
They Stand in Line  (To Our Veterans on Memorial Day)
(followed by truespel phonetic conversion)


They stepped forward to stand in line, young men and women in their prime, soldiers who suffered and died for us all so our nation could stand tall.  If we thrive in times past then, we owe a debt to honor them, and praise the peace that was their gift.  To them and God our eyes uplift.


For they stand in line at heaven’s gate, their heads held high, and backs held straight, the ones God called before their time, in dress uniform, they stand in line.  Each one a fine example of health like their photographs on a loved one’s shelf, and we their spirit carry on as stewards of the seeds they’ve sown.


We come in sunshine and in rain, to show they didn’t die in vain, to honor, as a part of ourselves, those names and pictures on our shelves.  We lift them up who’ve fallen down and dedicate this holy ground, knowing some day we who remain will rejoin our heroes once again.


From “Occasional Poems”   by Tom Zurinskas 11/11/2004




Thae Stand in Lien (Tue Our Veterinz aan Memmoreeyool Dae)


Thae stepd forwerd tue stand in lien, yung men and wimin in thair priem, soeljerz hue suferd and died for us aul soe our naeshin kood stand taul. If wee thhriev in tiemz past then, wee oew u det tue aaner them, and praez thu pees that wuz thair gift. Tue them and Gaad our iez uplift.


For thae stand in lien at hevinz gaet, thair hedz held hie, and baks held straet, thu wunz Gaad kauld beeffor thair tiem,  in dres yueniform, thae stand in lien. Eech wun u fien egzzampool uv helthh liek thair foetugrafs aan u luvd wunz shelf, and wee thair speerit kairee aan az stuewerdz uv thu seedz thaev soen.


Wee kum in sunshien and in raen, tue shoe thae didint die in vaen,  tue aaner, az u paart uv oursselvz, thoez naemz and picherz aan our shelvz. Wee lift them up huev faulin doun and dedikaet this hoelee ground, noeweeng sum dae wee hue rimmaen wil rijjoin our heeroez wunts uggen.