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Freelancer Started

Welcome to Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!

Type /help for more information

Server administrators are: Cannon, Del, Dieter, Doc Holliday, Garrett_Jax, Gheis, Hoodlum, Igiss, JihadJoe, KingVaillant, Laowai, Majkp, and Zelot

The Angels are here to answer your questions and direct players to official factions that may interest them.

Connection to tradelane sensor network established. Type /net access network.

2012-04-04 20:51:38 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: You have exactly 10 seconds to drop and destroy those furs onboard.. Or I'll be requesting RFP to arrest you

2012-04-04 20:51:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Vas ist going hier?

2012-04-04 20:52:01 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Ok, one second only, of course

2012-04-04 20:52:11 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Herr Lange.. Gut to see you.. Forgive your commanding officer if he';s off duty

Death: Arbiter0 was killed by AvHorizon (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:52:40 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Please make sure those furs are properly destroyed from Buffalo buills holdings

2012-04-04 20:52:41 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: What's the problem, Repex?

2012-04-04 20:52:50 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: I was not aware, that this was contraband, dear officer.

2012-04-04 20:52:55 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Lange.. This is Kommisar Artura..

2012-04-04 20:53:02 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Ja?

2012-04-04 20:53:02 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Think about it..

Death: -XxX- was killed by Abismo (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:53:19 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Und yes.. I do work two jobs..

2012-04-04 20:53:21 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: About what? What is going hier?

2012-04-04 20:53:30 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: THose furs..

Death: [LNS]-NightWatch was killed by RNC-Wuerselen (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 20:53:34 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Yes?

2012-04-04 20:53:40 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Please destroy and remove them from mein sight

2012-04-04 20:53:52 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Danke..

2012-04-04 20:53:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Done. But why?

2012-04-04 20:54:02 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Furs are not contraband in Rheinland as far as the law is concerned, mein herr.

2012-04-04 20:54:12 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Because.. I have you seen my face lately in person?

2012-04-04 20:54:15 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Yes... good question- those were very fine furs.

Death: Schlachthof.Funf was killed by LNS-Colossus (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:54:25 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: I find such to be appauling for anyone carrying such

Traffic control alert: RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin has requested to dock

2012-04-04 20:54:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Vell. Order ist order...

Death: LNS-Incarnate was killed by [51st]Flaggschiff (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:54:55 SMT

RNC-Walkure: It's interesting to see a repex pilot ordering cargo from another ship.

Death: Amatreth was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 20:55:10 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Yeah, even if sometimes we can call it stupid orders.

2012-04-04 20:55:19 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: I beg your pardon?

2012-04-04 20:55:26 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Such orders not given by a member of the Rheinwehr or the Polizei is considered piracy, mein herr.

Death: OSI-Laster committed suicide

Traffic control alert: Hydra(SRS) has requested to dock

2012-04-04 20:55:35 SMT

RNC-Walkure: You'd do well to remember that.

2012-04-04 20:55:36 SMT

RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin: Daniel: Is it now?

Traffic control alert: RepEx-Himmel.von.Berlin has requested to dock

Death: LNS-Furious.Absolution was killed by [51st]Flaggschiff (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:55:51 SMT

RNC-Walkure: It is.

2012-04-04 20:55:56 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Meh

2012-04-04 20:56:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: // but why?

2012-04-04 20:56:10 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: So it takes me to get back into uniform to demand such?

2012-04-04 20:56:14 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Yes, it does.

Death: LN-Flameball was killed by RNC-Wuerselen (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 20:56:29 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Considering the facts that it was a Rheinland Based company demanding it?

2012-04-04 20:56:30 SMT

RNC-Walkure: A title is only a title when you're working as such.

Death: 41st|Reflexica was killed by Abismo (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:56:43 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Which has authoritization to demand such?

2012-04-04 20:56:49 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Hmm, Strange readings on scanner.

Traffic control alert: Gorganus.Tau has requested to dock

2012-04-04 20:56:53 SMT

RNC-Walkure: It is beyond the mandate of a Rheinland corporation to order non-contraband goods to be dropped.

2012-04-04 20:56:57 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Kind of Artifacts...

2012-04-04 20:56:57 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: And if I recall it was given by the Bundspolizei?

Traffic control alert: Hydra(SRS) has requested to dock

2012-04-04 20:57:13 SMT

RNC-Walkure: You were not acting as an officer of the law, mein herr.

2012-04-04 20:57:14 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: I will state this Walkure control..

2012-04-04 20:57:17 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Hereby i request docking rights fro Krupp Munitions. Is there any way to grant such permission?

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

2012-04-04 20:57:25 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Nein..

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

2012-04-04 20:57:39 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: May i ask why?

2012-04-04 20:57:47 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Consideirng the factor that furs are atrocious to me.. I will do as such

2012-04-04 20:57:50 SMT

RNC-Walkure: There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to.

2012-04-04 20:57:51 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Simple

2012-04-04 20:57:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Herr Komissar, look. Strange Artifacts onboard zis cessel.

2012-04-04 20:57:58 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: I dont have the ability to grant it

2012-04-04 20:58:06 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Oh, ok sir.

2012-04-04 20:58:09 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Yes I know..

Death: 41st|LNS-Alaska was killed by Abismo (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:58:17 SMT

RNC-Walkure: It is disturbing that an officer of the Rhein is abusing his position to impose his own morality.

2012-04-04 20:58:21 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Those are not illegal to our records..

Death: LNS|Braveheart.Escort was killed by RNC-Wuerselen (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 20:58:28 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Morality..

2012-04-04 20:58:30 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Verstanden.

2012-04-04 20:58:39 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Sir are you a pilot of the Rheinwher or a Priest?

2012-04-04 20:58:45 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: // what you are doing?

2012-04-04 20:58:46 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Apparently you are, mein herr.

2012-04-04 20:58:52 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Demanding non contraband goods due to moral outrage.

2012-04-04 20:58:53 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Nein.. I'm doing my job

Death: 41st|LNS-Sharatan was killed by [51st]Flaggschiff (Gun)

2012-04-04 20:59:20 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: But Herr Komissar... As far as ich know, Furs aren't illegal...

2012-04-04 20:59:21 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Well forgive me if my morality forbids you from understanding ~MY~ probblems onto such

2012-04-04 20:59:21 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Ok, then hereby i ask politely to dock on Planet New Berlin, if that is possible to grant for you, dear Wachtmeister

2012-04-04 20:59:35 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Deteckive Lange..

2012-04-04 20:59:36 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Furs are not illegal, mein herr. Your actions as a repex pilot were tantamount to piracy.

2012-04-04 20:59:43 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Ja?

2012-04-04 20:59:51 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: This is Rutger Hauer Requesting I be granted permission to Dock

2012-04-04 20:59:55 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: One moment

2012-04-04 21:00:05 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Ja Vull

Death: Berenburg was killed by LNS-Colossus (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:00:23 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Jawohl, mein Herr...It's jawohl...

2012-04-04 21:00:28 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: I will finish this with a few questions..

Traffic control alert: Hydra(SRS) has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:00:49 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Forgive my pronunciation, i was eating

Death: -LSF-Prometheus was killed by RNC-BLOEMKOOL (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:00:55 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Interesting.. I see my lost furs are worth enough, to discuss that issue again. Danke, die Damen und Herren.

Death: Momoko_Akatsutsumi was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:01:04 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Bill.. Is that vessel under any circumstances property of any Rheinland base Company or organization?

Death: LNS-Nikon was killed by [RM]Ge.Klaus.Steiner (Collision)

2012-04-04 21:01:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: So, Herr Komissar, why Ich vas ordered to zistroy zis Furs?

2012-04-04 21:01:34 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: One at a time Deteckive

Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.

Death: Aiwa was killed by RNC-Henrich (Collision)

2012-04-04 21:02:04 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Keep in mind, the Vizeadmiral of the Buro Der Marineinteligence is now listening to this conversation.

Death: Theophil was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:02:14 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Ja..

Death: LNS-Son.Of.Osiris was killed by Abismo (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:02:24 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Explain your actions, mein herr.

Death: Kassadin was killed by ,Amethyst.Reaver (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:02:53 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: My actions were conducted due to one, this vessel is not under ownership of any Rheinland based group or Company

Death: Damy was killed by RNC-Wuerselen (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 21:03:07 SMT

RNC-Walkure: That is irrelevant.

Traffic control alert: Hydra(SRS) has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:03:08 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Which allows me the ability to check any harmful or questionable contents onboard

2012-04-04 21:03:25 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Such harmful or questionable contents are delineated by Rheinwehr law.

Death: Jorge.Mendez committed suicide

2012-04-04 21:03:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: *coughs* Kapitannen of Walkure, can you order your crew to NOT aim your guns on my ship...?

2012-04-04 21:03:28 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: If it had been a Rheinland based company, I would have done nothing and forwarded a compaint

Death: BastiBast22 was killed by [51st]Flaggschiff (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:03:57 SMT

RNC-Walkure: My guns are neither powered nor aimed at any particular direction.

2012-04-04 21:03:59 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: If the pilot whishes to be reinbursed for the loss of his cargo then I would do so

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:04:20 SMT

Buffalo.Bill: Nah, not necessary, but Danke

2012-04-04 21:04:22 SMT

RNC-Walkure: That will not be necessary unless Buffalo.Bill would like to be reimbursed.

Traffic control alert: Buffalo.Bill has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: Buffalo.Bill has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:04:36 SMT

RNC-Walkure: However, please avoid incidents of this nature in the future.

2012-04-04 21:04:41 SMT

Schlachthof.Funf: Pilgrim: Greetings mein herrs.

2012-04-04 21:04:49 SMT

[RM]Adm.Joachim,Landers: Guten tag

2012-04-04 21:05:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Ahh, Admiral.

2012-04-04 21:05:03 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Guten Abend.

Death: Armanda.Soledad|Delta.4 was killed by LNS-Colossus (Gun)

Death: Corsair-Anso.Benitez killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 21:05:04 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Guten Abend

2012-04-04 21:05:05 SMT

RNC-Walkure: An internal audit of allegations of position abuse tend to be... unpleasant.

2012-04-04 21:05:14 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: It was not an abuse of mein power

Traffic control alert: BDM|RNC-Niedersachsen has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:05:39 SMT

RNC-Walkure: You were piloting a Repex vessel, and demanded non-contraband goods from a lawful vessel.

Death: LNS-Colossus was killed by [RM]Ge.Klaus.Steiner (Gun)

Traffic control alert: [RM]Adm.Joachim,Landers has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:05:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Komissar Artura, why I was ordered to destroy AFAIk legal cargo?

2012-04-04 21:05:55 SMT

RNC-Walkure: And you did so under your claim to your position in the RFP.

Traffic control alert: [RM]Adm.Joachim,Landers has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:06:00 SMT

Sushy: Guten Tag

2012-04-04 21:06:23 SMT

Sushy: Sorry for the interruption but someone can help me?

2012-04-04 21:06:25 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Komissar?

Traffic control alert: BDM|RNC-Niedersachsen has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:06:36 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Lange.. I will discuss such to you in private

2012-04-04 21:06:36 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: This is Rutger Hauer requesting I be granted access to Krupp station to drop off vital supplies

2012-04-04 21:06:41 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Verstanden

Traffic control alert: RFP|Kassel has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: [ALG]-TGX-Manis.Frangat has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:07:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: // Paul?

2012-04-04 21:07:07 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: //Simple

RFP|Kassel: //?

2012-04-04 21:07:10 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: //Go to our page

2012-04-04 21:07:15 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: //Look at my character picture

2012-04-04 21:07:20 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: //You'll get your answer

2012-04-04 21:07:25 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Bananahej, please refrain from opening fire on New Berlin.

Death: Lost_Soul was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:07:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: // Daniel misused his power...

Death: [NG]-Assault1 was killed by Kurt`Wulff (Gun)

Death: BOR[GER] committed suicide

2012-04-04 21:07:59 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Kommissar.

2012-04-04 21:08:02 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: Tycus: Wow, how long has the construction been going on, if you don't mind me asking?

2012-04-04 21:08:03 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Yes?

2012-04-04 21:08:09 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Is zat right, what ze admiral said?

2012-04-04 21:08:11 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: Tycus: And g'day all

2012-04-04 21:08:21 SMT

Sushy: he just readjust his weapons because there was some problem with them

2012-04-04 21:08:45 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Is there someone here who has the authority to grant me access to Krupp?

2012-04-04 21:08:54 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: If you find me to go over mein position for an item I find to be vomitrocius for any person or company-

2012-04-04 21:08:54 SMT

RNC-Walkure: One moment, hauler.

2012-04-04 21:08:57 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Scanning.

2012-04-04 21:08:58 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Then yes I did...

2012-04-04 21:09:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: // you're not fox. you're human. Repeat: I'm human, I'm human...

2012-04-04 21:09:08 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Hauer, you are cleared to dock.

2012-04-04 21:09:14 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: Tycus: Oh nice, it even has a shield

2012-04-04 21:09:15 SMT

[RM-REP]Coronel: Hauer, you are clear to load off the cargo

2012-04-04 21:09:18 SMT

RFP|Kassel: To be clear: Did you used your position, while working for Republic shipping?

2012-04-04 21:09:19 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Negative I am not

2012-04-04 21:09:40 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: I am restricted....

Traffic control alert: [RM-REP]Coronel has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:09:46 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Hmm...

2012-04-04 21:09:47 SMT

Sushy: someone know about the new external equipment spaces of the battleships?

2012-04-04 21:09:51 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Perhaps an issue with transponders.

2012-04-04 21:10:10 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Kommissar, stop!

2012-04-04 21:10:14 SMT

[RM-REP]Coronel: Try now

2012-04-04 21:10:15 SMT

RNC-Walkure: Kommissar, remain here.

Traffic control alert: RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:10:28 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Denied

2012-04-04 21:10:37 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: *coughs* Frau Oberst, that you are commanding Kassel, ja?

2012-04-04 21:10:39 SMT

Anna.Smith: // You need base admin to give you permission

Traffic control alert: RNC-Walkure has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: [RM-REP]Coronel has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:10:58 SMT

Sushy: so nobody know the answer

2012-04-04 21:10:58 SMT

Rutger.:.Hauer: Is there a base admin around?

2012-04-04 21:11:05 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Kassel?

2012-04-04 21:11:11 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Of course, Detective.

2012-04-04 21:11:15 SMT

Anna.Smith: // Who here is the admin of the base?

2012-04-04 21:11:20 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: So, Frau Oberst.

2012-04-04 21:11:24 SMT

Sushy: it was nice to meet you Auf Wiedersehen

2012-04-04 21:11:28 SMT

[RM-REP]Coronel: Now?

2012-04-04 21:11:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: What to do with such behaviour of Komissar?

Death: AvHorizon was killed by [WAR]-Paul.Van.Dyk (Gun)

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:12:10 SMT

RFP|Kassel: I? I forward it to my superior.

2012-04-04 21:12:19 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Verstanden

2012-04-04 21:12:23 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: Tycus: What construction materials does the station still need?

Death: ECG|Capt-Saros was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:12:38 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: *on side* zis ist madness...

Death: Force12-Karl.Gungel committed suicide

2012-04-04 21:12:41 SMT

Anna.Smith: // Light arms

2012-04-04 21:12:52 SMT

Anna.Smith: // Go get em light arms

2012-04-04 21:13:02 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: Tycus: Forbidden from transporting those in Rheinland I'm afraid

2012-04-04 21:13:09 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Forgive me.. I needed to scream

Death: Corsair-Anso.Benitez killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

Traffic control alert: Rutger.:.Hauer has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:13:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Scream, Komissar? Why?

2012-04-04 21:13:29 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Kommissar. Can you explain ze insubordination?

Death: Razboinik was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:13:33 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Fustration

2012-04-04 21:14:05 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Frustration?

Traffic control alert: [RM-REP]Coronel has requested to dock

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: //And yes.. I really needed to scream

2012-04-04 21:14:11 SMT

.:j:.Dredger: *Intiating docking sequence*

Traffic control alert: .:j:.Dredger has requested to dock

Base Basi Veho destroyed

2012-04-04 21:14:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: I can't understand zis...

2012-04-04 21:15:03 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Kommissar, you'll now report to Planet new berlin. I've to talk with you..

Death: BatCruiser.Kraken~Tarik was killed by an NPC

Death: Helmut.Muller was killed by [51st]Flaggschiff (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:15:15 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Yes sir..

2012-04-04 21:15:21 SMT

RFP|Kassel: *coughs*

2012-04-04 21:15:22 SMT

RFP|Kassel: WHAT?

Traffic control alert: Lenn_Starwind has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:15:47 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: I was confirming an order.. Is that a problem?

Traffic control alert: Rutger.:.Hauer has requested to dock

Attention! Stand clear. Towing RNC-RasherRhein

2012-04-04 21:16:09 SMT


2012-04-04 21:16:24 SMT

RNC-RasherRhein: //please refrain from using all caps

2012-04-04 21:16:33 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: Well forgive me onto such.. Being debated and talked to such messes with mein head

Death: [51st]Flaggschiff was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:16:45 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Now dock.

2012-04-04 21:16:55 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Frau Oberst, Komissar said me he's a fox... I rally afraid of him...

2012-04-04 21:17:07 SMT

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura: I did not state such

Traffic control alert: Lenn_Starwind has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:17:37 SMT

RFP|Kassel: Detective, he has currently other problems.

Traffic control alert: RFP|Kassel has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:17:50 SMT

RNC-RasherRhein: wow...the level of English being spoken here is aweful...

2012-04-04 21:18:02 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Zis ist ein Great Madness...

2012-04-04 21:18:10 SMT

RNC-RasherRhein: Ja

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:18:29 SMT

RNC-RasherRhein: at least we are lolz disease free

2012-04-04 21:18:58 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: 51st und RFP ID?

2012-04-04 21:19:12 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: stop

2012-04-04 21:19:13 SMT

[51st]Jurgen.Wolf: // repping

2012-04-04 21:19:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: explain it to me

2012-04-04 21:19:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Verstanden

Traffic control alert: Lenn_Starwind has requested to dock

Death: Lost_Soul killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-04-04 21:20:28 SMT

CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected (Bowex)Farset)

2012-04-04 21:21:14 SMT

RNC-RasherRhein: Commencing weapons test

Traffic control alert: -=Aamon=- has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: Gorganus.Tau has requested to dock

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

Traffic control alert: RNC-RasherRhein has requested to dock

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

Attention! Stand clear. Towing Gorganus.Tau

A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.

Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.

Death: CNS-Exterminador was killed by an NPC

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:24:30 SMT

Rainer_Marker: the war in hudson is over, Rheinland is victory

2012-04-04 21:24:48 SMT

Rainer_Marker: abend

2012-04-04 21:24:54 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Guten Abend

2012-04-04 21:25:10 SMT

Rainer_Marker: ich stelle artifacte sicher

2012-04-04 21:25:21 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Sehr Gut

Traffic control alert: Rainer_Marker has requested to dock

2012-04-04 21:25:47 SMT

Rainer_Marker: und wie läuft die wache so?

Death: Le.Mucea was killed by Kaa'EL (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:26:03 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Err.. In English, please...

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:26:30 SMT

Rainer_Marker: And, how is the day? Many arestes?

Death: Tragedy was killed by Agent.Stalker (Gun)

2012-04-04 21:26:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange.: Nein, quite peacefully today.

2012-04-04 21:26:56 SMT

Rainer_Marker: that is nice to hear

Death: BatCruiser.Kraken~Tarik was killed by an NPC

Traffic control alert: [RM]-Fw.Sarah.Braun has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange. has requested to dock

Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 10 unit(s), cost: 2.000$

2012-04-04 21:28:44 SMT

Lost_Soul: ofc it is *smile*

Death: Poncho|Sails was killed by Cesar|Sails (Gun)

Death: Lost_Soul was killed by an NPC

2012-04-04 21:29:10 SMT

IMG|Requiem: *smiles*

Death: [RM]Ge.Klaus.Steiner was killed by Immunity.Escort (Gun)

Death: SDFP killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

Death: Old.Ironsides was killed by an NPC

Death: Raggermuffin committed suicide

Death: .[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann was killed by Immunity.Escort (Gun)

Death: MoRRaZ_7 was killed by an admin

Death: Immunity.Escort was killed by an NPC

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

Death: MNS-Ravnos was killed by an admin

Death: Amatreth was killed by an NPC

Death: [Admin]Gheis. was killed by LNS-Blackwater (Gun)

Death: Lost_Soul killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

Death: LNS-Blackwater was killed by an admin

Death: acwp2015 was killed by an NPC

You will be kicked. Reason: Base idling