
Muscles Used



We at exercise want to promote a better understanding of fitness in Wilmington to achieve our own desired levels of athleticism. At Muscles Used, we are committed to delivering the best fitness content, backed by science and data, to the common man. Giving you a reason and purpose to train, and achieve the best versions of yourselves. The bench press is an old favorite within the gym community and for good reason too it's one of the best compound lifts (full body workout) for the upper body and developing upper body strength. Sumo squats strengthen your gluteal muscles (glutes), which are a group of muscles in the buttock region that include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. The bench press is an essential lifter's lift. It not only works the upper and lower body but also targets multiple muscle groups at once. This is why it is such a popular exercise it helps to build strength in all areas of the body while providing a great metabolic workout as well. The bench press is great for building strength because it allows us to lift more weight than we could if we utilized other lifts such as squats or pull-ups. The bench press also allows us to work on our shoulders which tend to get neglected by many lifters since they aren’t always included in the typical training routine. Many people who do not have optimal leg strength or are just looking for a new challenge will benefit from the addition of the sumo squat.

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Muscles Used

Address: 24A Trolley Square #1342, Wilmington, DE 19806-3334, USA

Phone: +1 302 208 6419

Website: https://musclesused.com/ 


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Muscles Worked

Workout Routines

Muscle Groups

Celebrity Workout



Pectoralis Major





Latissimus Dorsi



Chest Workout

Shoulder Workout

Bicep Workout

Ab Workout