
# Guidelines
# 1. Never change the contents inside the variables { }
# 2. You can rearrange the order that the variables appear on the sentences to best suit your language
# 3. You can add/remove colors as you please
# 4. If you change a command, make sure it's corresponding menu item matches
# 5. When new text is added on future versions, they will be added automatically to your language.yml file
# Colors: {aqua}, {black}, {blue}, {white}, {yellow}, {gold}, {gray}, {green}, {red}
# {dark-aqua}, {dark-blue}, {dark-gray}, {dark-green}, {dark-purple}, {dark-red}, {light-purple}
# {magic}, {bold}, {italic}, {reset}, {strikethrough}, {underline}

_allowed: Allowed
_appliesTo: Applies to
_blacklistedCommands: Blacklisted Commands
_blockBreak: Block Break
_blockPlace: Block Place
_bucketEmpty: Bucket Empty
_bucketFilled: Bucket Filled
_coords: Coords
_count: Count
_details: Details
_dimensions: Dimensions
_distance: Distance
_entry: Entry
_everyone: Everyone
_field: Field
_fieldDisabled: Field Disabled
_flags: Flags
_for: For
_ignited: Ignited
_interval: Interval
_intruderLog: Intruder Log
_kill: Kill
_limit: Limit
_location: Location
_lore: Lore
_name: Name
_neutralizes: Neutralizes
_none: NONE
_owner: Owner
_potions: Potions
_reason: Reason
_rentingLimit: Renting Limit
_shopped: Shopped
_tenant: Tenant
_tenants: Tenants
_type: Type
_used: Used
_velocity: Velocity
allowedList: '{green}Usuarios a񡤩dos a tu protecci󮺠{gray}{1.allowed}{green}.'
alreadyAllowed: '{red}El jugador {gray}{1.player} {red}ya estᡡ񡤩do a la protecci󮮧
announceToAllowedPlayers: ' {dark-gray}* {aqua}{1.message}'
blockIsBlacklisted: '{red}{1.blockid} is blacklisted, skipped.'
blocksSkipped: '{red}{1.count} blocks skipped.'
blocksSkipped2: '{red}(Their destination locations already had blocks on them)'
buyQuestion: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Type {green}/ps buy {aqua}to purchase'
bypassDisabled: '{aqua}Bypass mode disabled'
bypassEnabled: '{aqua}Bypass mode enabled'
cannotAllowAsGuest: '{red}No puedes a񡤩r jugadores a esta protecci󮮧
cannotAssignAsOwners: '{aqua}Cannot assign groups or clans as owners'
cannotBreakHidden: '{red}Para eliminar la proteccion, primero debes mostrarla.'
cannotChangeGameMode: '{red}Cannot change your game mode in this field'
cannotEnable: Could not enable the field
cannotExpand: '{red} Cannot expand the field, it overflows available volume by {1.volume} blocks.'
cannotHideOrphan: '{red}No se ha podido esconder la protecci󮮧
cannotPlaceNextToRedstone: '{red}Cannot place blocks next to a redstone-enabled field you don''t own'
cannotRedefineWhileCuboid: '{red}The field has sub-fields inside of it thus cannot be redifined.'
cannotRemovePlayerInField: '{red}Cannot remove a player that''s currently in your field'
cannotRemoveWithSubplots: '{red}No puedes eliminar una ciudades con parcelas.'
cannotReshapeWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot reshape a translocation cuboid once its in use'
cannotTakeOwnership: '{aqua}You cannot take ownership of this field. It has been given to: {1.new-owner}'
cannotTeleportInsideField: '{red}Cannot teleport inside a field with the prevent-teleport flag'
cannotUseItemHere: '{red}You cannot hold that item here.'
cannotUseItemMoved: '{red}You cannot hold that item here, it has been moved out of the way.'
cleanedOrphanedFields: '{aqua}Cleaned {1.count} orphaned fields'
cleanedOrphanedUnbreakables: '{aqua}Cleaned {1.count} orphaned unbreakable blocks'
clearedSnitch: '{aqua}Cleared the snitch list'
commandAll: all
commandAllow: a
commandAllowall: allowall
commandAllowed: allowed
commandBlacklistAdded: '{aqua}The command has been blacklisted'
commandBlacklistCleared: '{aqua}Blacklisted commands cleared'
commandBlacklistUsage: '{red}Usage: /ps blacklistcommand who'
commandBlacklisting: blacklistcommand
commandBuy: buy
commandBypass: bypass
commandCanceled: '{dark-red}[Error] {red}Comando desconocido. Teclea {gray}/ayuda {red}para obtener ayuda.'
commandChangeowner: changeowner
commandClean: clean
commandClear: clear
commandContract: contract
commandCounts: counts
commandCuboid: cuboid
commandCuboidClose: close
commandCuboidOpen: open
commandDebug: debug
commandDelete: delete
commandDensity: density
commandDisable: disable
commandDisableall: disableall
commandEnable: enable
commandEnableall: enableall
commandExpand: expand
commandFields: fields
commandGive: d
commandHide: e
commandInfo: info
commandInsert: insert
commandList: l
commandLocations: locations
commandMark: mark
commandMigrate: migrate
commandMore: more
commandOff: 'off'
commandOn: 'on'
commandPlace: place
commandPull: pull
commandReload: reload
commandRemove: remove
commandRemoveall: removeall
commandRent: rent
commandRentClear: clear
commandRentRemove: remove
commandReset: reset
commandRevert: revert
commandSetLimit: setlimit
commandSetinterval: setinterval
commandSetname: setname
commandSetowner: setowner
commandSetradius: setradius
commandSetvelocity: setvelocity
commandSnitch: snitch
commandSnitchClear: clear
commandTake: take
commandToggle: toggle
commandTranslocation: translocation
commandTranslocationDelete: delete
commandTranslocationImport: import
commandTranslocationList: list
commandTranslocationRemove: remove
commandTranslocationUnlink: unlink
commandUnhide: m
commandVisualize: visualize
commandWho: who
configReloaded: '{aqua}Configuration and language files reloaded'
confiscated: '{aqua}Confiscated: {white}{1.image}'
confiscatedFrom: Confiscated {1.items} from {2.player} at {3.coords}. Leave the area to get your item back.
countsCuboids: '({1.world}) cuboids: {2.count}'
countsFields: '({1.world}) fields: {2.count}'
countsOrphan: '({1.world}) orphan-fields: {2.count}'
countsOrphanedUnbreakables: '({1.world}) orphan-unbreakables: {2.count}'
countsPurgedFields: '({1.player}) inactivity purge: {2.count} fields'
countsPurgedSnitches: '({1.world}) unused snitches purged: {2.count}'
countsPurgedUnbreakabes2: '({1.world}) unbreakables purged: {2.count}'
countsPurgedUnbreakables: '({1.player}) inactivity purge: {2.count} unbreakables'
countsUnbreakables: '({1.world}) unbreakables: {2.count}'
cuboidAvailableProtection: '{aqua}Available protection: {yellow}{1.volume} blocks'
cuboidAvailableProtectionBypass: '{aqua}Available protection: {red}{1.volume} blocks (bypassing)'
cuboidCancelled: '{red}Cuboid has been cancelled.'
cuboidCannotAddProps: Cannot add on properties of more valuable fields
cuboidCannotExtendWG: '{red}Cannot extend inside WorldGuard region'
cuboidCannotMix: Cannot mix fields that are not in the same mixing group.
cuboidConflicts: '{red}The cuboid conflicts with someone else''s field'
cuboidConflictsWG: '{red}The cuboid conflicts with a worldguard region'
cuboidContracted: '{aqua}The field was contracted.'
cuboidDrawingMode: '{aqua}You are in drawing mode. Click on the block to finish.'
cuboidExceeds: '{red}Cuboid exceeds available volume'
cuboidExceedsMax: '{red}Cuboid exceeds available volume'
cuboidExpanded: '{aqua}The field was expanded.'
cuboidOutline: '{red}Cannot click on the outline'
cuboidReverted: '{aqua}Selection reverted'
cuboidSelectionConflicts: '{red}Cannot extend inside other player''s fields'
dbMysqlConnected: MySQL Connection successful
dbMysqlFailed: MySQL Connection failed
dbSqliteConnected: SQLite Connection successful
dbSqliteFailed: SQLite Connection failed
debugDisabled: '{aqua}Debug output disabled'
debugEnabled: '{aqua}Debug output enabled'
deletedCountFields: '{aqua}Deleted {1.player}''s {2.count} fields'
deletedCountUnbreakables: '{aqua}Deleted {1.player}''s {2.count} unbreakables'
deletedFields: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.block-type} fields'
deletedUnbreakables: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.block-type} unbreakables'
economyCharged: '{green}Has recibido {gray}{1.price} {green}gemas por la venta o alquiler de una parcela.'
economyCredited: '{green}Has pagado {gray}{1.price} {green}gemas por la compra o alquiler de una parcela.'
economyNotEnoughItems: '{red}You do not have the required payment'
economyNotEnoughMoney: '{red}No tienes suficiente dinero.'
enteringField: '{aqua}Entering {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
enteringNamedField: '{aqua}Entering {1.field}'
enteringRentedNamedField: '{aqua}Entering {1.field} ({2.renter})'
entryAnnounce: '{1.player} entry at {2.field} {dark-gray}{3.coords}'
fenceGenerated: '{aqua}The fence has been created'
fieldAlreadyDisabled: '{red}Field is already disabled'
fieldAlreadyEnabled: '{red}Field is already enabled'
fieldCanBeTaken: '{aqua}Field can now be taken by {1.player} via right-click'
fieldCannotChangeOwner: '{aqua}Field type does not support the changing of ownership'
fieldDisabled: '{aqua}Field has been disabled'
fieldEnabled: '{aqua}Field has been enabled'
fieldExists: '{red}A field already exists at that location'
fieldHasDisabled: '{yellow}{1.field-type} field has been disabled'
fieldInsideAllowedInside: '{red}{1.field-type} needs to be be placed inside {2.allowed-inside-fields}'
fieldIntersectsWG: The field intersects with a WorldGuard region you are not allowed in.
fieldNameCleared: '{aqua}Field''s name has been cleared'
fieldNotFound: '{red}The word "{1.field}" did not match any configured field title'
fieldOutsideAllowedOutside: '{red}{1.field-type} needs to be be placed inside {2.allowed-outisde-fields}'
fieldPlaced: '{yellow}{2.field-name} placed for {1.owner} at {3.x} {4.y} {5.z} {6.world} with r:{7.radius} h:{8.height}'
fieldSignAlreadyBought: '{red}Esta parcela ya se ha vendido.'
fieldSignAlreadyRented: '{red}Esta parcela ya se ha alquilado.'
fieldSignBadTag: '{red}Formato de cartel incorrecto.'
fieldSignBought: '{green}Has comprado la parcela y el ⳥a que cubre. Ahora es tuyo.'
fieldSignBuy: '[Vender]'
fieldSignBuyCreated: '{green}Has puesto la parcela a la venta.'
fieldSignCannotChange: '{red}Cannot modify the field while its under rent'
fieldSignCannotDestroy: '{red}No puedes eliminar la parcela mientras estᡡ la venta o alquiler.'
fieldSignCannotDisable: '{red}Cannot disable the field while its under rent'
fieldSignCannotRentDisabled: '{red}Field has been disabled by owner, come back later'
fieldSignFieldNotFound: '{red}No se ha encontrado ninguna parcela anclada a este anuncio.'
fieldSignInvalidPeriod: '{red}El formato del periodo de tiempo es incorrecto.'
fieldSignItemPaymentReceived: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {2.item} {aqua}payment from {3.player} for field in {5.coords} ({4.field})'
fieldSignItemPaymentReceivedNoName: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {2.item} {aqua}payment from {3.player} for field in {4.coords}'
fieldSignNoEco: '{red}You must specify an item id in parenthesis'
fieldSignNoPrice: '{red}El formato del precio es incorrecto.'
fieldSignNoTennant: '{red}Esta parcela no tiene inquilino.'
fieldSignNotBuyable: '{red}No puedes vender esta protecci󮮧
fieldSignNotOwner: '{red}Solo el due񯠰uede alquilar o vender esta parcela.'
fieldSignNotRentable: '{red}No puedes alquilar esta parcela.'
fieldSignNotShareable: '{red}No puedes alquilar esta parcela.'
fieldSignOnlyOne: '{red}Solo se puede tener un anuncio por parcela.'
fieldSignPaymentReceived: '{green}Has recibido {gray}{1.amount} {green}gemas de {gray}{2.player} {green}por el alquiler o la venta de una parcela en {gray}{4.coords}{green}.'
fieldSignPaymentReceivedNoName: '{green}Has recibido {gray}{1.amount} {green}gemas de {gray}{2.player} {green}por el alquiler o la venta de una parcela en {gray}{4.coords}{green}.'
fieldSignRent: '[Alquilar]'
fieldSignRentAbandoned: '{green}Has abandonado tu alquiler.'
fieldSignRentCreated: '{green}Has puesto la parcela a alquilar.'
fieldSignRentError: '{red}Formato de tiempo incorrecto.'
fieldSignRentExpired: '{dark-purple}[Advertencia] {purple}Tu parcela ha expirado.'
fieldSignRentExpiredNoName: '{dark-purple}[Advertencia] {purple}Tu parcela ha expirado.'
fieldSignRentMaxPeriod: '{red}No puedes alquilar mⳠparcelas a la vez.'
fieldSignRentRented: '{green}Has expandido el contrato de tu parcela.'
fieldSignShare: '[$%&/&%/--]'
fieldTypeDisabled: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field has been disabled'
fieldTypeEnabled: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field has been enabled'
fieldWillDisable: '{yellow}{1.field-type} field will disable itself after {2.count} seconds'
fieldsDontMix: '{red}No puedes juntar este tipo de parcelas.'
fieldsDown: '{aqua}All fields are temporarily down while being changed'
fieldsGiven: '{yellow}{3.count} {2.field-name} fields given to {1.player-name}'
fieldsGivenPlayer: '{green}Has recibido {gray}{3.count}x [{yellow}{2.field-name}{gray}].'
fieldsInWrongTable: Fields found in wrong table, moving..
fieldsSkipped: '{red}{1.not-allowed} fields were skipped that can only be modified while disabled'
flagCannottoggle: '{red}This flag cannot be toggled'
flagCleared: '{aqua}The field flag cleared'
flagDisabled: '{aqua}The {1.flag} flag has been disabled.'
flagDisabledOn: '{aqua}Flag disabled on {1.count} fields'
flagEnabled: '{aqua}The {1.flag} flag has been enabled.'
flagEnabledOn: '{aqua}Flag enabled on {1.count} fields'
flagExists: '{red}The field already contains this flag'
flagInserted: '{aqua}The field flag inserted'
flagNotExists: '{red}The field flag entered does not exist'
flagNotFound: '{red}The field does not contain this flag'
flagsImported: '{yellow}{1.field-type}''s flags imported'
flagsReverted: '{aqua}The field flags have been reverted to default.'
flagsToggledWhileDisabled: '{red}This field''s flags can only be toggled while disabled'
foresterActivating: '{yellow}Activating...'
foresterNeedsFertile: '{aqua}{1.field-type} blocks must be placed on fertile land to activate'
foresterUsesLeft: '{yellow} {1.amount} uses left.'
griefRevertIntervalSet: '{aqua}The grief-revert interval has been set to {1.count} seconds'
hasBeenAllowed: '{green}El jugador {gray}{1.player} {green}ha sido a񡤩do a la protecci󮮧
hasBeenAllowedIn: '{aqua}{1.player} has been allowed in {2.count} fields'
headerConfiguredFields: '{aqua}{1.field-type} {yellow}({white}{2.blockid}{yellow}){yellow}r:{white}{3.radius}'
headerConfiguredFieldsHeight: '{yellow}h:{white}{1.height}'
headerConfiguredFieldsVolume: '{yellow}v:{white}{1.volume}'
hideCannot: '{red}This type of field cannot be hidden'
hideHiddenAlready: '{red}La protecci󮠹a estᡥscondida.'
hideHide: '{green}Has escondido la protecci󮮧
hideHideAll: '{aqua}Hid {1.count} fields'
hideNoneFound: '{red}No estⳠapuntando hacia una protecci󮠥scondida.'
hideUnHiddenAlready: '{red}La protecci󮠹a se estᡭostrando.'
hideUnhide: '{green}La protecci󮠡hora se muestra.'
hideUnhideAll: '{aqua}UnHid {1.count} fields'
importComplete: '{aqua}Import complete'
importedBlocks: '{aqua}Imported {1.count} blocks'
inhabitantsList: '{yellow}Inhabitants: {aqua}{1.inhabitants}'
inventoryDeny: '{red}No puedes acceder a este inventario.'
isAlreadyAllowedOnAll: '{aqua}{1.player} is already on all your lists'
leavingField: '{aqua}Leaving {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
leavingNamedField: '{aqua}Leaving {1.field}'
leavingRentedNamedField: '{aqua}Leaving {1.field} ({2.renter})'
limitBadField: '{red}Cannot set renting limit on a field that is not rentable or shareable'
limitMalformed: '{red}Renting limit in the wrong format'
limitMalformed2: '{red}Format: w = week, d = day, h = hour, m = minute'
limitMalformed3: '{red}i.e.: /ps setlimit 3d12h'
limitReached: '{red}Has llegado al lte de protecciones de este tipo.'
limitSet: '{aqua}Limit has been set'
limitsCannotPlace: '{red}No puedes poner mⳠprotecciones de {gray}{1.field-type}{red}. Mejora tu rango para pasar este lte.'
limitsReached: '{red}No puedes poner mⳠprotecciones de {gray}{1.field-type}{red}. Mejora tu rango para pasar este lte.'
limitsReachedGlobal: '{red}You have reached the global field limit of {1.limit}'
logBlockReverted: '{1.owner}''s {2.field-type} block reverted {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
logBreakablePlaced: '{1.player} placed a breakable {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
logBucketEmpty: '{1.player} attempted empty a {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logBypassAttack: '{1.attacker} bypass-attack {2.victim} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logBypassCreateVehicle: '{1.player} bypass-created a vehicle {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logBypassDestroy: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed a block {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logBypassDestroyField: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logBypassDestroyUnbreakable: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed {2.owner}''s unbreakable block {3.details}'
logBypassDestroyVehicle: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed a vehicle {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logBypassFieldInUnprotectable: '{1.player} bypass-placed a field [{2.field-type}] in an area with an unprotectable block {3.unprotectable-details}'
logBypassPlaceUnprotectableInField: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} inside a field {3.field-details}'
logBypassPlacedPainting: '{1.player} bypass-placed a painting inside {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logBypassPlacedUnbreakable: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unbreakable block inside {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logBypassTouchingUnprotectable: '{1.player} bypass-protected an unprotectable block {2.details} near unprotectable block {3.unprotectable-details}'
logCreateVehicle: '{1.player} attempted to create a vehicle {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logCuboidFieldPlaced: '{1.player} placed a {2.field-type} cuboid field {3.details}'
logDeletedNoPermission: Deleted {1.count} fields belonging to {2.player} for lack of permissions
logDestroyBreakableField: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s breakable {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logDestroyField: '{1.player} attempted to destroy {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logDestroyInField: '{1.player} attempted to destroy a block {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logDestroyOthers: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logDestroyUnbreakable: '{1.player} attempted to destroy {2.owner}''s unbreakable block {3.details}'
logDestroyVehicle: '{1.player} attempted to destroy a vehicle {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logDestroyedOthersField: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logDestroyedOwnField: '{1.player} destroyed his {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
logDestroyedOwnUnbreakable: '{1.player} destroyed his own unbreakable block {2.details}'
logEntry: '{1.player} attempted entry into {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
logFieldBypassUnprotectableTouching: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.field-details}'
logFieldPlaced: '{1.player} placed a {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
logPayment: '{1.renter} rented {2.period} time in {3.owner}''s {4.field} field for {5.amount} {6.item} {7.coords}'
logPaymentCollect: '{1.owner} collected {2.amount} {3.item} rent from {4.renter} {5.coords}'
logPlace: '{1.player} attempted to place a block {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logPlaceFieldConflit: '{1.player} attempted to place a field {2.coords} conflicting with {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logPlaceFieldUnprotectableInArea: '{1.player} attempted to place a field [{2.field-type}] but an unprotectable was found in the area {3.unprotectable-details}'
logPlaceTouchingFieldUnprotectable: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.details}'
logPlaceTouchingUnbreakableUnprotectable: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.details}'
logPlaceUnbreakableConflict: '{1.player} attempted to place an unbreakable block {2.coords} conflicting with {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logPlaceUnprotectableInField: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} inside a field {3.field-details}'
logPlaceUnprotectableTouchingField: '{1.player} attempted to place an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.field-details}'
logPlaceUnprotectableTouchingUnbreakable: '{1.player} attempted to place an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.unbreakable-details}'
logPurchase: '{1.buyer} purchased {2.owner}''s {3.field} field for {4.amount} {6.item} {7.coords}'
logPurchaseCollect: '{1.owner} collected {2.amount} {3.item} purchase from {4.buyer} {5.coords}'
logPvP: '{1.attacker} tried to attack {2.victim} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
logTranslocationStored: '{1.owner}''s translocation {2.field} stored {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
logTranslocationTranslocated: '{1.owner}''s translocation {2.player} translocated {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
logUnbreakableBypassUnprotectableTouching: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.unbreakable-details}'
logUnbreakablePlace: '{1.player} placed an unbreakable block {2.details}'
logUse: '{1.player} attempted to use a {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
markingFields: '{aqua}Marking {1.count} field blocks...'
markingNotWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot mark fields while defining a cuboid'
menu1: '{yellow} /ps on/off {aqua}- Disable/Enable the placing of pstones'
menu10: '{yellow} /ps locations {aqua}- View your field locations'
menu11: '{yellow} /ps toggle [flag]{aqua}- Enable/Disable a field''s flags'
menu12: '{yellow} /ps changeowner [name] {aqua}- Change owner of field'
menu13: '{yellow} /ps setname [name] {aqua}- Set the name of field'
menu14: '{yellow} /ps setradius [radius] {aqua}- Sets the field''s radius'
menu15: '{yellow} /ps setvelocity [.1-5] {aqua}- For launchers/cannons (0=auto)'
menu16: '{yellow} /ps setinterval [secs] {aqua}- For automatic grief-revert'
menu17: '{yellow} /ps snitch <clear> {aqua}- View/clear snitch you''re pointing at'
menu18: '{yellow} /ps visualize {aqua}- Visualize the field you are on'
menu19: '{yellow} /ps visualize [radius]{aqua}- Visualize fields for a radius'
menu2: '{yellow} /ps enable/disable {aqua}- Enable/disable a field'
menu20: '{yellow} /ps density [1-100]{aqua}- Change visualization density'
menu21: '{yellow} /ps mark{aqua}- Marks the location of fields'
menu22: '{yellow} /ps translocation list {aqua}- Lists stored translocations'
menu23: '{yellow} /ps translocation import {aqua}- Import all blocks in field'
menu24: '{yellow} /ps translocation import [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Import specific blocks'
menu25: '{yellow} /ps translocation delete {aqua}- Delete all blocks in field'
menu26: '{yellow} /ps translocation delete [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Delete specific blocks'
menu27: '{yellow} /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Remove specific blocks'
menu28: '{yellow} /ps translocation unlink {aqua}- Unlinks the blocks'
menu29: '{dark-red} /ps insert [flag]{aqua}- Inserts flags into fields'
menu3: '{yellow} /ps allow <-g|-guest> [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Allow to field'
menu30: '{dark-red} /ps reset{aqua}- Resets the flags of the field to defaults'
menu31: '{dark-red} /ps mark{aqua}- Marks the location of fields'
menu32: '{dark-red} /ps delete {aqua}- Delete the field you''re standing on'
menu33: '{dark-red} /ps delete [player] {aqua}- Delete all pstones from player'
menu34: '{yellow} /ps info {aqua}- Get info for the field youre standing on'
menu35: '{dark-red} /ps counts [identifier(s)] {aqua}- View field counts'
menu36: '{dark-red} /ps locations [identifier(s)] <typeid> {aqua}- View field locations'
menu37: '{dark-red} /ps list [chunks-in-radius]{aqua}- Lists all pstones in area'
menu38: '{dark-red} /ps setowner [player] {aqua}- Of the block you''re pointing at'
menu39: '{dark-red} /ps reload {aqua}- Reloads configuraton file'
menu4: '{yellow} /ps allowall <-g|-guest> [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Allow to all fields'
menu40: '{yellow} /ps fields {aqua}- List the configured field types'
menu41: '{dark-red} /ps clean <world>{aqua}- Cleans up all orphan fields in the world'
menu42: '{dark-red} /ps revert <world>{aqua}- Reverts all orphan fields in the world'
menu43: '{dark-red} /ps enableall [flag] {aqua}- Enables the flag on all fields'
menu44: '{dark-red} /ps disableall [flag] {aqua}- Disables the flag on all fields'
menu45: '{dark-red} /ps debug {aqua}- Prints timing info to console'
menu48: '{dark-red} /ps bypass <on/off>{aqua}- Toggle bypass mode'
menu49: '{yellow} /ps hide {aqua}- Hides field'
menu5: '{yellow} /ps remove [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Remove from field'
menu50: '{yellow} /ps unhide {aqua}- Unhides field'
menu51: '{yellow} /ps hide <all>{aqua}- Hides field(s)'
menu52: '{yellow} /ps unhide <all>{aqua}- Unhides field(s)'
menu53: '{yellow} /ps cuboid [open/close] {aqua}- Open close cuboid mode'
menu54: '{yellow} /ps setlimit [time] {aqua}- Set renting limit on a field'
menu55: '{dark-red} /ps delete [typeId] {aqua}- Delete of pstones of block a type'
menu56: '{dark-red} /ps delete [player] [typeId] {aqua}- Delete player''s fields'
menu57: '{yellow} /ps blacklistcommand [command] {aqua}- Blacklist command in field'
menu58: '{yellow} /ps blacklistcommand clear {aqua}- Clear the blacklist'
menu59: '{dark-red} /ps rent <clear/remove> {aqua}- Clear out renters or remove rent'
menu6: '{yellow} /ps removeall [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Remove from all fields'
menu60: '{yellow} /ps rent {aqua}- Rent the field you are pointing at'
menu61: '{yellow} /ps buy {aqua}- Buy the field you are pointing at'
menu62: '{dark-red} /ps clear [flag]{aqua}- Clears flags from field'
menu63: '{dark-red} /ps pull {aqua}- Pull all data from the database'
menu64: '{yellow} /ps expand [num] <direction> {aqua}- Expand the cuboid'
menu65: '{yellow} /ps expand [u] [d] [n] [s] [e] [w] {aqua}- Expand the cuboid'
menu66: '{yellow} /ps contract [num] <direction> {aqua}- Contract the cuboid'
menu67: '{yellow} /ps contract [u] [d] [n] [s] [e] [w] {aqua}- Contract the cuboid'
menu68: '{yellow} /ps take {aqua}- Breaks the field and puts it in your inventory'
menu69: '{dark-red} /ps migrate [from] [to] {aqua}- Migrate fields to new username'
menu7: '{yellow} /ps allowed {aqua}- List all allowed players on field'
menu70: '{dark-red} /ps give [player] [field t] <amount>'
menu71: '{dark-red} /ps place [owner] [field name] [x] [y] [z] [world] <r> <h>'
menu8: '{yellow} /ps who {aqua}- List all inhabitants inside the fields'
menu9: '{yellow} /ps counts {aqua}- View your field counts'
menuIdentifiers: '{gray} Identifiers: {dark-gray}player, g:group, c:clan, t:team, *'
migrateDone: '{yellow}All fields belonging to {1.old} have been migrated to {2.new}'
minInterval: '{red}The minimum interval is {1.count} seconds'
moreNextPage: '{dark-gray}Type /ps more to view next page.'
moreNothingMore: '{gold}Nothing more to see.'
mustBeAbove: This field can only be placed above y={1.level}
mustBeBelow: This field can only be placed below y={1.level}
mustBeInCuboidToExpand: '{red}Must be inside the cuboid to expand'
noBlacklistingFieldFound: '{red}Not standing on or pointing at a field that has the command-blacklisting flag'
noBlocksMatched: '{red}No blocks matched'
noChestNextToField: '{red}Cannot place chest next so someone else''s field'
noConfiscatingBelowField: '{red}Cannot place a confiscating field below a field block'
noConfiscatingBelowUnbreakable: '{red}Cannot place a confiscating field below an unbreakable'
noCuboidsFound: '{red}No cuboids found'
noFieldNearPlayer: '{red}Cannot place field near players'
noFieldsFound: '{red}No se ha encontrado ninguna protecci󮮧
noFieldsFoundWithFlag: '{aqua}No fields found with that flag enabled'
noFieldsInArea: '{red}No fields in the area'
noFlyEnter: '{yellow}Entering no fly zone'
noFlyLeave: '{yellow}Leaving no fly zone'
noGriefRecorded: '{aqua}No grief recorded on the field'
noIntruders: '{aqua}There have been no intruders around here'
noNameableFieldFound: '{red}No nameable fields found'
noOrphansFound: '{aqua}No orphans found'
noPermsForAllow: '{red}{1.player} does not have permissions to be allowed'
noPlaceInWG: '{red}Cannot place field in worldguard regions'
noPlayersAllowedOnField: '{red}No hay ning򮠪ugador a񡤩do en esta protecci󮮧
noPlayersFoundOnField: '{red}No players found in the field'
noPositive: '{red}No positive values allowed.'
noPstonesFound: '{aqua}No field or unbreakable blocks found'
noResize: '{red}This type of field cannot be resized by players'
noSharing: You cannot allow others into this field
noUnbreakableInsideTranslocation: '{red}Cannot place unbreakable blocks inside translocation fields'
notAllowedToCreateLWC: '{red}Only allowed players can create LWC protections inside this field'
notAllowedToDestroyLWC: '{red}Only alowed players can destroy LWC protecitons inside this field'
notInsideField: '{red}No estⳠdentro de una protecci󮮧
notPointingAtGriefRevert: '{red}You are not pointing at a grief-revert block'
notPointingAtPstone: '{aqua}No estⳠapuntando hacia una protecci󮮧
notPointingAtSnitch: '{red}You are not pointing at a snitch block'
notPointingAtTranslocation: '{red}You are not pointing at a translocation block'
notValidBlockId: '{red}{1.blockid} is not a valid block id, skipped.'
notValidCommand: '{dark-red}[Error] {red}Comando desconocido. Teclea {gray}/ayuda {red}para obtener ayuda.'
notValidFieldType: '{red}Not a valid field type'
nothingToBeDone: '{aqua}Nothing to be done'
nothingToImport: '{red}No blocks to import'
nothingToRemove: '{red}No blocks to remove'
notifyBreakableDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s breakable {2.field-type} destroyed'
notifyBreakablePlaced: '{aqua}Breakable {1.field-type} placed'
notifyBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}Block bypass-destroyed in {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
notifyBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Block bypass-placed inside {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
notifyCuboidClosed: '{aqua}{1.field-type} cuboid field closed'
notifyDeletedNoPermission: '{yellow}You have lost the{aqua} {1.perm} {yellow}permission, {2.count} of your fields have been deleted'
notifyDoAir: '{white}*air*'
notifyDoCannon: '{light-purple}*boom*'
notifyDoDamage: '{dark-red}*damage*'
notifyDoFall: '{dark-gray}*thump*'
notifyDoFeeding: '{white}*feeding*'
notifyDoHealed: '{white}*healed*'
notifyDoLaunch: '{light-purple}*launch*'
notifyDoLightning: '{red}*crash*'
notifyDoMine: '{red}*goodbye*'
notifyFieldBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field bypass-destroyed'
notifyFieldDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.field-type} destroyed'
notifyFieldPlaced: '{aqua}{1.field-type} placed'
notifyPvPBypass: '{aqua}PvP bypass'
notifyRepairing: '{white}*repairing*'
notifyRollbackGrief: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Rolled back {1.count} griefed blocks {2.coords}'
notifyTranslocatorDisabled: '{aqua}Translocator {1.name} disabled. (Safe to break)'
notifyTranslocatorEnabled: '{aqua}Translocator {1.name} enabled. (Recording)'
notifyUnbreakableBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s unbreakable block bypass-destroyed'
notifyUnbreakableBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Unbreakable block bypass-placed inside {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
notifyUnbreakableDestroyed: '{aqua}Unbreakable block destroyed'
notifyUnbreakablePlaced: '{aqua}Unbreakable block placed'
notifyVehicleBypassCreate: '{aqua}Vehicle bypass-created in {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
notifyVehicleBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}Vehicle bypass-destroyed in {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
onlyModWhileDisabled: '{red}This field can only be modified while disabled'
ownerCanOnlyChangeOwner: '{aqua}Only the owner of the field can change its owner'
ownerSetTo: '{aqua}Owner set to {1.player}'
pickaxeDisabled: '{aqua}Super duper pick axe disabled'
pickaxeEnabled: '{aqua}Super duper pick axe enabled'
placingAlreadyDisabled: '{red}Pstone placement is already disabled'
placingAlreadyEnabled: '{red}Pstone placement is already enabled'
placingDisabled: '{aqua}Disabled the placing of pstones'
placingEnabled: '{aqua}Enabled the placing of pstones'
playerHasNoFields: '{red}Player does not have any fields'
playerHasNoPstones: '{aqua}The player had no pstones'
playerInsideNotRemoved: '{red}Player could not be removed from a field because he was currently inside of it'
playerNotFound: '{red}{1.player} not found'
potionNeutralized: '{white}*{1.potion} neutralized*'
protectionRemoved: '{aqua}Protective field removed from the block'
protectionRemovedFrom: Protective field removed from {1.count} blocks
psDisabled: '{red}Solo puedes poner protecciones en el mundo de construcci󮮧
psLoaded: Version {1.version} loaded
radiusMustBeLessThan: '{red}Radius must be less than or equal to {1.radius}'
radiusOverFlow: '{red}Could not set the radious. It is larger than the available volume by {1.overflow} blocks.'
radiusSet: '{aqua}Radius set to {1.radius}'
redefineWhileDisabled: '{red}This field''s cuboid can only be redefined while disabled'
removalComplete: '{aqua}Removal complete'
removedBlocks: '{aqua}Removed {1.count} blocks'
removedConflictingFields: '{yellow}{1.count} sub-fields owned by {2.player} removed'
removedFromField: '{aqua}{1.player} was removed from the field'
removedFromFields: '{aqua}{1.player} was removed {2.count} fields'
rentQuestion: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Type {green}/ps rent {aqua}to rent'
rentsCleared: '{aqua}Renters cleared'
rentsClearedNone: '{aqua}There are no renters in this field'
rentsRemoved: '{aqua}Rent removed'
rentsRemovedNone: '{aqua}There are no rent/share/buy signs on this field'
returned: '{aqua}Returned: {white}{1.items}'
returnedTo: Returned {1.items} to {2.player}
revertedOrphanFields: '{aqua}Reverted {1.count} orphaned fields'
revertedOrphanUnbreakables: '{aqua}Reverted {1.count} orphaned unbreakable blocks'
sepConfiguredFields: '{white}Configured Fields {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepCounts: '{white}{1.field-type} Counts {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepFieldCounts: '{1.player}''s Field Counts {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepFieldInfo: '{white}Field Info {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepFieldInfoDisabled: '{white}Field Info {red}(disabled) {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepFieldLocations: '{1.player}''s {world} Field Locations {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepMenu: '{1.plugin-name} {2.plugin-version} {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
sepStoredTranslocations: '{white}Stored Translocations {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
showOwner: '{yellow}Owner: {aqua}{1.owner}'
showProtected: '{white}Protected'
showProtectedLocations: '{yellow}{1.field-type}: {aqua}{2.coords}'
snitchEmpty: '{red}Snitch list is empty'
surfaceWarning: '{red}You can only place this field on the following blocks: {1.blocks}'
taken: '{aqua}You have taken the {1.type} field at {2.location}.'
takenFieldOwnership: '{aqua}You have taken ownership of {1.old-owner}''s field'
teleportAnnounce: '{aqua}*teleported*'
teleportAnnounceBack: '{aqua}*You will be teleported back in {1.seconds} seconds*'
teleportAnnounceBreak: '{aqua}*teleported for breaking blocks inside the area*'
teleportAnnounceDamage: '{aqua}*teleported for getting hurt inside the area*'
teleportAnnounceDeath: '{aqua}*teleported before death*'
teleportAnnounceEnter: '{aqua}*teleported for entering the area*'
teleportAnnounceExit: '{aqua}*teleported for leaving the area*'
teleportAnnounceFeeding: '{aqua}*teleported for feeding inside the area*'
teleportAnnounceFire: '{aqua}*teleported for lighting fires inside the area*'
teleportAnnounceHasItems: '{aqua}*teleported for having forbidden items*'
teleportAnnounceHoldingItems: '{aqua}*teleported for holding forbidden item*'
teleportAnnounceNotHasItems: '{aqua}*teleported for not having required items*'
teleportAnnounceNotHoldingItems: '{aqua}*teleported for not holding required items*'
teleportAnnounceNotWalking: '{aqua}*teleported for walking outside required blocks*'
teleportAnnouncePlace: '{aqua}*teleported for placing blocks inside the area*'
teleportAnnouncePvp: '{aqua}*teleported for pvp inside the area*'
teleportAnnounceWalking: '{aqua}*teleported for walking on forbidden blocks*'
teleportMaxDistance: Your teleport setup exeeds the max distance allowed of {1.distance} blocks, teleport canceled
tookOwnership: '{aqua}{1.player} has taken ownership of your field'
translocationCannotReshape: '{red}Cannot reshape a translocation cuboid once its in use'
translocationCreated: '{aqua}Translocation {1.field} created. Recoding changes...'
translocationDeleted: '{aqua}{1.translocation} has been deleted'
translocationDeletedBlocks: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.blockid} from {3.field}'
translocationEnabledFirst: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to remove blocks'
translocationEnabledToImport: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to import blocks'
translocationEnabledToUnlink: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to unlink'
translocationExists: '{red}A translocation block already exists with that name'
translocationHasBlocks: '{aqua}Translocation {1.field} has {2.count} stored blocks'
translocationImportingBlocks: '{aqua}Importing {1.count} blocks into the translocation...'
translocationMenu1: '* All commands (except for list) require you to be pointing at a field block or standing in the field'
translocationMenu2: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation list'
translocationMenu3: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation import {gray}* imports everything'
translocationMenu4: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation delete {gray}* deletes everything'
translocationMenu5: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation import [id] [id] ...'
translocationMenu6: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ...'
translocationMenu7: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation delete [id] [id] ...'
translocationNamedFirst: '{red}You must name your translocation field first'
translocationNoFields: '{red}Cannot place field blocks inside translocation fields'
translocationNotFound: '{red}No translocations found'
translocationNothingToUnlink: '{red}No blocks to unlink'
translocationReachedSize: '{red}You have reached the server-wide max translocation size.'
translocationRemovingBlocks: '{aqua}Removing {1.count} blocks from the translocation...'
translocationRenamed: '{aqua}Renamed field to {1.name}'
translocationSkippedDueToLimit: '{red}{1.count} blocks skipped due to the max translocation limit'
translocationTakingPlace: '{red}A translocation is currently taking place'
translocationUnlinked: '{yellow}Translocation {1.field} unlinked from {2.count} blocks'
translocatorNameToBegin: '{yellow}To begin storage, you must first choose a name for your translocation with /ps setname'
usageToggle: '{dark-gray}Usage: ''/ps toggle [flag]'' to enable/disable flags'
usageTranslocationRemove: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ...'
usernameChanged: '{green}Hemos migrado tus datos. Ahora eres due񯠤e las parcelas que ten con tu anterior nick.'
velocityMustBe: '{red}Velocity must be from 0 to 5'
velocitySetTo: '{aqua}Velocity set to {1.velocity}'
visualizationChanged: '{aqua}Visualization density changed to {1.density}'
visualizationNotWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot visualize while defining a cuboid'
visualizationSet: '{aqua}Your visualization density is set to {1.density}'
visualizationTakingPlace: '{red}A visualization is already taking place'
visualizing: '{aqua}Visualizing...'
warnBypassPlacedUnprotectableInField: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed near {2.block-type} field'
warnBypassPlacedUnprotectableInUnbreakable: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed near {2.block-type} unbreakable'
warnCannotProtect: '{aqua}Cannot protect {1.block-type}'
warnCannotProtectInside: '{aqua}Cannot protect {1.block-type} inside this {2.field-type} field'
warnConflictFieldPlace: '{aqua}Cannot place field here. Conflicting with {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
warnConflictFieldPlace2: '{aqua}Cannot place field here'
warnConflictUnbreakablePlace: '{aqua}Cannot place unbreakable block here. Conflicting with {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
warnConflictUnbreakablePlace2: '{aqua}Cannot place unbreakable block here'
warnCreateVehicle: '{red}No puedes poner un vehlo en una protecci󮠡jena.'
warnDestroy: '{red}No puedes romper en una protecci󮠡jena.'
warnDestroyVehicle: '{red}No puedes romper un vehlo en una protecci󮠡jena.'
warnEmpty: '{red}No puedes construir en una protecci󮠡jena.'
warnEnterProtectedArea: '{aqua}Cannot enter protected area'
warnFieldBypassPlacedUnprotectable: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field bypass-placed in an area with an {2.block-type} unprotectable block'
warnFieldPlaceUnprotectableTouching: '{aqua}Cannot place unprotectable {1.block-type} block here'
warnFire: '{1.player} attempted to light fire in {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
warnOwnerRemove: '{aqua}Only the owner can remove this block'
warnPlace: '{aqua}Cannot place here'
warnPlaceFieldInUnprotectable: '{aqua}Cannot place {1.field-type} field. A {2.block-type} found in the area'
warnPlaceFires: '{aqua}Cannot place fires here'
warnProtectionIgnored: '{aqua}PvP Protection Ignored due to combat'
warnPvP: '{aqua}PvP disabled in this area'
warnUnbreakablePlaceUnprotectableTouching: '{aqua}Cannot place unprotectable {1.block-type} block here'
warnUnprotectableBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed in {2.field-type} field'
warnUnprotectableBypassProtected: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-protected'
warnUse: '{aqua}Cannot use this'
worldNotFound: World not found