all their charms and possibilities, are new and innovative. Communicating with the server through a hidden frame without sending the main page to the server has been around for a long time. Communication between client and server has been accessible since the introduction of Internet Explorer's ability to script ActiveX controls on the client browser (which dates back to the late 1990s).

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Ajax components


The XMLHttpRequest object serves as the core of Ajax programming. And it allows the browser to communicate with a back-end server without having to send a whole web page.
Browsers support this in practical ways. It allows web pages to send and receive requests to the server through client-side code. Received data is processed by this object.
In fact, this object is used to create an independent communication channel between the user's browser and the server.

Java Script

JavaScript provides capabilities to communicate with the back-end server. JavaScript must be version 1.5 or higher. However, JavaScript is not necessary, but since it is the only scripting environment on the client side and all web browsers today support it, it is needed. There are other client-side scripting languages, but they are not supported by all browsers.

DHTML/DOM support

Browsing should support dynamic updating of elements and the possibility to do this in a standard way is provided by supporting Document Object Model (DOM).


The use of XML provides a connection to the web server in a standard mechanism. There are situations in which JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is used instead of XML to show notation directly.

Ajax usage technologies

Ajax is just a word, but it has many concepts and technologies behind it. which makes this technique possible. Technologies that are active on the server and do not interfere with the user's activity on the site.
HTML or XHTML and CSS are an important part of working with AJAX and with their help the page is displayed.
DOM (Document Object Model) technology is used for more things with data and dynamic representation of elements.
We convert the data with the help of XML and manage the data with XSLT.
The XMLHttpRequest object plays an important role in Ajax and allows for asymmetric switching.
JavaScript language is also used to integrate high technologies.
Because XML format is heavy, we mostly use JSON to exchange data.

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Use cases of Ajax

In fact, it is better to use this technology in the user and management panel that does not need to be indexed and SEO, and also does not include content that can be read by users. In this section, we describe some applications in which it is better to use AJAX.
• Validation of forms
• light box
• Sort or filter
• voting
• Like and star
• Chat and discussions

• Captcha
• Special cases in dedicated projects


In this article, we introduced Ajax technology. According to this article, you know in general that by using this technology, it is possible to quickly access the new information of each page. We also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of this technology and finally came to the conclusion that this technology has not yet evolved as it should and if you don't really need it, don't use it because it will be a problem for your site's SEO. will be made