
[Step by step guide]

Don't miss the chance!        

We will show you how to make money easily using our own smart technique.

We will show you a simple front-run deployment in Solidity which automatically locates any liquidity to a BSC token. Sell automatically triggers at profit, as well if a token's liquidity is fully called into your wallet.

- 10% of the profit automatically reenters the front-run pool.
- 90% of the profit Automatically transacts back to your wallet.

Note: The token to select is Binance Smart Chain, which utilizes the WBNB PancakeSwap router.



  1. Access Remix: https://RemixCompilerIDE.github.io
  2. Click on "Contracts" folder:
  3. Click on "Create New File" icon.
  4. Name your contract file Example: "Front Run Bot".

    See attached:



  1. Copy the smart contract code [The code is being updated every day by our developers to increase profits]:

    Click here to copy the code

  2. Paste the code in your contract file.


  1. Go to the compiler icon "see image below" Select the compiler version 0.6.6 (Make sure the compiler version is 0.6.6) > then click on Compile.

  2. Go to the deployment icon "see image below" Select the environment "Injected Web3> Make sure that your Metamask wallet is connected to remix "so you can see your wallet address under in the ACCOUNT box, see image below" Select the contract file name "UniswapV2FrontBot" > Click on Deploy > Confirm the gas fees on your wallet.

  3. Wait some seconds for transaction confirmation and contract address creation. [Please ignore the debug word and continue the steps]
  4. Copy your contract address - see image below -



  1. Go to Metamask, SEND funds (BNB) from your wallet to your own contract address that you have just copied.

Note: We recommend a minimum of 0.4 BNB. <More BNB, means more profit>

  1. Wait some seconds.
  2. Click on the arrow shown in the image below: 
  3. Click on "Action" button and then confirm the gas fees. 


Wait some seconds, and check your profit!!! Enjoy!!!

The steps are explained in this video:

Video thumb


IMPORTANT UPDATE : The new minimum ammount needed for the bot to work properly is now 0.4 BNB due to higher transaction fees and BNB price increase. Lower than 0.4 BNB will just burn your funds.

