
How Can Freelance SEO Boost Business Growth?


Ranking a business website on the SERP is no longer as convenient as it was a few years ago. The online marketing space has grown extremely competitive. Also, complex search engine algorithm updates determining diverse factors before assigning a rank to respective websites have made it difficult for marketers to ace the SEO game.

Further, keeping a close track of the success of SEO campaigns and regularly updating the website is quite time-consuming. Hence, availing of help from freelance SEO expert India proves extremely beneficial.

Freelance SEO services include comprehensive SEO services customized as per the needs of the respective business. Such experts conduct competitor analysis and research to improve the overall performance of a business website on online platforms.

The following sections enlist 3 ways in which freelance SEO professionals can improve business growth.

1) Keyword Research

An SEO freelancer India possesses the expertise to use advanced tools like Google Trends, QuestionDB, AnswerThePublic, Keyword Tool Dominator, etc., to conduct industry-specific competitive keyword research and analysis. They integrated the ‘highest search volume’ keywords into the content adequately without resorting to keyword stuffing and ensure a business website can organically rank in the SERP for specific search queries and gain better visibility.

2) Formulating Customized Content Strategy

Framing an individualized content strategy for respective businesses is an extremely intricate process and involves multiple steps, like:

  1. Understanding the target user intent
  2. Creating content on engaging topics
  3. Framing optimized and innovative titles
  4. Maintaining proper keyword density
  5. Identifying the right platform to publish them, etc.

Without professional knowledge, it becomes extremely difficult to pull their SEO content marketing strategy to success. However,some freelance SEO experts India possess extensive experience in executing these steps. Therefore, they can customize efficient content strategies for marketers that will improve the CTR, organic traffic volume, and traffic conversion rates.

3) Link Building

Freelance SEO experts also offer end-to-end assistance in link building. Besides keyword integration and content creation, link building is one of the most crucial aspects of SEO. This is because web bots use the links to gauge the domain authority of a website. The more authoritative a website, the higher rank it gets in the SERP results.

Freelancing SEO services, therefore, build successful strategies to build relevant links on 3 levels which are:

  1. Internal links- Links between the various pages of a website itself
  2. External or outgoing links- Links from other relevant and highly authoritative websites
  3. In-bound links- Back-links from other web pages that point to your own websites

With properly optimized and monitored back-links, a marketer's website gains a vote of confidence in the eyes of the web bots and therefore secures a higher rank in search results.

Having learned the benefits of hiring freelance SEO experts India, marketers must also recognize the fact that not all freelancers have the adequate expertise to boost the rank of a website in SERP and help in business growth.

Also, if any entrepreneur needs extensive and advanced website development strategies, it is always better to hire expert SEO agencies with better resources. Therefore, marketers must adequately understand their SEO goals, website requirements and conduct thorough research before hiring a freelancer SEO expert.