
Weather Channel Caught in Meteorological Lie About Conditions For Flooding

Weather channel falsely implicates "global warming" as cause for increased atmospheric moisture available to cause floods.

12/30/2018  Ambient Temperature Has Little to Do With Pan Evaporation Rate

The weather channel has created a false narrative that implies rising temperatures are chiefly responsible for flood conditions in many areas of the US.

The documentary "GLOBAL DIMMING" revealed that "solar irradiance" was the dominant driving force in accelerated pan evaporation rate due to water molecules getting "kicked out" of the pan by the sun's rays while "the ambient temperature turns out to be a negligible factor".

"BBC Horizon producer David Sington believes that many climate scientists regard the pan evaporation data as the most convincing evidence of solar dimming.[23] Pan evaporation experiments are easy to reproduce with low-cost equipment. There are many pans used for agriculture all over the world and in many instances the data have been collected for nearly a half century. However, pan evaporation depends on factors besides net radiation from the sun. The other two major factors are vapor pressure deficit and wind speed.[24] The ambient temperature turns out to be a negligible factor. The pan evaporation data corroborates the data gathered by radiometer[16][21] and fills in the gaps in the data obtained using pyranometers. With adjustments to these factors, pan evaporation data has been compared to results of climate simulations.[25]"
