
small Business Owner’s Complaining About Not Enough Business

Small businesses are feeling the squeeze of economics as more regulation regarding taxes, hiring new employees, and health insurance pile on the mountain of concerns.

The one thing that fixes all those problems is to make more money, and the surest way to do that is by using effective marketing. But the average small business owner is inundated with other concerns as mentioned above, and sometimes forgets why he’s in business on the first place — to make money.

Small business complaints of a variety of topics usually all stem back to an ineffective marketing plan.

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If a business is jam packed with customers, concerns over hiring new employees, having to provide health insurance, or even taxes seem to fall away.


When the local store is not busy, then he puts his attention on all the “other stuff.” I don’t know who said it, but it’s true….”you get what you put your attention on.”

And many small businesses still need to put a lot of attention on their marketing. A proper marketing plan is like another employee, either it’s doing the job for you or not.

Its job is to go out and find new customers, and bring old customers back in. It’s that simple.

If you marketing isn’t doing this, you need to toss it aside and hire another marketer — meaning that if you’re putting money into marketing and not getting boatloads of new customers from it (the main reason for marketing), then you need to get rid of it and do what does work.

I really don’t understand how the Yellow Pages is still in print. I’ve done a number of surveys, both personal and professional, and have yet to find anyone who uses the Yellow Pages to find a business.

Yet there still being printed….which means there are still companies out there paying for those exorbitant non-performing ads.

If you’re a small business owner, and you find your marketing plan isn’t doing its job — fire it! Don’t spend another dime on useless marketing. Instead, find out what works best in today’s economy.

I’m putting together a free webinar on how to market your business. This is for local businesses that rely on foot traffic. If you want to learn the secrets to flood your business with new customers, click the link below and reserve a seat for this webinar.


Increase your customer base. I’ll show you how to have new customers waiting in line outside your door. It’s easy when you know the 3 simple strategies to building a viral marketing campaign.


WARNING: Don’t wait until you have bill collectors knocking on your door. Do this now and learn how to increase customer acquisition, and give your tax problems to your accountant, your hiring problems to your manager, and start living life the way you intended — having the business make you money instead of having it run your life.

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