
What is exposure therapy?

What is exposure therapy?

Exposure therapy is the practice of exposing the patient to the feared stimuli in a systematic manner in order to inhibit responses, learn habituations, removal of conditioned emotional responses, alternate avoidant behaviors and reprocessing of emotions and change of expectations.

Virtual reality can help therapists in many ways. Therapist can evaluate the patient objectively and present a personal hierarchy for the patient and his/her specific needs. By presenting feared stimuli in a controlled manner, therapist can evaluate patient’s objective and subjective responses with the help of physiologic measurements and SUDs (Subjective Units of Discomfort). All this data will be recorded and registered for the therapist and he/she can evaluate the patient, have a better understanding of his/her prognosis and the trajectory of his/her illness.


source : https://ravanavr.com/en/