
Three Goals For Social Marketing

Social media marketing is useless unless you know what you want to accomplish by participating in the various networking websites. I once heard a saying that I’ve pretty much kept in the front of my mind no matter what I’m doing.

If you don’t aim for something then you’ll end up hitting nothing.

This is very true in social media marketing. You must aim at something.

If you go about your merry way and just begin to participate in several different networking sites then you’ll ultimately fail at it. The key to success with social media marketing is to have some goals in mind while you’re interacting and communicating.


One of my biggest goals in social marketing is to connect. Not just to connect with people (although I will just about friend, follow, or be a fan of anyone that I find interesting), but to connect with people who will stretch you and make you better.

Some people call this looking for A-type people. I call it common sense. I am always looking out for those who are doing new things, being creative in their own way, saying something new, or are going out and making their success. Those are the people I want to connect with. I do not, will not, and will never recommend to connect with people just because everyone else is. Most of the time I’m disappointed and sever the connection.

You want to make it your goal to connect with people you want to connect to that you feel comfortable with. Not just because some mucky muck expert said so. (There is my little rant for the day.)

Seriously. Connect with those who will help you become better (for example, this guys https://essaylab.com/college_papers_for_sale), more creative, and will appreciate your efforts too.

Develop Rabid Fans

Some people have got this one figured out cold. People like Mari Smith, Deb Micek, Lynn Terry, and Warren Whitlock have been able to use the power of social media as a platform from which to reach thousands everyday with their message. Through this they have been able to develop rabid fans. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Your goal should be the same. You want to be able to reach people, everyday, with your message. Above that though, you want to get through to them. The one way to do that is they are incredibly loyal to you and your brand. Or, in other words… rabid fans.

I would call myself fans of those I mentioned as well as several others that I follow. When they say something I usually tend to listen, check it out, and recommend or not. But, they’ve been able to do it because I can see that their focus is set on that goal and not just socializing.

When you’re networking on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plurk, StumbleUpon, or other social hangouts, you want to make it a goal to do it in such a way that people begin to look up to you and respect your information.

Create points of entry for your websites

You can connect and have people fall madly in love with you, but if you stop there you are going to be sorely disappointed in the outcome. The whole point of marketing within the context of social media is to get people to like you, trust you, believe in you, and spend money with you. That’s the ultimate goal for every single person who uses social media in the internet marketing world. To do that you must create entry points for your websites.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve worked with in the last few months who don’t do this. Basically because they don’t make it a goal of theirs. Somewhere along the line they were told that if you just participate that will be good enough. But, in that participation you should be thinking of ways to usher people to your site, or pages within your site.

Social Media Is Goal Oriented

Creating a marketing plan without a goal is pretty much like shooting a shotgun up in the air. The pellets come down eventually, but you never know where. But, if you know where you’re going, know what you need to accomplish to get there, and process each step along the way… you’ll hit the bullseye every time.

Social media is goal oriented. It has to be. There is just too much about it that can get you distracted and be a huge waste of time. Set up some goals. These three are some of the ones I use. Use them or think up your own. Maybe you already have goals you want to accomplish. What are they?