
Importance of firewalls and proxy servers in internet security

It is important that a firewall is installed and managed by a professional system administrator to provide the maximum amount of protection to your company’s network infrastructure. When done correctly, the advantages of using firewalls cannot be ignored. Their main benefits are:

  • Policing: A firewall acts as a security guard that monitors or polices the outgoing and incoming traffic from/to your network. It analyzes the information being sent or received and either allows it or blocks it, depending upon the rules established within the firewall.

  • Blocks Malicious Programs: Firewalls have the ability to block potential malware, viruses, and Trojan horses from infecting your network system. Trojan horses are the most dangerous because they attach themselves to files and when you transmit these files, they do further damage to other computer systems. Plus, they reveal your confidential information to web servers being hosted by potential hackers.

  • No More Hackers:A firewall can stop a hacker dead in their tracks. Hackers can cause loss of data and damage to an organization’s computer systems, while they might even use these systems to carry out illegal activities.

To know more about the importance of firewalls and proxy servers in internet security