
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 12:12:36 +0300

Subject: Re: TO -------, -------'S ARTICLE

To: outlook@aub.edu.lb
Fine. But Mohamad dosen't get kicked out AND we dont publish any articles
on the issue aside from --------'s///

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:46 AM, AUB Outlook <outlook@aub.edu.lb> wrote:

> -------- and everyone else,
> I'm very sorry but if you just take a look at all of the hate that Outlook
> AND Mohamad are receiving for his article, the worst thing we could
> possibly do is not let -------- say what she wants to say.  If she writes
> something, regardless of what it's about, and we tone it down, it will
> show.  We'll publish --------'s article in the same way we published Mohamad's
> article: without a shred of editing.  If she offends, she offends.  If she
> claims, she claims.  If you don't agree I'm sorry.  If the rest of the
> board doesn't agree, I'm sorry.  But I'm also sorry that we pulled just
> about the most hypocritical move in the world on Monday and now, we're
> getting what we deserved for it.  If you don't agree with her article, then
> I want an article apologizing to the people offended but tied in with the
> fact that it's an individual opinion.
> I'm not just speaking out for what I believe in or for what Outlook is not
> allowed to believe in.  I'm speaking out for the life of this newspaper and
> Mohamad's reputation as well.  People are blatantly insulting him and
> Outlook is being called a disgusting publication.
> We have to make amends and that's that.
> - ---------
> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 6:51 PM, ------------------------------- wrote:
>> --------, please ask --------- to keep it...euhh....I can't find the word but
>> you know what I mean...