
Red Moles, Skin Tags and My Way of Dealing with It

We each have our own way of dealing with things. Whatever the kind of situation or circumstance it might be, we all want to do it our own way as much as possible.


It is like a need that we have, to stamp our personality on the things that we do.


There are cases when it is an ego thing, where we don't let others tell us how to do things, so we ignore their words and opinions despite the fact that it is meant for our own good.


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Sometimes, we strike a bargain and heed the words and the advice of others, but we still have the final say on whether we would follow it or not. Or we might not take the words of other people and do some research on our own.


During my ordeal with some minor skin problems recently, I insisted on dealing it my way.


It was not a move that was full of confidence on my part, since I got a little worried when I initially noticed my red moles and the skin tag that escaped my notice before.


I discovered both conditions on the same day, I might have already had it for weeks but since none of it were located on very noticeable parts of my body, it was likely that I missed it all that time.


The red moles were on the side of my left arm, while the skin tag was near the back of my neck.


I immediately researched moles and skin tags online. What I learned allayed the initial fears that I had about the red moles.


It was most probably caused by my being exposed too much in the sun as red moles on skin usually occur because of that. It is summer vacation from school,


I am playing a ton of pick up basketball games and that is probably where I got it. About the skin tag, I am looking for the best means of skin tag removal


because I don’t like how it looks on my neck. I may try the home remedies although I am still undecided about which one.


Antioxidants-support your lifestyle


Antioxidants are nutrients which prevent or slow down oxidative damage to our body. When our body uses oxygen, breaks down food, or is exposed to toxins like tobacco smoke, it naturally produces molecules called free radicals which can damage our DNA and cell membranes.


By damaging our cells, free radicals can play a role in causing heart disease, cancer, macular degeneration, diabetes, and numerous other degenerative processes.


Antioxidants remove free radicals and help to repair and prevent damage. Antioxidants are found in many foods. These include fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, and some meats, poultry and fish.


The colorful fruits and vegetables – especially those with purple, blue, red, orange, and yellow hues – are highest in anti-oxidants.


This is the best way to get these vital nutrients into your system, however with today’s busy lifestyle it is not always easy to maintain a diet including all the necessary levels of nutrients, particularly during the winter months – which ironically is when we most need it!


A good antioxidant supplement can help your body to detoxify and keep healthy at all times, and acts as a support to your health regime.


Antioxidant supplements can assist your body to maintain health and may have disease-preventing qualities, including reducing degenerative conditions, liver disease and maintaining eye health.


Examples of commonly used antioxidant supplements include Vitamins C and E, Selenium, and Beta-Carotene.


Other substances that have powerful antioxidant properties include Zinc, Lutein, Lycopene, Bioflavonoids, Soy Isoflavones, and many other compounds found in fruits and vegetables.


Antioxidants can be found in the above supplements, and are often manufactured in special formulations which will provide the particular nutrients for your body and lifestyle needs.


keep reading-mage name

Speak to a reliable health professional to ascertain which anti-oxidant supplements would provide the best health benefits for you.