
What are The Different Types of Safety Industrial Equipment?

Companies who value their employees provide proper work safety equipment. Keeping workers safe means they won’t lose wages from accidents on the job, and the company doesn't lose time or money in the aftermath. There are many varieties of safety industrial equipment available to protect the people who work in industrial settings.               

In various countries, many industries are subject to strict regulations that govern workplace safety and the industrial safety gear that must be available for use. This safety equipment is designed to protect the worker from hearing or vision loss, falls, burns, impact and other injuries.                      

The different types of safety industrial equipment are :   

  1. Safety Glasses

Safety glasses are designed to withstand direct impact from flying objects that could cause eye damage. The important safety equipment worn by workers, safety glasses protect from severe damage caused to the eyes while performing welding or soldering tasks or from the dust and debris produced by certain power tools.


  1. Face Shield

Facial shields are designed to protect the whole face or head from chemical   splashes or burns. A face shield protects the workers’ face when using lathe and similar machinery or equipments as it produces plenty of flying chips. They are comfortable and easy to use and can be flipped upwards when not in use.


  1.   Ear Plugs


Several industrial activities produce higher levels of noise. Daily or frequent exposure to such types of increased noises can cause hearing impairment or hearing loss. Using ear plugs can be of great help in safeguarding against these extreme noises.   

  1. Safety Helmets-

These safeguard the most fragile and highly important part of human body which is the brain. Generally used in construction site and factory settings, safety helmets protect the head from injury caused by bumps or falling objects, and other fatal incidents that commonly take place in the industrial work areas.

  1. Safety Gloves-

They protect the workers’ hands from chemicals, sharp objects, sensitive materials and extreme temperatures. Look for gloves with proper fitting, must be compatible with material and suitable for the concerned tasks.  

  1. Fire Extinguishing Systems -

Specialized industrial safety equipment may also include fire safety measures, such as extinguishing systems or specially designed suits to withstand high temperatures.

This equipment is designed to protect the people working in the area and the equipment with which they are working. Specialized fire safety equipment is necessary in industrial settings where fire or extreme temperatures pose a serious threat to workers.

Wrap Up-

Safety industrial equipment at work is more than just protective clothing. Depending on the job, tools can add an additional level of safety to a worker's daily activities. Keeping workers safe is essential.