
Target: http://www.parlimen.gov.my
Motivation: Public Execution, Death Penalty
Hackers: WHT

irc.cyberguerrilla.org Port 6697
Channel: #AnonNexus

web application technology: PHP 5.4.45, Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0

available databases [11]:
[*] information_schema
[*] ldirectordb
[*] mysql
[*] parlimen_backups
[*] parlimen_cspoc
[*] parlimen_dev
[*] parlimen_portal
[*] parlimen_webv2
[*] parlimen_webv3
[*] performance_schema
[*] test

database management system users [9]:
[*] parlimen_webv4
[*] dbportal
[*] mysql.sys
[*] parlimen
[*] portaldbv4
[*] portalmig
[*] portaltest
[*] portaluserdb
[*] root


Database: parlimen_backups
[119 tables]
| None                                         |
| gp_ads_banners                               |
| gp_ams_aduan                                 |
| gp_ams_aduan_dept                            |
| gp_ams_aduan_reply                           |
| gp_ams_email_templates                       |
| gp_ams_old_aduan                             |
| gp_cms_box                                   |
| gp_cms_box_content                           |
| gp_cms_box_installed                         |
| gp_cms_box_position                          |
| gp_cms_content                               |
| gp_cms_content_docs                          |
| gp_cms_content_hist                          |
| gp_cms_content_mst                           |
| gp_cms_content_perms                         |
| gp_cms_counter                               |
| gp_cms_counter_online                        |
| gp_cms_faq                                   |
| gp_cms_faq_category                          |
| gp_cms_innerpage                             |
| gp_cms_innerpage_menu                        |
| gp_cms_photo_albums                          |
| gp_cms_photo_comments                        |
| gp_cms_photo_images                          |
| gp_cms_photo_options                         |
| gp_cms_video                                 |
| gp_cms_webmenu                               |
| gp_cms_webmenu_details                       |
| gp_docs_acts                                 |
| gp_docs_akta                                 |
| gp_docs_billidx                              |
| gp_docs_bills                                |
| gp_docs_erisalat                             |
| gp_docs_hansard                              |
| gp_docs_hidx                                 |
| gp_docs_op                                   |
| gp_docs_opidx                                |
| gp_docs_opidx_1                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_2                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_4                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_5                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_6                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_7                              |
| gp_docs_rulidx                               |
| gp_docs_ruling                               |
| gp_document_category                         |
| gp_document_details                          |
| gp_document_language                         |
| gp_document_main                             |
| gp_drm_staff                                 |
| gp_drm_staff_directory                       |
| gp_int_ahli                                  |
| gp_int_bills                                 |
| gp_int_doc_hist                              |
| gp_int_documents                             |
| gp_int_erisalat                              |
| gp_int_staff                                 |
| gp_itr_chat                                  |
| gp_itr_content                               |
| gp_itr_content_docs                          |
| gp_itr_gallery                               |
| gp_itr_gallery_details                       |
| gp_itr_menu                                  |
| gp_itr_news                                  |
| gp_itr_news_docs                             |
| gp_itr_ro                                    |
| gp_itr_ro_article                            |
| gp_lms_booking                               |
| gp_lms_pusatsumber                           |
| gp_par_ahli                                  |
| gp_par_calendar                              |
| gp_par_calendar_mst                          |
| gp_par_config_parlimen                       |
| gp_par_config_seats                          |
| gp_par_states_parlimen                       |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_comments                     |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_data                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_desc                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_options                      |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_questions                    |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_votes                        |
| gp_plm_poll_check                            |
| gp_rodoc_category                            |
| gp_rodoc_details                             |
| gp_rodoc_field_extra                         |
| gp_rodoc_language                            |
| gp_rodoc_main                                |
| gp_rodoc_permission                          |
| gp_rodoc_seksyen                             |
| gp_rodoc_tags                                |
| gp_sys_actions                               |
| gp_sys_datagrid                              |
| gp_sys_datagrid_fields                       |
| gp_sys_datagrid_filters                      |
| gp_sys_groups                                |
| gp_sys_languages                             |
| gp_sys_logging                               |
| gp_sys_lookup_mst                            |
| gp_sys_lookup_var                            |
| gp_sys_menu                                  |
| gp_sys_modules                               |
| gp_sys_refcode                               |
| gp_sys_refcodemst                            |
| gp_sys_roles                                 |
| gp_sys_roles_module_permission               |
| gp_sys_roles_permission                      |
| gp_sys_roles_permission_details              |
| gp_sys_session                               |
| gp_sys_sites                                 |
| gp_sys_sites_web                             |
| gp_sys_workflow                              |
| gp_sys_workitem                              |
| gp_usr_login_logs                            |
| gp_usr_tracking                              |
| gp_usr_users                                 |
| gp_usr_users_info                            |
| gp_usr_users_role                            |
| gp_webref_rss_details                        |

Database: parlimen_dev
[87 tables]
| None                                         |
| gp_ads_banners                               |
| gp_ams_aduan                                 |
| gp_ams_aduan_dept                            |
| gp_cms_box                                   |
| gp_cms_box_content                           |
| gp_cms_box_installed                         |
| gp_cms_box_position                          |
| gp_cms_content                               |
| gp_cms_content_docs                          |
| gp_cms_content_hist                          |
| gp_cms_content_mst                           |
| gp_cms_counter                               |
| gp_cms_counter_online                        |
| gp_cms_faq                                   |
| gp_cms_faq_category                          |
| gp_cms_innerpage                             |
| gp_cms_innerpage_menu                        |
| gp_cms_photo_albums                          |
| gp_cms_photo_comments                        |
| gp_cms_photo_images                          |
| gp_cms_photo_options                         |
| gp_cms_video                                 |
| gp_cms_webmenu                               |
| gp_cms_webmenu_details                       |
| gp_docs_acts                                 |
| gp_docs_akta                                 |
| gp_docs_billidx                              |
| gp_docs_bills                                |
| gp_docs_erisalat                             |
| gp_docs_hansard                              |
| gp_docs_hidx                                 |
| gp_docs_op                                   |
| gp_docs_opidx                                |
| gp_drm_staff                                 |
| gp_drm_staff_directory                       |
| gp_int_doc_hist                              |
| gp_int_documents                             |
| gp_int_erisalat                              |
| gp_itr_chat                                  |
| gp_itr_content                               |
| gp_itr_content_docs                          |
| gp_itr_gallery                               |
| gp_itr_gallery_details                       |
| gp_itr_menu                                  |
| gp_itr_news                                  |
| gp_itr_news_docs                             |
| gp_itr_ro                                    |
| gp_itr_ro_article                            |
| gp_lms_booking                               |
| gp_par_ahli                                  |
| gp_par_calendar                              |
| gp_par_calendar_mst                          |
| gp_par_config_parlimen                       |
| gp_par_config_seats                          |
| gp_par_states_parlimen                       |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_data                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_desc                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_options                      |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_questions                    |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_votes                        |
| gp_plm_poll_check                            |
| gp_sys_datagrid                              |
| gp_sys_datagrid_fields                       |
| gp_sys_datagrid_filters                      |
| gp_sys_groups                                |
| gp_sys_languages                             |
| gp_sys_logging                               |
| gp_sys_lookup_mst                            |
| gp_sys_lookup_var                            |
| gp_sys_menu                                  |
| gp_sys_modules                               |
| gp_sys_refcode                               |
| gp_sys_refcodemst                            |
| gp_sys_roles                                 |
| gp_sys_roles_permission                      |
| gp_sys_roles_permission_details              |
| gp_sys_session                               |
| gp_sys_sites                                 |
| gp_sys_sites_web                             |
| gp_sys_workflow                              |
| gp_sys_workitem                              |
| gp_usr_login_logs                            |
| gp_usr_tracking                              |
| gp_usr_users                                 |
| gp_usr_users_info                            |
| gp_usr_users_role                            |

Database: parlimen_webv2
[117 tables]
| None                                         |
| gp_ads_banners                               |
| gp_ams_aduan                                 |
| gp_ams_aduan_dept                            |
| gp_ams_aduan_reply                           |
| gp_ams_email_templates                       |
| gp_ams_old_aduan                             |
| gp_cms_box                                   |
| gp_cms_box_installed                         |
| gp_cms_box_position                          |
| gp_cms_content                               |
| gp_cms_content_docs                          |
| gp_cms_content_hist                          |
| gp_cms_counter                               |
| gp_cms_counter_online                        |
| gp_cms_faq                                   |
| gp_cms_faq_category                          |
| gp_cms_innerpage                             |
| gp_cms_innerpage_menu                        |
| gp_cms_photo_albums                          |
| gp_cms_photo_comments                        |
| gp_cms_photo_images                          |
| gp_cms_photo_options                         |
| gp_cms_video                                 |
| gp_cms_webmenu                               |
| gp_cms_webmenu_details                       |
| gp_docs_acts                                 |
| gp_docs_akta                                 |
| gp_docs_billidx                              |
| gp_docs_bills                                |
| gp_docs_erisalat                             |
| gp_docs_hansard                              |
| gp_docs_hidx                                 |
| gp_docs_op                                   |
| gp_docs_opidx                                |
| gp_docs_opidx_1                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_2                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_3                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_4                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_5                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_6                              |
| gp_docs_opidx_7                              |
| gp_docs_rulidx                               |
| gp_docs_ruling                               |
| gp_document_category                         |
| gp_document_details                          |
| gp_document_language                         |
| gp_document_main                             |
| gp_drm_staff                                 |
| gp_drm_staff_directory                       |
| gp_int_ahli                                  |
| gp_int_bills                                 |
| gp_int_doc_hist                              |
| gp_int_documents                             |
| gp_int_erisalat                              |
| gp_int_staff                                 |
| gp_itr_chat                                  |
| gp_itr_content                               |
| gp_itr_content_docs                          |
| gp_itr_gallery                               |
| gp_itr_gallery_details                       |
| gp_itr_menu                                  |
| gp_itr_news                                  |
| gp_itr_news_docs                             |
| gp_itr_ro                                    |
| gp_itr_ro_article                            |
| gp_lms_booking                               |
| gp_lms_pusatsumber                           |
| gp_par_ahli                                  |
| gp_par_calendar                              |
| gp_par_calendar_mst                          |
| gp_par_config_parlimen                       |
| gp_par_config_seats                          |
| gp_par_states_parlimen                       |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_comments                     |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_data                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_desc                         |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_options                      |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_questions                    |
| gp_plm_mod_poll_votes                        |
| gp_plm_poll_check                            |
| gp_rodoc_category                            |
| gp_rodoc_details                             |
| gp_rodoc_field_extra                         |
| gp_rodoc_language                            |
| gp_rodoc_main                                |
| gp_rodoc_permission                          |
| gp_rodoc_seksyen                             |
| gp_rodoc_tags                                |
| gp_sys_actions                               |
| gp_sys_datagrid                              |
| gp_sys_datagrid_fields                       |
| gp_sys_datagrid_filters                      |
| gp_sys_groups                                |
| gp_sys_languages                             |
| gp_sys_logging                               |
| gp_sys_lookup_mst                            |
| gp_sys_lookup_var                            |
| gp_sys_menu                                  |
| gp_sys_modules                               |
| gp_sys_refcode                               |
| gp_sys_refcodemst                            |
| gp_sys_roles                                 |
| gp_sys_roles_module_permission               |
| gp_sys_roles_permission                      |
| gp_sys_roles_permission_details              |
| gp_sys_session                               |
| gp_sys_sites                                 |
| gp_sys_sites_web                             |
| gp_sys_workflow                              |
| gp_sys_workitem                              |
| gp_usr_login_logs                            |
| gp_usr_tracking                              |
| gp_usr_users                                 |
| gp_usr_users_info                            |
| gp_usr_users_role                            |
| gp_webref_rss_details                        |

Database: performance_schema
[17 tables]
| cond_instances                               |
| events_waits_current                         |
| events_waits_history                         |
| events_waits_history_long                    |
| events_waits_summary_by_instance             |
| events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name |
| events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name    |
| file_instances                               |
| file_summary_by_event_name                   |
| file_summary_by_instance                     |
| mutex_instances                              |
| performance_timers                           |
| rwlock_instances                             |
| setup_consumers                              |
| setup_instruments                            |
| setup_timers                                 |
| threads                                      |

Database: parlimen_cspoc
[14 tables]
| wp_aipamedia                                 |
| wp_aipamembers                               |
| wp_aipaorg                                   |
| wp_commentmeta                               |
| wp_comments                                  |
| wp_links                                     |
| wp_options                                   |
| wp_postmeta                                  |
| wp_posts                                     |
| wp_term_relationships                        |
| wp_term_taxonomy                             |
| wp_terms                                     |
| wp_usermeta                                  |
| wp_users                                     |

Database: ldirectordb
[1 table]
| connectioncheck                              |

Database: mysql
[24 tables]
| user                                         |
| columns_priv                                 |
| db                                           |
| event                                        |
| func                                         |
| general_log                                  |
| help_category                                |
| help_keyword                                 |
| help_relation                                |
| help_topic                                   |
| host                                         |
| ndb_binlog_index                             |
| plugin                                       |
| proc                                         |
| procs_priv                                   |
| proxies_priv                                 |
| servers                                      |
| slow_log                                     |
| tables_priv                                  |
| time_zone                                    |
| time_zone_leap_second                        |
| time_zone_name                               |
| time_zone_transition                         |
| time_zone_transition_type                    |

Current database
[6 tables]
| None                                         |
| COLUMN_PRIVILEGES                            |
| gp_cms_content_perms                         |
| gp_cms_photo_options                         |
| gp_docs_akta                                 |
| tb_accessurl                                 |

Database: parlimen_portal
[55 tables]
| None                                         |
| tb_actors                                    |
| tb_acts                                      |
| tb_acts_mst                                  |
| tb_ahli                                      |
| tb_akta                                      |
| tb_allowed_ip                                |
| tb_bills                                     |
| tb_box                                       |
| tb_box_installed                             |
| tb_calendar                                  |
| tb_calendar_mst                              |
| tb_capaian                                   |
| tb_clients                                   |
| tb_config                                    |
| tb_config_themes                             |
| tb_configs_mst                               |
| tb_configs_var                               |
| tb_content                                   |
| tb_content_menu                              |
| tb_content_mst                               |
| tb_facility                                  |
| tb_hansard                                   |
| tb_innerpage                                 |
| tb_innerpage_menu                            |
| tb_logcarian                                 |
| tb_login                                     |
| tb_menusys                                   |
| tb_mod_visitcounter                          |
| tb_mod_visitcounter2                         |
| tb_mod_visitcounter3                         |
| tb_mod_visitcounter_backup_20120823          |
| tb_mod_visitcounter_bak_08112012             |
| tb_news                                      |
| tb_online                                    |
| tb_op                                        |
| tb_parlimen                                  |
| tb_pdfindex                                  |
| tb_promotion                                 |
| tb_role_permission                           |
| tb_site_permission                           |
| tb_staff                                     |
| tb_staff_lama                                |
| tb_states_parlimen                           |
| tb_status                                    |
| tb_status_config                             |
| tb_statut                                    |
| tb_template                                  |
| tb_tokens                                    |
| tb_tracking                                  |
| tb_transactions                              |
| tb_user_notes                                |
| tb_user_permission                           |
| tb_webref_rss_details                        |
| tb_webref_rss_items                          |

Database: parlimen_webv3
[32 tables]
| gp_ads_banners                               |
| gp_ams_aduan                                 |
| gp_ams_aduan_dept                            |
| gp_cms_box                                   |
| gp_cms_box_content                           |
| gp_cms_box_installed                         |
| gp_cms_box_position                          |
| gp_cms_content_docs                          |
| gp_cms_content_hist                          |
| gp_cms_content_mst                           |
| gp_cms_counter                               |
| gp_cms_counter_online                        |
| gp_cms_faq                                   |
| gp_cms_faq_category                          |
| gp_cms_innerpage                             |
| gp_cms_innerpage_menu                        |
| gp_cms_photo_albums                          |
| gp_cms_photo_comments                        |
| gp_cms_photo_images                          |
| gp_cms_video                                 |
| gp_cms_webmenu                               |
| gp_cms_webmenu_details                       |
| gp_docs_acts                                 |
| gp_docs_billidx                              |
| gp_docs_bills                                |
| gp_docs_erisalat                             |
| gp_docs_hansard                              |
| gp_docs_hidx                                 |
| gp_docs_op                                   |
| gp_docs_rulidx                               |
| gp_docs_ruling                               |
| gp_webref_rss_details                        |

Database: information_schema
[35 tables]
| None                                         |
| CHARACTER_SETS                               |
| COLLATIONS                                   |
| COLUMNS                                      |
| ENGINES                                      |
| EVENTS                                       |
| FILES                                        |
| GLOBAL_STATUS                                |
| GLOBAL_VARIABLES                             |
| INNODB_CMP                                   |
| INNODB_CMPMEM                                |
| INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET                          |
| INNODB_CMP_RESET                             |
| INNODB_LOCKS                                 |
| INNODB_LOCK_WAITS                            |
| INNODB_TRX                                   |
| PARAMETERS                                   |
| PARTITIONS                                   |
| PLUGINS                                      |
| PROCESSLIST                                  |
| PROFILING                                    |
| REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS                      |
| ROUTINES                                     |
| SCHEMATA                                     |
| SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES                            |
| SESSION_STATUS                               |
| SESSION_VARIABLES                            |
| STATISTICS                                   |
| TABLES                                       |
| TABLESPACES                                  |
| TABLE_CONSTRAINTS                            |
| TABLE_PRIVILEGES                             |
| USER_PRIVILEGES                              |
| VIEWS                                        |

Database: parlimen_portal

Table: tb_login
[18 entries]
| username      | userid | firstname    | cid | email                        | lastname           | password                                        |
| AdmiN         | 34     | NULL         | 1   | NULL                         | NULL               | 42340ce774f1ceddace212c60e4aa2e5 (220906)       |
| root          | 9      | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | 8b2d62c575de3ccf83cf911196828a3b                |
| monarita      | 50     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | 6a399961feaa406f913839a39dcfc116 (monarita)     |
| perkhidmatan  | 49     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | 53d82de84f42ee0958f28822390285ab                |
| testuser2     | 47     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | ee265889ed9fd9e2a482e40b5da84ab1                |
| testuser      | 46     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | ee265889ed9fd9e2a482e40b5da84ab1                |
| rosna         | 45     | rosna        | 2   | rosna@parlimen.gov.my        | bujairomi@bijirani | d69dd0191ab14103f01317b83aada2f5 (hansard)      |
| administrator | 31     | azizi        | 2   | azizi.gmail.com              | ibrahim            | 42340ce774f1ceddace212c60e4aa2e5 (220906)       |
| zulfa         | 43     | zulfa        | 2   | zulfa_amirah@parlimen.gov.my | Amirah             | 9813fe1db65d9e8b074af1c1e5241bad                |
| ahlipar       | 42     | <blank>      | 2   | NULL                         | <blank>            | 9aad23042369d881a64f7917c3222d0b                |
| khaizur       | 41     | mohd khaizur | 2   | khaizur84@hotmail.com        | khairuddin         | 3dcdfa903a5e63c270a6ba804e55b4a2                |
| azizi         | 40     | <blank>      | 2   | <blank>                      | <blank>            | 034559aa5996026a68d79128251887ee (manusia)      |
| antarabangsa  | 39     | antarabangsa | 2   | info@parlimen.gov.my         | protokol           | ab6796f628989008e392f4abcd967477                |
| perundangan   | 38     | sujairi      | 2   | muhdsujairi@parlimen.gov.my  | abdullah           | 5c984e79cfa34b9e1e639277c9c1f9f8                |
|               | 37     | azhari       | 2   | azhari@parlimen.gov.my       | hamzah             | 52d24d4cf3772d8c4891842fda8f39df (innova)       |
| azri2me       | 36     | azri         | 2   | mmm@yahoo.com                | `                  | 52d24d4cf3772d8c4891842fda8f39df (innova)       |
| ahliadmin     | 35     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | 53d82de84f42ee0958f28822390285ab                |
| perundangan1  | 51     | NULL         | 2   | NULL                         | NULL               | f07480ffc433bf15cb6d0969e4f58e4f (perundangan1) |


Database: parlimen_cspoc
Table: wp_users
[108 entries]
| id  | user_pass                                       | user_login | user_email                            | display_name                                                      |
| 1   | $P$BN95KFMS7eQKQmeDWf7UsmWQ1Yaawt.              | admin      | rafidah@parlimen.gov.my               | admin                                                             |
| 3   | $P$Bv/GYCbiEyez53MHDu7pvnPoqwyjqS0              | indon      | indon@mynet.my                        | indon indon                                                       |
| 4   | $P$BRzr0BaZE/lby.gJcFqixA/1pgdd1P/              | malaysia   | fieda@yahoo.com                       | malaysia                                                          |
| 5   | $P$BnPVk6ZzREcRbMxP35h2aUzNBOyYJo.              | haullah    | haullah@parlimen.gov.my               | haullah                                                           |
| 6   | $P$BGeR5ZHRJC01GVZdCPuh1vZzOEZZJR1              | durgashni  | durgashni@parlimen.gov.my             | Durgashni Casimir                                                 |
| 7   | $P$BbrgttTgQ6FJemG4Y9eSfAOXJXUi7/.              | 23CSPOCAG  | parliament@candw.ag                   | President of the Senate ANTIGUA & BARBUDA                         |
| 8   | $P$BjY7FzPzROBpxnb2CviiyTJsSQzr80/              | 23CSPOCAU  | clerk.sen@aph.gov.au                  | President of the Senate Australia                                 |
| 9   | $P$BdFO1EikLwehK/SUNY6mEV4e1sLoqi/              | 23CSPOCAUS | icro@aph.gov.au                       | Speaker of the House of Representatives Australia                 |
| 10  | $P$BAaL8.8T5iOvvfArflwZ253qxvOhpR1              | 23CSPOCBS  | houseofassembly@bahamas.gov.bs        | President of the Senate The Bahamas                               |
| 11  | $P$BniHS8RSg47kb2pvt3JNqwiYp8jnTD0              | 23CSPOCBZ  | nationalassembly@belize.gov.bz        | President of the Senate Belize                                    |
| 12  | $P$B8z4cKN4ZcQyldwPl218Peh.0P3F4U.              | 23CSPOCCM  | cyriaquedyni@yahoo.fr                 | President of the Senate Cameroon                                  |
| 13  | $P$BiGBD6W48klXr7xXi5VZ6l33NCb/5g.              | 23CSPOCCMR | cpacameroon@assemblenationale.cm      | Speaker of the National Assembly Cameroon                         |
| 14  | $P$BiVRRvslbAGnou92el9ughHUj.w4q71              | 23CSPOCCA  | leo.housakos@sen.parl.gc.ca           | Speaker of the Senate Canada                                      |
| 15  | $P$Bq9E8tFCpp.G/ZO0HIyekgEcXF7vPo/              | 23CSPOCCAN | andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca              | Speaker of the House of Commons Canada                            |
| 16  | $P$B1jFi4SFBp9kviYsg/oNXdVB59GOEi/              | 23CSPOCCYP | international-relations@parliament.cy | President of the House of Representatives Cyprus                  |
| 17  | $P$BsOr7.YHl2U5q35aNL7o.EYo4VJbrt1              | 23CSPOCDMA | houseofassembly@dominica.gov.dm       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Dominica                         |
| 18  | $P$BNZAKFPHS.ji58iv.c1EEr0GA80v8n.              | 23CSPOCGHA | clerk@parliament.gh                   | Speaker of Parliament Ghana                                       |
| 19  | $P$B9cAUdaPrS02682SN3X8QLn9/krEFn0              | 23CSPOCGUY | parliament@sdnt.org.gy                | Speaker of the National Assembly Guyana                           |
| 20  | $P$BqFfIjSz07Y0ZFPlGmwBss0gR8D/zR1              | 23CSPOCIN  | cpaindia@sansad.nic.in                | Chairman of Rajya Sabha India                                     |
| 21  | $P$BDEZajDYuYfv3We0JdmX0dGpGklG7d1              | 23CSPOCJAM | heather.cooke@japarliament.gov.jm     | Speaker of the House of Representatives Jamaica                   |
| 22  | $P$BUd89.wZw/pcPozKXe.wO2cj0Q1Q.Z/              | 23CSPOCKE  | csenate@parliament.go.ke              | Speaker of the Senate Kenya                                       |
| 23  | $P$B7ZUW8LGAXc5k/LLFQ9wiLfkX7KQDw0              | 23CSPOCKIR | mnm@tski.net.ki                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Kiribati                         |
| 24  | $P$B87JIno9lN0D/ddcou6jFxwjgj0Q7o0              | 23CSPOCLS  | caxton@na.gov.ls                      | President of the Senate Lesotho                                   |
| 25  | $P$BpSyc55A6hhVaYYa3ILeejLQ3Otz/W.              | 23CSPOCLSO | ledithm@yahoo.co.uk                   | Speaker of the National Assembly Lesotho                          |
| 26  | $P$BpXWKYPIWWh5aay5b06T1yPQg5w4I00              | 23CSPOCMWI | parliament@malawi.net                 | Speaker of the National Assembly Malawi                           |
| 27  | $P$B4LQjfz1HQqJuu5nt86mYpHXthu1/S/              | 23CSPOCMYS | cpamalay@parlimen.gov.my              | Speaker of the House of Representatives Malaysia                  |
| 28  | $P$BTYzs/nTdA36/4zMsnBmHKumbY7J7O1              | 23CSPOCMY  | info@parlimen.gov.my                  | President of the Senate Malaysia                                  |
| 29  | $P$BVs09rfkmHJ2ZDTMrh4VIGs7tCjU6g/              | 23CSPOCMDV | foreign@majlis.gov.mv                 | Speaker                                                           |
| 30  | $P$BOcCLLe5Ql5rYtzFqeKQ6leh/Llmbt.              | 23CSPOCMLT | emma.zammit@parliament.mt             | Speaker of the House of Representatives Malta                     |
| 31  | $P$BFPzgOvp1tlmRqupaAh8fEjZLGDzab.              | 23CSPOCNAM | parliament@parliament.gov.na          | Speaker of the National Assembly Namibia                          |
| 32  | $P$BpVxXSUH.Io4OI4482xhb0dU6gm3130              | 23CSPOCNRU | parliament.info@naurugov.nr           | Speaker of the Parliament Nauru                                   |
| 33  | $P$BRoSGN5mXR9Miztj2vbQLWDzRFpS04.              | 23CSPOCNZL | cpa@parliament.govt.nz                | Speaker of the House of Representatives New Zealand               |
| 34  | $P$Bp7P5s1uJ/15o76hWkGT7i5YY9wE2G1              |            | salim@nigol.net.ng                    | President of the Senate Nigeria                                   |
| 35  | $P$B8kdBohW3helUJJxVOo40UIg/TCSH1/              | 23CSPOCPAK | speaker@na.gov.pk                     | Speaker of the National Assembly Pakistan                         |
| 36  | $P$BNBtWZPQybmB9MQys5a6jJ5V8NgXth.              | 23CSPOCRWA | dmukabalisa@yahoo.fr                  | Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Rwanda                         |
| 37  | $P$BGysZ5KKeD34hJel08RBHdDlZ5vGH10              | 23CSPOCRW  | presse@rwanda1.com                    | President of the Senate Rwanda                                    |
| 38  | $P$Bir9/dY7nqaqGspJYAZ.rGdsRsUTfV0              | 23CSPOCLC  | parliamentslu@yahoo.co.uk             | President of the Senate Saint Lucia                               |
| 39  | $P$B4uZhHdCswRPv6ZYDPUHOzsVfo/rVB/              | 23CSPOCLCA | parliament@gosl.gov.lc                | Speaker of the House of Assembly Saint Lucia                      |
| 40  | $P$BFRvmqH4djR53fiIlDVjOcPpNLF7W0/              | 23CSPOCSMR | fono@samoa.ws                         | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Samoa                         |
| 41  | $P$BOeh6Dfa47x04Sx57WG9iCQ5Dw2TP.1              | 23CSPOCSYC | parlsg@seychelles.net                 | Speaker of the National Assembly The Seychelles                   |
| 42  | $P$Bd1hd/W0ssk8./wdQoFFmFWgYyinWU1              | 23CSPOCSGP | parl@parl.gov.sg                      | Speaker of the Parliament Singapore                               |
| 43  | $P$BQ0xITfJW/XuAZJOIDtMXsPop8SpnL1              | 23CSPOCSLB | freda.rifasia@parliament.gov.sb       | Speaker of the National Parliament Solomon Islands                |
| 44  | $P$BnWrx.I1RYdNAd/m/nGoqT/HoA5o7E.              | 23CSPOCZAF | zdingani@parliament.gov.za            | Speaker of the National Assembly South Africa                     |
| 45  | $P$BOeCUOjFpRFuiqt4CEiAe/xSvyQ4CY.              | 23CSPOCLKA | cpa@parliament.lk                     | Speaker of the Parliament Sri Lanka                               |
| 46  | $P$BO2I4FqCnPNs6S1zs/3b9eouHUfPQl/              | 23CSPOCSWZ | parlhous@realnet.co.sz                | Speaker of the House of Assembly Swaziland                        |
| 47  | $P$BlhO5TdqF3ott439EGEpIWDqsAXhux.              | 23CSPOCTZA | tanzparl@parliament.go.tz             | Speaker of the National Assembly Tanzania                         |
| 48  | $P$B7vzbyjLpuIUtYCsKskegmUfPeZ4OR0              | 23CSPOCTON | sione-tekiteki@parliament.gov.to      | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Tonga                         |
| 49  | $P$BPwxoDOTh5303DyvqlFDpTMe7Hp/zu/              | 23CSPOCTT  | clerkhor@ttparliament.org             | President of the Senate Trinidad & Tobago                         |
| 50  | $P$B.H4dhHTVDtrOx56yScleOZsUb87dR0              | 23CSPOCTTO | jsampson@ttparliament.org             | Speaker of the House of Representatives Trinidad & Tobago         |
| 51  | $P$BXK/Zlkl.6yvNQ..XNNZRiZaO31/wC/              | 23CSPOCTUV | parliament@gov.tv                     | Speaker of the Parliament Tuvalu                                  |
| 52  | $P$BkPllzIOWY6DNqCeTiP2YAOm.SrDzU/              | 23CSPOCUGA | speaker@parliament.go.ug              | Speaker of the Parliament Uganda                                  |
| 53  | $P$BFZCs6Ns6PX5f5HXKCxpE7.HUqUZXx0              | 23CSPOCGB  | lordspeaker@parliament.uk             | Lord Speaker of the House of Lords United Kingdom                 |
| 54  | $P$BKdg7iVw5ctQmXJzSAEO96116ZogjI.              | 23CSPOCGBR | poysercj@parliament.uk                | Speaker of the House of Commons United Kingdom                    |
| 55  | $P$B.AZsfcR2SmCj1MQYDhYc1WYRBfZV3/              | 23CSPOCZMB | info@parliament.gov.zm                | Speaker of the National Assembly Zambia                           |
| 56  | $P$BvWk72VoINI4XRahARbjZjOxJW0UT9/              | 23CSPOCATG | test1@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Representatives Antigua & Barbuda         |
| 57  | $P$B9iyI33GLhY2wyQb9yQtcDWge77HA30              | 23CSPOCBHS | test2@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly The Bahamas                      |
| 58  | $P$BPKhPJ2wFQgcpJEadtccW7ITSmC26n.              | 23CSPOCBGD | secretary.js@gmail.com                | Secretary of the Parliament Bangladesh                            |
| 59  | $P$BRN7Fyl/QXLj/ClJ/uWHlVFUQ/nWch.              | 23CSPOCBB  | parliamentbarbados@caribsurf.com      | President of the Senate Barbados                                  |
| 60  | $P$BHLWRj.jXfeMEQgDaQMllddQhq5XJa1              | 23CSPOCBRB | test3@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Barbados                         |
| 61  | $P$BImhdhQHGKLpqHxWfUL0m7PzTH2VD80              | 23CSPOCBLZ | clerkna@bna.gov.bz                    | Speaker of the House of Representatives Belize                    |
| 62  | $P$BiM5.pABiauS2Cf/x8q63mncFiu07R/              | 23CSPOCBWA | bndithapo@gov.bw                      | Speaker of the National Assembly Botswana                         |
| 63  | $P$B2PWJVj7JTOfuRJlwannsX/Y8VHmdj/              | 23CSPOCFJI | test4@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Representatives Fiji                      |
| 64  | $P$BHOmIsOz4oLxOEIQwiJymIZMEvtwVk.              | 23CSPOCGRE | test5@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Representatives Grenada                   |
| 65  | $P$Bs0sZEc/EfqrkzpHkEP6OD4SxzdFMy/              | 23CSPOCGR  | test6@yahoo.com                       | President of the Senate Grenada                                   |
| 66  | $P$B3XgN6DtqW1166o9FjJJVzqUx8WY/r0              | 23CSPOCIND | secygen.rs@sansad.nic.in              | Speaker of the Lok Sabha India                                    |
| 67  | $P$BaNmefnKjOZsNX5gG//anQCCCcb8p9/              | 23CSPOCJM  | Vivienne.nelson@japarliament.gov.jm   | President of the Senate Jamaica                                   |
| 68  | $P$B8uXrO5V9ygMHePacvgrGZFwzINvyD/              | 23CSPOCKEN | clerk@parliament.go.ke                | Speaker of the National Assembly Kenya                            |
| 69  | $P$BXbAM5IeJ5j/aMkv4QT2W8Xdxfuvbi.              | 23CSPOCMUS | themace@intnet.mu                     | Speaker of the National Assembly Mauritius                        |
| 70  | $P$BsFRbBF.tRbTIPGGbTaAj0bfeUHPql/              | 23CSPOCMOZ | cdi@sortmoz.com                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Mozambique                       |
| 71  | $P$BtetKOflnGPSNv1/uNe9f4XEMUYqv5/              | 23CSPOCNGA | benturi11@yahoo.com                   | Speaker of the House of Representatives Nigeria                   |
| 72  | $P$BNAVF4orsiFd2nsX3qbBj5OOs/w.Pf0              | 23CSPOCPK  | karamatniazi@yahoo.com                | Chairman of the Senate Pakistan                                   |
| 73  | $P$BKiD2bXHnWO5vOWd1u1IsbjsNPFgRa/              | 23CSPOCPNG | info@parliament.gov.pg                | Speaker of the National Parliament Papua New Guinea               |
| 74  | $P$Btyx1TwY1DGJbKk650fpK2Onq2sObU0              | 23CSPOCSLE | sierraleoneparliament@hotmail.com     | Speaker of Parliament Sierra Leone                                |
| 75  | $P$BrPXZQNg2a3PHMAi8AO91TPi6krTlo1              | 23CSPOCSKN | test7@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the National Assembly St-Kitts                         |
| 76  | $P$BViwx25TKI83HB5tvHRGgy4acM.nXU1              | 23CSPOCSVN | clerk.hoa@gov.vc                      | Speaker of the House of Assembly St-Vincent                       |
| 77  | $P$BzL7g3csLwpkRQ00SPTb0G0.bESBcr. (23CSPOCSZ)  | 23CSPOCSZ  | cusana@gmail.com                      | President of the Senate Swaziland                                 |
| 78  | $P$B83l/Te04.pq5lPMlXd.dsptH8mmRv1 (23CSPOCVUT) | 23CSPOCVUT | smailesi@vanuatu.gov.vu               | Speaker of the Parliament Vanuatu                                 |
| 79  | $P$BO6SkXs/9w3s7TVOkjh.pvST6izr4.1              | najib      | najib@mynet.my                        | najib wahid                                                       |
| 80  | $P$BGWYa86WM7npBqjWKxFyJunEO0TAwC/              | 23CSPOCAL  | alderneycourt@cwgsy.net               | President of the States Alderney                                  |
| 81  | $P$BQ3.7OZ/JVhV/0gem.qORgbXgQYkLf/              | 23CSPOCALD | test8@yahoo.com                       | Greffier of the States of Alderney Alderney                       |
| 82  | $P$Bn7WvDUschb3DAUoojGm5vmNo.poBw0              | 23CSPOCAI  | test9@yahoo.com                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Anguilla                         |
| 83  | $P$BKUTPPg0d/.MgmF63TfEhBQzyVzfc60              | 23CSPOCAIA | test10@yahoo.com                      | Clerk to the House of Assembly Anguilla                           |
| 84  | $P$BBAROdRMvHHjZE2v16j7O2DpXl4EsX0              | 23CSPOCBM  | test11@yahoo.com                      | President of the Senate Bermuda                                   |
| 85  | $P$B9VDerYAmXBE3urhsCUjYdnUd7nAll/              | 23CSPOCBMU | rhorton@parliament.bm                 | Speaker of the House of Assembly Bermuda                          |
| 86  | $P$BmmcqAJwYjYRn/qsLcAlkfNuMckylx0              | 23CSPOCBR  | test12@yahoo.com                      | Speaker of the Legislative Council British Virgin Islands         |
| 87  | $P$BCX28dHC70YR.DK78ST99HGvNdQ7iP0              | 23CSPOCBRI | JHodge@gov.vg                         | Clerk of the Legislative Council British Virgin Islands           |
| 88  | $P$BXV9gReqK3byHXxSRKTbR1BFPqItC7/              | 23CSPOCCY  | cicpa@gov.ky                          | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Cayman Islands                |
| 89  | $P$BFT9gUWDiYlN6pldtKy.Q.uJwOSeYu1              | 23CSPOCCYM | zena.merren-chin@gov.ky               | Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Cayman Islands                  |
| 90  | $P$B3JghwoOX/womXmS4VY4IpOTOJUlfR.              | 23CSPOCCO  | nikiratt@oyster.net.ck                | Speaker of Parliament Cook Islands                                |
| 91  | $P$BnRWfn8P/Pd/9KZiqcXbe/LvwB/h160              | 23CSPOCCOO | clerk@parliament.gov.ck               | Clerk of Parliament Cook Islands                                  |
| 92  | $P$BK9A76CgJj9PLZ5w4wpxaIljNktMjT/              | 23CSPOCFK  | test13@yahoo.com                      | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Falkland Islands              |
| 93  | $P$Bnp7ASjeER0tJ0IXNSa6zevjBTogEx0              | 23CSPOCFLK | cprior@sec.gov.fk                     | Clerk of Councils and the Legislative Assembly Falkland Islands   |
| 94  | $P$Bl9TaIdjNmi6RwAXQGHjZHNTyMRpXT1              | 23CSPOCGG  | bailiff@gov.gg                        | Bailiff of Guernsey and President of the States Guernsey          |
| 95  | $P$BXGlF0RM7LVD3T9QmuhOAMgi1/zjoG.              | 23CSPOCGGY | Hm.greffier@gov.gg                    | HM Greffier of Guernsey Guernsey                                  |
| 96  | $P$BsHxF7De0Br.lEu1/7NMrWUpkagnyp.              | 23CSPOCIM  | clare.christian@gov.im                | President of Tynwald and President of the Legislative Isle Of Man |
| 97  | $P$B60OH.rfBVhQT4LBAP9kPi.3ZQCJcr1              | 23CSPOCIMN | steve.rodan@gov.im                    | Speaker of the House of Keys Isle Of Man                          |
| 98  | $P$Bw/xnMY/B5s/m10jZptiuQL4tYGJDh1              | 23CSPOCGBA | parliament@gibtelecom.net             | Speaker of the Gibraltar Parliament Gibraltar                     |
| 99  | $P$Bo6CdP5eTPqXef6kRMQ.wrFxbl7bZN/              | 23CSPOCGBL | paul.martinez@parliament.gi           | Clerk of the Gibraltar Parliament Gibraltar                       |
| 100 | $P$BxjjFV0b8.NPKgoOCNeV.jvlK0Cw9q/              | 23CSPOCJE  | test14@yahoo.com                      | Bailiff of Jersey and President of the States Assembly Jersey     |
| 101 | $P$Bjj9GrQdsY/QA0sGeGZFc8r.48VkXs1 (23CSPOCJEY) | 23CSPOCJEY | m.delahaye@gov.je                     | Greffier of the States of Jersey Jersey                           |
| 102 | $P$BrQbu5hiyJwaYuy35KXzjKmsFEZQVn0              | 23CSPOCMS  | legis@gov.ms                          | Speaker of the Legislative Council Montserrat                     |
| 103 | $P$BvgWh4fH6jiFGkFMpGGPc9Lvujsvr2/              | 23CSPOCMSR | test15@yahoo.com                      | Clerk of Councils Montserrat                                      |
| 104 | $P$BsPYF08azJPgw6bJFUkx1ItPocby15.              | 23CSPOCSP  | legislative@mail.gov.nu               | President of the Legislative Assembly Niue                        |
| 105 | $P$BRkH3js3o60VQ.Nbu1oA4aSPYVYcGH.              | 23CSPOCSPA | test16@yahoo.com                      | Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Niue                            |
| 106 | $P$Bf/hThwV7szoFTrWKJqHfn1cLm.P2Y.              | 23CSPOCSH  | cofcouncils@sainthelena.gov.sh        | Speaker of the Legislative Council St Helena South Atlantic       |
| 107 | $P$BEz2mevPRy/l/pb8SbuzAJVEFHiq4S0              | 23CSPOCSTH | test17@yahoo.com                      | Clerk of Councils St Helena South Atlantic                        |
| 108 | $P$BISzz3KyD70o6bwbP7XjC3f5TFucIl1              | 23CSPOCTC  | TIParker@gov.tc                       | Speaker of the House of Assembly Turks And Caicos                 |
| 109 | $P$BqqQS0gtruB0zb/fOwsd.OZ6wHtrtB0              | 23CSPOCTCA | test18@yahoo.com                      | Clerk of the House of Assembly Turks And Caicos                   |


Database: parlimen_dev
Table: gp_usr_users
[26 entries]
| user_id | user_email                   | user_password                    |
| 103     | najib@mynet.my               | 4518628d89dfa10ce39e3f360537df8c |
| 207     | azhari@parlimen.gov.my       | 9748ee370a35554b5d3786a73919c34d |
| 208     | muhdsujairi@parlimen.gov.my  | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 209     | info@parlimen.gov.my         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 211     | khaizur84@hotmail.com        | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 213     | zulfa_amirah@parlimen.gov.my | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 214     | siti@parlimen.gov.my         | 869af94ca6562746990875419d015d43 |
| 215     |                              | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 216     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 217     | NULL                         | 28163f275415c8d39b8449e67af818dd |
| 218     | NULL                         | b3bae0dbd033d3258237749dd32f6619 |
| 219     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 220     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 221     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 222     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 223     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 224     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 225     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 226     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 227     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
|         | NULL                         | 5852ad70cd0c86521785fdd5282641ce |
| 231     | NULL                         | 5ea12e9da683bc03d1777105b50801c2 |
| 232     | NULL                         | da754582e0408718f284061efa055c32 |
| 234     | <blank>                      | 22aac22a542375825510474150cea79e |
| 235     | linda@parlimen.gov.my        | 35ed91559182e0029c278a3318d5fc77 |
| 236     | najib@mynet.my               | 86ad5b4f6121a5d0abf2819058bf8549 |