
5 Commonly Abused Substances among College Students


Florida – August, 2019 – For many students, college life offers the opportunity to try new things. Unfortunately, this may encourage risky behavior, like drug abuse. A big percentage of students who never drank in high school will taste their first drink in college, and many will experiment with study drugs and party drugs, risking dependence and addiction.


Here are the 5 commonly abused substances on college campuses.


Alcohol’s wide acceptance makes it the number one abused substance on campus. Alcohol is a legal activity for older college students and binge drinking has become a popular habit. Binge drinking can prove dangerous and lead to alcohol poisoning and even death.


Almost half of all college students have tried marijuana at least once. It is still illegal in many states but marijuana is the most popular drug in the United States. Available as Mary Jane, bud, grass, and weed, marijuana is widely (and falsely) considered harmless, which makes it so popular among college students.


Students often use weed to relax or to mix in with the party scene. However, marijuana produces significant effects on the body. It tends to relax the nerves and puts the person in a sleep-like state. Leaving homework and studying for another day is common too. Driving under the influence or injury from lack of judgement can result in severe injury.

Prescription Pills

Did you know many students, who have a valid prescription for ADHD medication, divert it to other students without prescriptions? Friends sell to friends and soon, the word gets out, turning prescriptions into sales.


College-level work, focusing in class and completing assignments is hard work. Students use drugs like Adderall and Ritalin to block out the distractions and to concentrate and retain what they read. Exam week is a popular time when students frantically look for these pills that allegedly help them study.


Selling Adderall or Ritalin is illegal but unfortunately, the demand keeps rising.


Ecstasy, the club drug at all-night raves, has grown in popularity with raves and festivals. Alcohol is the go-to thing for house parties but ecstasy is the go-to drug at music festivals and raves. Users claim the music intensifies the feelings produced by the drug.


When users experience intense sensations, known as “peaking,” the brain is exploding with dopamine, producing a false feeling of great happiness. Once the effects wear off, the user wants more to bring the feelings back. Consuming more of the drug will increase the dependence on the drug, leaving the body uncomfortable and sick. Ecstasy completely drains the body of natural feel-good chemicals so that users experience extreme depression when effects wear off. It can even lead to self-harm.


Most cocaine users start using the drug after college. Cocaine is highly addictive and illegal. It produces euphoric effects. Although it is very expensive, college students want to get it. The drug can damage the brain and many users will become addicted, and end up damaging their dreams along the way.

If you are looking for residential or inpatient drug treatment programs and addiction recovery treatment centers in Florida, call Lake View Health at 866-704-7692 Today!