
RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I'll visit Bonn for debiliators

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Guten Tag Flieger Hartmann

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Guten Anemd Militar

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Abend*

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Guten Tag officers

Traffic control alert: RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange has requested to dock

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: we have a work

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: skype alarmed about zoner carrier in stutt

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: verstanden.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Bewegung.

[FL]-Vigilance: This is Captain Owens.  We have encountered hostile forces at B-3. Any friendlies, converge on this location.

[FL]-Vigilance: hes firing!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Polizei is coming!

RM-Dieter.Hagen: ship class?

[FL]-Vigilance: a zoner carrier!!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: WHAT?!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zoner please stop

[FL]-Vigilance: shields down!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zoner, stop firing!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: This is the Brigadegeneral of the Rheinland Federal Polizei for: ZonerGuard|Herakles, I would like to know what the hell

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: is going on here!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Aren't Zoners peaceful?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: He was firing at me first im just on my way home

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: usually? *Martin is weird*

[FL]-Vigilance: Not this one, he launched from hamburgh and Ive followe dhim this way

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I can't believe it! Both of you stop firing now!

[FL]-Vigilance: IM not firing!

ZonerGuard|Herakles: let me alone

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Ja, then the Zoner should stop it.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I'll check the RCDB

ZonerGuard|Herakles: well he cant stop

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Freelancer and Zoner vessel, keep distance from you both at least 5k!

[FL]-Vigilance: hes intending to flee the scene sir.

RNC-Panzerschiff: status

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vigilance, I ordered something!

[FL]-Vigilance: Owens: u...Understood sir.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: alright he isn't listened in the RCDB

RNC-Panzerschiff: RHA snub by planet stuttgart keep eyes open

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain of the ZonerGuard|Herakles, the Polizei force you to leave Rheinland at once!

[FL]-Vigilance: there is a zoner guard ship in stuttgart

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We would be glad if you fly through Omega 7.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: This is an order.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zoner carrier immediately stop!

[FL]-Vigilance: I tracked him from hamburg to here

ZonerGuard|Herakles: I assd an could pass then this freelancer beggin to shoot at me

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Someone CD him!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What is your destination Captain?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: ask

[FL]-Vigilance: Owens: Incorrect sir, you said you already had permission and I didnt believe you

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: To great distance.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zoner, we just want to talk and you to leave our space. Npthing more. No one should die today.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Whats this zoner's callsign?

RNC-Panzerschiff: where are you

ZonerGuard|Herakles: well then oi came back to you

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: And get off the open channels!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zonerguard|Herakles

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We enter sector C2

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Yea guys, get off!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Very funny, Hessian!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Guten Abend Kommissar

RNC-Panzerschiff: are you off the plane?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: No more talk via open channels

[FL]-Vigilance: we're by the kolen gate

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Seriously i'm trying to relax hier..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Herakles.... Wait a moment

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Zoners CDed

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: So Captain, I'm glad you stopped.

ZonerGuard|Herakles: we zoners are suppose to take care of people right

RNC-Panzerschiff: i am over your position on map but cannto see you

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: And we, the Polizei just safe Rheinland and do our job.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Hmm

[FL]-Vigilance: By shooting at freelancer sir?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: we are under JG to Koeln

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Diving

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: And other capital ship vessels, except of the Military or the Polizei aren't welcome here.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: well, 60k under...

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: I spit in the face of der Chancellor!

ZonerGuard|Herakles: Yhis freelanser was firing at me first

ZonerGuard|Herakles: this

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Oh for the love of...

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Do you have evidences?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: If it is true what he said, that you were in Hamburg..

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: what you did there?

[FL]-Vigilance: I have evidece to the contrary, my only shots were to disrupt his engines

[FL]-Vigilance: he launched FROM hamburg

ZonerGuard|Herakles: im just on my way home sir

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: and where is it?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: what

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Where is your home?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: Omicron 74

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: He lauched FROM hamburg, Vigilance?!

[FL]-Vigilance: you're going the very wrong wat Id say

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *Martin is checking his nav map...*

[FL]-Vigilance: yes and I have images to it

ZonerGuard|Herakles: the zoner guard system

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I don't have a system called ''Omicron 74'' on my nav map.

[FL]-Vigilance: and when I CDed him he got angry and opened fire on me

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: And I even don't know it.

ZonerGuard|Herakles: well i can take you there

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Actually we should try to find a peacefull solution.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: It must be somehere in deep space

[FL]-Vigilance: before or after he tried to kill me 5 times?

RNC-Panzerschiff: there you are

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Far away from here..

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ahh, cavalry is closing.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I suggest we will escort you out of Rheinland.

RNC-Panzerschiff: just a cruiser

[FL]-Vigilance: This is Freelancer Captain David Owens

RNC-Panzerschiff: but i can do some help

[FL]-Vigilance: disengaging now

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What do you think about that?

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: What is going on anyway?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: We are talking with Zoner. over. Peaceful solution possible over.

[FL]-Vigilance: I found the zoner carrier launching from hamburg

ZonerGuard|Herakles: yes it is i was on a visit at port 2 in Bering

RNC-Panzerschiff: we are 60k below the plane

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: I have a single Hessian fighter here.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: below JG to Koeln

[FL]-Vigilance: when asked him why he told me to blow off, then opened fire on me

[FL]-Vigilance: Ive been chasing him from hamburg to here until now

[FL]-Vigilance: not a word, and he did that 5 times

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: So, if you want to fly far away from here to your called ''Omicohoron 74'' what will be the way?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: and you guys now that zoners isnt a violent people

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Hmmm

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Herr Komisar, situation under kontrol.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Sitrep...

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We know that, actually.

[FL]-Vigilance: Then why did you open fire and nearly destroy me sir?

[FL]-Vigilance: Owens: I dont believe my ship posed any threat to you

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Herr Ownes.. I'll get your statment later..

ZonerGuard|Herakles: i will jump true 11 then 41

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain of the RNC-Panzerschiff please keep safety distance from this Zoner ship.

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: The fighter headed towards the New Berlin jumpgate.

[FL]-Vigilance: Owens: ....understood.

ZonerGuard|Herakles: and so theta and in theta there is a hole to 74

[FL]-Vigilance: Ownes: I'll head to stuttgart and make a full report.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I know that ship name.. Herakles..

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: True 11? I believe he means Omega 11?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *is speaking to himself: what a weird Captain..*

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: It was the name of a Zoner Corvette that attacked me and mein wife a few weeks ago

RNC-Panzerschiff: use group chat guys

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: How's your wife now?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Considering she's the newly stated CEO of RepEx.. Pretty good

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Alright, he is back in Stuttgart orbit.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Gut to hear that.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Point being.. Could this be the same Capitan of that craft as well?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: dont make this to big storry havent you guys moore importent things to do

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Alright Piloten and Captains, I think we need to escort this Zoner Carrier out of Rheinland.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Not quite yet

RNC-Mecklenburg: ii see you

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Kommissar Artura answered with a completely right answer.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I have a report here stating you were giving clearance to pass through

RNC-Mecklenburg: lets burn this

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Negative

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Komissar is superior here, RM

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Care to name the one who gave such?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: yes thats for sure

RNC-Mecklenburg: eh?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: To blow up a vessel is the last solution.

RNC-Mecklenburg: aye

[FL]-Vigilance: He was in an aweful hurry to burn me.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Do not open fire unless fired upon.. Is that clear?

ZonerGuard|Herakles: it was a military

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I need a name

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: He isn't aggressive right now, so we don't need to be aggressive too.

Death: DUDU was killed by an NPC

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Komisar, Brigadegeneral, I advise you to keep distance from Zoner. You are just too close...

ZonerGuard|Herakles: von ramden ore somthing

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Your observation is noted

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Thats true..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: VOn Haven.. A secondary

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I know that ship

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: However

RNC-Mecklenburg: he will be easy to burn if necessary

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Point onto such is that with most rookie secondary pilots.. they forget about several rules

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: But at this time it's not necessary...

RNC-Mecklenburg: why did he ran?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Good to know that but don't think about that.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We don't need firing weapons here.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Care to explain why you ran when ordered to stop>?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Fine for him is 500k at this moment.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Your presence is welcome, but your guns? Nein.

RNC-Panzerschiff: what was that firework

RNC-Mecklenburg: he is lying to you

ZonerGuard|Herakles: because this wierd freelancer was beggun to shoot at me

RNC-Mecklenburg: he dont have any answer for this

RNC-Mecklenburg: a small ship made you scared?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I'm the commanding officer here and your comment is stated

RNC-Mecklenburg: he is moving

RNC-Mecklenburg: 2.4k

RNC-Mecklenburg: 22

RNC-Mecklenburg: 1k

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Herakles..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Im giving you 10 seconds to hold

ZonerGuard|Herakles: no so i just dont have to kill him

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We have a problem.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Should you decline such.. You will be declared hostile for tresspassing

RNC-Mecklenburg: Danieal watchout your back

RNC-Mecklenburg: it will be fast burn

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Three unknown ships in sector F-3

RNC-Mecklenburg: from hi stails

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: You have 5 seconds to come to a complete stop

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: 3...

RNC-Mecklenburg: Order us

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Pew pew incoming...

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Smart move

ZonerGuard|Herakles: not true

Death: Hanke.Goebel was killed by Lukas.Morgan (Gun)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: yep, believe so too

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: :/

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: to late for this.

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Hostile contacts on the scanners!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: God! When he opened fire, I thought Komissar is gone...

Death: Red.Dagger was killed by an admin

RNC-Mecklenburg: Guys

Death: Lukas.Morgan committed suicide

RNC-Mecklenburg: RM officals

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: All capital vessels not under Rheinland Origion are considered illegal and should be removed by force

RNC-Panzerschiff: lets blow out this turd and go to the next attention seeker

RNC-Mecklenburg: calling help

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: frack

RNC-Mecklenburg: E4/5

ZonerGuard|Herakles: well in sick and tierd of your lttle game here

RNC-Mecklenburg: RM calling

RNC-Mecklenburg: burn this

RNC-Mecklenburg: now

RNC-Mecklenburg: please

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Little game?

RNC-Panzerschiff: tiem to make action

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Wrong words..

RNC-Mecklenburg: he is annoying

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: All units.. This zoner is declared hostile for tresspassing and refusing to cooperate.. Give him a nice day

RNC-Mecklenburg: Fire

RNC-Panzerschiff: welcome to rheinland

Death: [LN]-Aleesha.Cooper was killed by Guardian.01 (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: RM 1st

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Klaus.. Take Trauer and head to support he RM.. we'll handle this

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden

RNC-Mecklenburg: I am hit

Death: Vlaek was killed by an NPC

RNC-Panzerschiff: stay out of range jump in and out

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Hit his belly.. Only 2 guns fire down

Death: Valor was killed by Explorer.Rising-Star (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: RM, where exactly reinforcements are needed?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What a crazy day, true?

RNC-Panzerschiff: keep him CD

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Requesting back upo at Aalen, unknown ships here! Possible aliens!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Oh crap...

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I told you. Three unknown ships.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: aliens?

RNC-Mecklenburg: RNC engage

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: We are under attack!

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Just another day of work in RFP...

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Get in close for all guns

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Alien? Nomads?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Oh no...

Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Seems we are lucky mens today.

Death: Inquisition|G.Eisenhorn was killed by an NPC

RNC-Mecklenburg: what

RNC-Mecklenburg: WTF

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: All units break off...

RNC-Panzerschiff: man

Death: Guardian.01 was killed by [RoS]Dubstep[W] (Gun)

RNC-Mecklenburg: he cloaked

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: RV with the others

RNC-Panzerschiff: hack

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: cloaked?!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // This RNC's... >_>

RNC-Mecklenburg: Repeat Zoner Carrier Cloaked

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //He f1'd

RNC-Mecklenburg: in space

Death: Explorer.Rising-Star was killed by Posideon's.Madness (Gun)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: RNC vessels.. Move it

RNC-Mecklenburg: Aye Captain

RNC-Panzerschiff: where too

RNC-Mecklenburg: moving to new location

Death: Lukas.Morgan was killed by Hanke.Goebel (Gun)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // at least they're SOMETIMES help us...

RNC-Mecklenburg: setting course

RNC-Mecklenburg: E 4/5

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // True :D

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Set Course for Plant Stuttgart

Peter.Brandt: Rheinlander Offizier need help near Stuttgart planet!

RNC-Mecklenburg: Copy that hold tight we are coming

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

RNC-Panzerschiff: i didn't see the cloaking message

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: The Bundespolizei is on the way!

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //I did

RNC-Panzerschiff: ok

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Take your time to finish your strudels.

RNC-Panzerschiff: he knew he was screwed *laughs*

RNC-Mecklenburg: Today is the day when you die

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Reapet. All millitary and polizei units. Need beckap to E4 sector

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I don't eat strudels...

Peter.Brandt: engaging a hostiles!

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Engaging

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Illume, let me help to get you illuminated even more.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Alright, Detektiv Lange prepare to activate your weapons.

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: By some natterns.


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: For Rheinland! Attacking all unknown blue ships!

Death: Posideon's.Madness was killed by an NPC

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

Death: Lukas.Morgan was killed by Hanke.Goebel (Gun)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: What in the name of...

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Oh, and it will be a pleasure for me to do this. Hessian, you will feel the power of the Rheinland Polizei.

RNC-Mecklenburg: All Turrets Open fire Engage at will

RNC-Panzerschiff: what ships are the enemy

RNC-Mecklenburg: Nomads

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Looks like class gama

Death: [LN]-Aleesha.Cooper was killed by [RoS]Dubstep[W] (Gun)

RNC-Panzerschiff: fighters, gunboats, battleships?

RNC-Mecklenburg: dont know

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: fighters for now

RNC-Mecklenburg: Fire

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain of the RNC-Mecklenburg, we don't need Cruiser power here.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: RNC Vessels.. Standby for now

RNC-Panzerschiff: panzerschiff docking until needed

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I repeat.. Hold back your attack

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Meck!.. Hold your damn fire!

RNC-Panzerschiff: panzerschiff docking until requested

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Super.

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: What are they!?

Traffic control alert: RNC-Panzerschiff has requested to dock

Death: K'Hara|En'lil was killed by RNC-Mecklenburg (Gun)

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: All CDs gone to that stupid Flieger.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I'll stop my fire for first.

K'Hara|En'lil: *~{A screech is heard as the Adad vanishes...}~*

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain of the RNC-Mecklenburg stop your fire at once!

RNC-Mecklenburg: Copy that

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Verdammt...what ...

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: All units hold back for now..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Herr Hagen.. Hold up

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Orders, Komissar?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Do not engage unless fired upon

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Let the hessian have its fun..

Death: Nukemup killed himself (Mine)

Peter.Brandt: Gut to see all of you around!

Death: Guardian.01 killed himself (Mine)

Death: Aya.Tollah killed himself (Mine)

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: That is quite some force you brought here.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: RNC-Mecklenburg.. Return to Stuttgart orbit until called upon

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Thanks belong for Zoner carrier, RepEx...

RNC-Mecklenburg: Copy that

Death: Lukas.Morgan was killed by [RoS]Dubstep[W] (Gun)

RNC-Mecklenburg: Returning

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Erich.. I'd get out of there

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Flieger..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Let those two duke it out..

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Komissar

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Jawohl

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Yes?

Traffic control alert: Peter.Brandt has requested to dock

Traffic control alert: Peter.Brandt has requested to dock

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Orders? And what about Nomand und hessian?

Traffic control alert: RM-Dieter.Hagen has requested to dock

RNC-Mecklenburg: ALL RNC ships

RNC-Mecklenburg: Zoner carrier located again

Traffic control alert: RM-Dieter.Hagen has requested to dock

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Return to Stuttgart orbit

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Oh?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Really?

RNC-Mecklenburg: yes

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Where?

RNC-Mecklenburg: Koelen JG

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Ladies.. Move in

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: He's stupider than I thought...

Death: Reflexica killed himself (Mine)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Finish what we started

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I thought he isn't that stupid.

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: *wipes sweat of his forehead* Do you need us?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Jahowl.. COme along and standby

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Orders?

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Verstanden.

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Three of em, meine Freunde.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Engage the Zoner for Tresspassing

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // you know? it's a GREAT thing BGS united with RFP

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: And you retreat and let ME do the work?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Lying to Officers

Bad_Guy: hello officers

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Guten tag

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Thankyou, I am glad to hear this.

[RHA]Klaas.Klever: Mein kameraden will load their pants from laughing when they hear this!

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Do not respond to the hessian

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Actually the BGS have 6-8 active members. They will show up soon

D.H.Mosquito: Guten abend mein herr

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Not worth wasting my breath over this...

RNC-Mecklenburg: a Civilian just said that

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // fighting and rping alongside with you is an honor (and great fun) for me

RNC-Mecklenburg: he saw a carrier at koelen JG

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by [RoS]Dubstep[W] (Gun)

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Where's Zoner?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Kommissar, Detektiv, Flieger and Captain of the Mecklenburg ... does anyone know of you the exactly direction?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Nope... He's in omega 11

RNC-Mecklenburg: The direction is Downward

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: All units.. Return to your posts

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Thankyou very much. It is a honor fo rme too. ;)

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Negative

RNC-Mecklenburg: Copy that

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: The zoner is no longer in the system

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ohh, bed in Polizei HQ on Hamburg awaits...

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Komissar,

Death: [LN]-Aleesha.Cooper was killed by Guardian.01 (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Can I write zie report now?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Never said you couldnt

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // holy crap, i thought I could go sleep rather early...

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Ye, I thought like that too

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // and now, i have to upload screens. :)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // last night at this time I watched Robinson Crusoe 8-|

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // but that was great fight, and great RP

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Crusoe?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Ye

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I don't know him

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Oh, he is a famous men.

Death: LR-Golden.Diaper was killed by [RoS]Dubstep[W] (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // tell me something about him

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // He is a men from england. In year 1740 or something like that, don't remember exactly,

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // He killed a other guy in a fight with swords.

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Those were nomads, right? Haven't seen them before...

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // ahh!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // He decided to flee, and beeing unknown. So he went to the water, to the ocean.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Remember?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // :P

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Yes, that were Nomads

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: No more talk onto such.. Is that clear?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I know the book, i thought you met char named Crusoe in Stuttgart...

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Hehe no :p

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Disco is destroying my mind...

Berlin-Tempelhof: Lietzow: Uh...verstanden.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // No, you are most probably just tired :P

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: From Stuttgart to Hamburg JG's is clear

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: If I may, Komissar, is it classified data?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Talk about Nomads?

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Detectktive.. I gave you an order

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Tired... It's a good word.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden, but I have to mention Nomads in report...

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Moving to Braunshweig to change ammunition

Death: Beristaf was killed by Aya.Tollah (Gun)

Death: Keray was killed by an NPC

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Herr Komissar?

Death: Lukas.Morgan was killed by LR-Golden.Diaper (Wasp/Hornet)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Yes Herr Lange?

Death: [SSC]-Karl.Baron was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Mine)

Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I understand your order to not talk about Nomads, but I have to mention them in report...

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: I know that..

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Now continue onto such

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Am I free to mention them, Herr?

Death: Dexter21 was killed by Posideon's.Madness (Gun)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Sorry, I'm so tired. My eyes just close every 10 seconds 8-|

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //Get to you sleep then you nut

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // wait, I probably have something BIG

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I've enough time to sleep when I'm death.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: Ja... COntinue

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // dead*

Berlin-Tempelhof: // I shouldn't have called for backup with those nommies, they were losing to me alone already... oo

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //*snacs Trauer*

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Daniel banned talks about Nomads, right?

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: //Nice joke)

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //Not your fault

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // 3 hours later... WHAT I GOT SNAC...don't care...zzZZ

Berlin-Tempelhof: // Anyway, back to NB and then off.

RFP|Kom.Daniel.Artura.: //Aye.. Great work everyone

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Ye I think so.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I just talk them ''unknown blue ships'

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // he didn't responf for long when I asked for mentioning Nomads in report, and when he allowed,his behavior

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: tell*

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // was, well, strange...

Death: LR-Golden.Diaper was killed by Lukas.Morgan (Gun)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I would suggest, you just write: unknown hostile contacts, unknown blue ships,...

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // now RP

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // So you can't do anything wrong.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // in my opinion

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Can I trust you, General?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Of course.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Can I trust you, General*

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: ?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // RP now

Berlin-Tempelhof: // Alright, see you! :)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Can we meet somewhere, in safe place?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Indeed you can trust me.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Where shall it be?

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by Lukas.Morgan (Mine)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Kield\s other side maybe?

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: last time a person asked me this, it was a women.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: And?

Death: l|*|l~lalo was killed by SCRA|Ben.Warner (Gun)

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Other side of Kiel?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ja.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Sure.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: let me setting course..

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Hey Piloten.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Time for a little joke.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: ,, Captain, do you even know where you are going!?''

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain says: Of course!

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: ba dumm tss

Death: Kama.Jackle was killed by Guardian.01 (Mine)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Stop


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Halt, Polizeikontrol. Skanning...

Sir_Cheese: problem?

Death: [SSC]-Karl.Baron was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Maybe

Death: Roland.Deschain was killed by RCMP-Lt_Warwick (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I see you passed to here with Light Arms from Liberty.

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Oh, that wasn't funny? I'm not that old Piloten..

Sir_Cheese: only trading officer

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: And now you are going to turn back with such cargo?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: stop!

Death: Beristaf was killed by LR-Golden.Diaper (Gun)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: moreover,

Sir_Cheese: sorry pressed button

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: It seems like everyone of you is sleeping *chuckle*

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: you have banned Liberty guns mounted

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please land and dismount them

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw (Gun)

Sir_Cheese: i'm here to purchase rheinland ship and equipment

Death: Aya.Tollah killed himself (Mine)

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Rheinland ship and equipment? What exactly?

Sir_Cheese: a new ship for myself and better defenses

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I know, but that exactly?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Guten Abend Agent.

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He nods* This is Kommissaroberrat Voss, how does it look?

Sir_Cheese: not too sure yet. i'm new to the system and was looking for the best deals

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: legendmir stop


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights denied for LegendMir

LegendMir: how come?

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: You have both banned in Rheinland Liberty equipment.

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please land and dismount it.

/set chattime on


2012-03-27 23:10:08 SMT

Sir_Cheese: we both apologise we will land and unmount them immediately. we are peaceful traders

2012-03-27 23:10:22 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I've hope. Please do it.

Traffic control alert: LegendMir has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:10:35 SMT

Sir_Cheese: ok we will do right away

2012-03-27 23:10:39 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Guten Abend die Damen und Herren.

2012-03-27 23:10:43 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights for legendmir allowed again.

Traffic control alert: Sir_Cheese has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:10:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ahh, General!

2012-03-27 23:10:54 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He nods* Evening Officer.

2012-03-27 23:10:59 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Is that a libertonian ship?

2012-03-27 23:11:01 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Howerver...

Death: Lukas.Morgan was killed by LR-Golden.Diaper (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:11:08 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Brigadegeneral.

2012-03-27 23:11:30 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: General, please, take lane.

2012-03-27 23:11:32 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He nods* Of course.

2012-03-27 23:11:50 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Agent, excuse me that I've less time.

2012-03-27 23:11:54 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I've a meeting.

2012-03-27 23:12:04 SMT

LegendMir: all done

2012-03-27 23:12:10 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: It was a honor and a pleasure to talk to you.

2012-03-27 23:12:15 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Legendmir

2012-03-27 23:12:17 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: The same.

2012-03-27 23:12:19 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Dismounted?

2012-03-27 23:12:23 SMT

LegendMir: yes sir

2012-03-27 23:12:30 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Now, please jettison it.

2012-03-27 23:12:41 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Kiel... a wonderful Planet.

2012-03-27 23:12:47 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Sir Cheese, you too.

2012-03-27 23:12:49 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Westfalen, our oldest Battleship.


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights denied for Sir_Cheese


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights denied for LegendMir

2012-03-27 23:13:17 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // God damnit, I will never forget this area.. I was 12 years old and played with my father and we tried to reach this battle

2012-03-27 23:13:18 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: ship

2012-03-27 23:13:19 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: You have disomonuted illegal guns, now jettison them

2012-03-27 23:13:25 SMT

Sir_Cheese: you've gotta be kidding? how will we defend ourselves against pirates?

2012-03-27 23:13:30 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // That was for nearly 6 years ago

2012-03-27 23:13:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please buy civilian guns

2012-03-27 23:13:47 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // please wait, newbie traders

2012-03-27 23:13:52 SMT

Sir_Cheese: we are here to purchase rheinland ships and weapons

2012-03-27 23:13:53 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Ye

2012-03-27 23:13:55 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // it's hard to teach them...

2012-03-27 23:14:06 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // But it is funny to teach them.

2012-03-27 23:14:07 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: What ships and weapons exactly?

2012-03-27 23:14:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Can you answer, mein Herren?

2012-03-27 23:14:28 SMT

Sir_Cheese: we were going to browse. possibly a new freighter

2012-03-27 23:14:37 SMT

Sir_Cheese: see what we can afford

2012-03-27 23:14:55 SMT

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Vertanden

2012-03-27 23:15:01 SMT

[RM]Fw.Klaus.Weiss: Guten Tag RFP.

2012-03-27 23:15:11 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please take ze note, you have to have permission for Rheinland military/Polizei ships und guns.

2012-03-27 23:15:12 SMT

.[RM]Fl.Erich.Hartmann: Guten Tag

2012-03-27 23:15:15 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Guten Abend

2012-03-27 23:15:18 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Guten Tag.

2012-03-27 23:15:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Is it klear, mein Herren?

2012-03-27 23:15:50 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Fur example, you are free to buy heavy flashpoints, but not Hornvipers.

2012-03-27 23:15:53 SMT

[RM]Fw.Klaus.Weiss: We'll leave these two to das polezei

Death: deriguz was killed by Turtle (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:16:15 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Traders, do you understand?

2012-03-27 23:16:42 SMT

Sir_Cheese: we understand. but we need to keep weapons for trade in value for new ships

2012-03-27 23:16:56 SMT

Sir_Cheese: we are no threat to you

2012-03-27 23:17:11 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I know that, but I have to enforce law of Rheinland.

2012-03-27 23:17:14 SMT

[RM]Fw.Klaus.Weiss: Guten Tag BDM.

2012-03-27 23:17:22 SMT

LegendMir: may we sell them on the planet

2012-03-27 23:17:25 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He nods* Good evening Feldwebel.

2012-03-27 23:17:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: So, please land, and give that Libertonian guns to Polizei Arsenal.

Traffic control alert: LegendMir has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:17:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking allowed

2012-03-27 23:17:42 SMT

Sir_Cheese: ok we will do

Traffic control alert: Sir_Cheese has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:18:24 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // well, at least they know English. Rare ability in recent times on our server...

A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.

Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.

2012-03-27 23:19:18 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Yea

Death: Beristaf was killed by Lukas.Morgan (Mine)

2012-03-27 23:20:13 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: oh no!

Death: K'Hara|Ninmah was killed by K'Hara|Il'lume: (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:20:22 SMT

Sir_Cheese: oh no?

2012-03-27 23:20:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: You CANNOT mount such equipment...

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by LR-Golden.Diaper (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:20:38 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: It's restricted to Polizei und Militar...

2012-03-27 23:20:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I said CIVILIAN guns...

2012-03-27 23:20:54 SMT

Sir_Cheese: its the only equipment i can mount though. how will i defend myself?

2012-03-27 23:21:10 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Flashpoints, Purples...

2012-03-27 23:21:23 SMT

Sir_Cheese: there is no other weapons i can buy that is compatible

2012-03-27 23:21:37 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: There's IC station in NB, Herr, there you can buy civilian guns

2012-03-27 23:22:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Sir Cheese?

Death: Baila*Morena[TBH] was killed by Al'Santi[TBH] (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:22:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ekhmm...

2012-03-27 23:22:31 SMT

Sir_Cheese: how far away is this station?

2012-03-27 23:23:08 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: From this planet? It's all route by line, it'll take less than few minutes, mein Herr.

2012-03-27 23:23:37 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Do you have navimap of Neue Berlin in your astrocomputer's memory?

Death: [SSC]-Andre.Warshaw was killed by ECG|Maj-Dark.Knight (Mine)

2012-03-27 23:23:49 SMT

Sir_Cheese: i do not. i am new to the system

2012-03-27 23:24:02 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I can lead you, if you want.

2012-03-27 23:24:19 SMT

Sir_Cheese: if you could, thank you

2012-03-27 23:24:25 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: General, it seems it'll take longer than expected, sorry for that.

2012-03-27 23:24:27 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He nods* I'll keep my eye on things here Detective.

2012-03-27 23:24:40 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Danke Agent. Trader, follow me.

2012-03-27 23:24:41 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: No problem Detektiv.

2012-03-27 23:25:00 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *whispers to himself: reminds me on the Fliegers of the Military *coughs**

2012-03-27 23:25:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // do you want to hear something terrible?

2012-03-27 23:25:23 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Ye?

2012-03-27 23:25:40 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Vulkhard Muller

2012-03-27 23:25:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // is in Hamburg

2012-03-27 23:25:54 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // xD

2012-03-27 23:26:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // just launched from planer

2012-03-27 23:26:07 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // planet*

2012-03-27 23:26:26 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: That was very funny. You made me laughing //

2012-03-27 23:26:38 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Do you want hear something terrible?... Ye?... VULKHARD MULLER

2012-03-27 23:26:58 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // new Rheinland forums joke :)

2012-03-27 23:27:03 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Well, for some reason I feel sorry for him.

2012-03-27 23:27:25 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // yes, he just need some, training in playing Disco

2012-03-27 23:27:36 SMT

Sir_Cheese: where to from here officer?

2012-03-27 23:27:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Follow me all way

2012-03-27 23:27:55 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Of course his ideas were not the best but he isn't stubborn.

Death: Dark_Raven was killed by an NPC

2012-03-27 23:28:03 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I mean,

2012-03-27 23:28:07 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: look at |2te|...

2012-03-27 23:28:13 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // but few dots in his posts won't hurt...

2012-03-27 23:28:20 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Hehe, ye

2012-03-27 23:28:27 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I would like to play with him.

2012-03-27 23:28:29 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Seriously.

2012-03-27 23:28:33 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Wanna know why?

2012-03-27 23:28:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I know, he helped me with smugglers in Hamurg

2012-03-27 23:28:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Yes?

2012-03-27 23:28:47 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Just imagine you would be in his position.

2012-03-27 23:28:55 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // A lot of people in this community are trolls

2012-03-27 23:29:16 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I think it is hard for him.

2012-03-27 23:29:26 SMT

Sir_Cheese: this the place?

2012-03-27 23:29:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Sir, zis ist IC base. Please land, dismount Rheinland equipment and buy civilian, ok?

2012-03-27 23:29:53 SMT

Sir_Cheese: yes sir!

2012-03-27 23:29:54 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ja, zis ist zis station.

Traffic control alert: Sir_Cheese has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:30:15 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // how old he can be?

2012-03-27 23:30:21 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Hard to say

2012-03-27 23:31:11 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Guten Abend Kruger.

2012-03-27 23:31:18 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: hail


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Halt, Polizeikontrol. Skanning...

2012-03-27 23:31:51 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Where are you going with zis Ore, mein Herr?

2012-03-27 23:32:00 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: yes

2012-03-27 23:32:13 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I mean where...

2012-03-27 23:32:31 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: planet

Death: [LN]-Chris'Elias was killed by Posideon's.Madness (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:32:40 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: What planet?

2012-03-27 23:32:45 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: planet harris

2012-03-27 23:32:58 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: sry was looking for it officer

2012-03-27 23:33:01 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden. Watch out on Gallic Navy.


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel [KM]-Zeth3 you may proceed.

2012-03-27 23:33:10 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: yes sir

2012-03-27 23:33:14 SMT

[KM]-Zeth3: thank you sir

2012-03-27 23:33:32 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I have another great screenshot from today...

2012-03-27 23:33:56 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Very well! Sir Cheese!

2012-03-27 23:34:00 SMT

Sir_Cheese: are these better?

2012-03-27 23:34:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Naturlich

2012-03-27 23:34:29 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Be aware about War Embargo. Rheinland and Liberty are at war.

2012-03-27 23:34:51 SMT

Sir_Cheese: I apologise, i do not keep up with the politics

2012-03-27 23:35:06 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What are you doing right now in New Berlin?

2012-03-27 23:35:07 SMT

Sir_Cheese: And in my opinion, Rheinland are better :)

2012-03-27 23:35:11 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Shipping certain good out of RHeinland in Libertonian direction is prohibited. Please look for it in Law of Rheinland on Neutra

2012-03-27 23:35:16 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Gut to hear it.


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel Sir_Cheese you may proceed.

2012-03-27 23:35:38 SMT

Sir_Cheese: Thank you and good day

2012-03-27 23:36:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I just finished with trader, Herr General. Coming to meeting's place at full speed.

2012-03-27 23:36:35 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Verstanden Herr Detektiv.

2012-03-27 23:36:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I think I have to do my 1st discoveryrage comic

2012-03-27 23:37:03 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // I have a great screenshot

2012-03-27 23:37:38 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: //     "Where are you going with zis Ore, Kruger? "

2012-03-27 23:37:55 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: //          "Yes."

2012-03-27 23:38:28 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: //   SynthGanja, I'm sure

2012-03-27 23:39:30 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: You are not authorizd to halt them herr.

2012-03-27 23:39:37 SMT

BDM|U-66: Evening, herren.

Death: *The_Crossfire* was killed by K'Hara|Enki (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:39:44 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Oi.

2012-03-27 23:39:45 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Guten Abend BDM,General und Militar pilot Muller.

2012-03-27 23:39:45 SMT

BDM|U-66: Ah, gut. Superconductors.

Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.

2012-03-27 23:39:56 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Guten Abend Herr Detektiv Lange.

2012-03-27 23:39:56 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: I'll let the Police handle this task. *he nods to himself*

2012-03-27 23:39:57 SMT

BDM|U-66: Looks like everything is in order.

2012-03-27 23:40:08 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Yes, fresh supplies for Omega-7

2012-03-27 23:40:09 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Thankyou Herr Kommissaroberrat.

Death: Dark_Nebula09 was killed by an NPC

2012-03-27 23:40:22 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Guten Tag Captains.

2012-03-27 23:40:26 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Do you have any questions Rheinlanders ?

2012-03-27 23:40:38 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captains?

2012-03-27 23:41:06 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Very well, does not seem like that.

2012-03-27 23:41:14 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: may can I ask you where you bought this superconductors?

2012-03-27 23:41:18 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: what ever Herrs im out Just dont let this flak effect Jason Kronos Ok? he is just a simple IC friend

2012-03-27 23:41:18 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond Good day rheinlanders.

2012-03-27 23:41:24 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Interspace ID vessel, you can't haul superconductors in Rheinland


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights denied for Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:41:36 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Stop

2012-03-27 23:41:38 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Excuse me?

2012-03-27 23:41:39 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: What?

2012-03-27 23:41:47 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: You must be kidding.

2012-03-27 23:42:01 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Interspace has even a base in new berlin.

2012-03-27 23:42:01 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've never heard that.

2012-03-27 23:42:03 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: just Zestroy him

2012-03-27 23:42:04 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: According to Rheinland Law, IC is NOT allowed to haul S-Conductors in Rheinland space

2012-03-27 23:42:22 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Article Three, Sub-Section 2.6

2012-03-27 23:42:25 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // "just zestroy him..."

2012-03-27 23:42:32 SMT

RMS_Shetland: RM or BDM ?

2012-03-27 23:42:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: What RM or BDM?

2012-03-27 23:42:50 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Wich lawbook.

2012-03-27 23:42:53 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: nope IC cant hual IC

2012-03-27 23:42:56 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: SC

2012-03-27 23:43:02 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Wrong.

2012-03-27 23:43:05 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Law in Rheinland is one!

2012-03-27 23:43:05 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Herr Muller?

2012-03-27 23:43:06 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: Official Rheinland Laws

2012-03-27 23:43:08 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Rhienland Law. Simple as that.

2012-03-27 23:43:10 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What does mean ''nope'' ?

2012-03-27 23:43:17 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: It seems like if that were the case, I'd already know.

2012-03-27 23:43:23 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: It's on display on the Neural Net for all to see Herr Zaehr.

Death: [KM]-Zeth3 was killed by [RHA]Kristian:Elias (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:43:39 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: It is allowed to bring them here.

Traffic control alert: {RM}Vulkhard.Muller has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:43:50 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: As we suppky Rheinlandian shipyards with it.

2012-03-27 23:43:51 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ja. Please immediately land on Planet hamburg und sell zis S-Konduktors, mein Herr.

2012-03-27 23:44:07 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: or bedestroyed

2012-03-27 23:44:11 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: There is a list of what you are allowed to carry in the Codex as Interspace, und Superconducters are not on the list.

2012-03-27 23:44:15 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: ill hapily destroy both

2012-03-27 23:44:22 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Tell me where I can check this law and I'll comply.

2012-03-27 23:44:25 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Both?

2012-03-27 23:44:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I'm trying to do favor for you, Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:44:34 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Muller, You will do nothing as you are not to interfere with Police und Buro business.

2012-03-27 23:44:39 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Militar pilot Muller

2012-03-27 23:44:44 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: What has bowex to do with that beef with interspace?

Traffic control alert: {RM}Vulkhard.Muller has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:44:54 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Keep your distance from traders

2012-03-27 23:44:55 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: what ever peace Men

2012-03-27 23:44:56 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Mulleryou are allwys so peaky here.

2012-03-27 23:45:12 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: ike

2012-03-27 23:45:18 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Try to impress RM otherwise ...

2012-03-27 23:45:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:45:28 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: What?

2012-03-27 23:45:37 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: i know i am im always stopping people Herr,

2012-03-27 23:45:44 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I already said, point me to where I can see such a law and I will comply.

Death: K'Hara|Enki was killed by K'Hara|Evh'Naar (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:45:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I'm tryong to do favor for you, land on planet and sell S-Konduktors.

2012-03-27 23:46:16 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: He is not an unlawful, he does not any harm.

2012-03-27 23:46:27 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: He deserves to get at least the paragraph book.

2012-03-27 23:46:34 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Well? Where can I see this law?

2012-03-27 23:46:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Where? There's very popular page in NeutralNet, "lawsofsirius.bre"

2012-03-27 23:46:39 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Or a link to the neural net of it.

2012-03-27 23:46:54 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Look for section "Law of Rheinland"

Death: [KM]-Traier was killed by [RHA]Kristian:Elias (Mine)

2012-03-27 23:47:03 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: "Trade regulations"

Death: Ageira|Pirin committed suicide

Death: [KM]-Zeth3 was killed by [RHA]Kristian:Elias (Mine)

2012-03-27 23:47:32 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I'm looking now.

2012-03-27 23:47:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Verstanden, wir vill vait...

Death: XA-Canebreak was killed by XA-Lancehead:. (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:48:49 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I don't see anything prohibiting Interspace from hauling superconductors

2012-03-27 23:48:58 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Oh...

2012-03-27 23:49:02 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: There is a specific list of what Interspace MAY haul.

2012-03-27 23:49:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Nothing, really?

2012-03-27 23:49:08 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Anything not on that list is illegal.

2012-03-27 23:49:10 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: Yeah it secifies what they CANT haul Guys

2012-03-27 23:49:28 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Ja, as example Niobium,Platinum, Silver, Iridium..

2012-03-27 23:49:31 SMT

{RM}Vulkhard.Muller: soryy im gone

Traffic control alert: {RM}Vulkhard.Muller has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:49:51 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:50:05 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Article 3, &2.6 und &3

2012-03-27 23:50:08 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: However, hauling all sorts of Metals is allowed.

2012-03-27 23:50:11 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Do you see it now?

2012-03-27 23:50:23 SMT

RMS_Shetland: hammond: But no superconductors.

2012-03-27 23:50:32 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Art 3 &3

2012-03-27 23:50:33 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: for rheinlandioan shipyards.

2012-03-27 23:50:50 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I'm aware that it would be illegal to haul superconductors from Liberty, but that's not where we came from.

2012-03-27 23:50:58 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: We do not make the laws Shetland, we just enforce them.

2012-03-27 23:51:14 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: We passed through Liberty, but we bought this cargo elsewhere

2012-03-27 23:51:24 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: We are breaking no laws.

2012-03-27 23:51:41 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Now please, let us pass. I've had enough of this unnecessary detention.

2012-03-27 23:51:43 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You do.

2012-03-27 23:51:44 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: No, as IC IDed ship, captain, you are NOT allowed to haul S-Konduktors in Rheinland. Do you understand?


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Docking rights denied for Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:52:07 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-27 23:52:26 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I do understand. I understand I'm not allowed to take them here FROM LIBERTY

Death: Geko was killed by an NPC

2012-03-27 23:52:40 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Land on planet, and sell your commodities. Thanks to this, you won't pay fines.

2012-03-27 23:52:42 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What do you expect? That we trust you?

2012-03-27 23:52:54 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Rheinlanders are not like that.

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by Beristaf (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:53:05 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: No, You are not allowed to HAUL certain goods in Rheinland with zis ID.

2012-03-27 23:53:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Libertonians would trust you, but not Rheinlanders.

Death: [SSC]-Frank.Sharp was killed by [SSC]-Tellurian (Collision)

2012-03-27 23:53:44 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // XD

2012-03-27 23:53:56 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // crash or incident with trader?

2012-03-27 23:54:00 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // ye :D

2012-03-27 23:54:09 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // crash I think

2012-03-27 23:54:11 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Well I will dock for one moment on Hamburg, I hope you don't mind that hm ?

2012-03-27 23:54:14 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // in tradelane or something like that

2012-03-27 23:54:17 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // xDDD

2012-03-27 23:54:20 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // yes


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel RMS_Shetland you may proceed.

Traffic control alert: RMS_Shetland has requested to dock

2012-03-27 23:54:37 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I'm not going to stand for this

2012-03-27 23:54:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: So, Ike.Zaehr?

2012-03-27 23:54:54 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: You cannot prove that I purchased this cargo in Liberty

2012-03-27 23:55:01 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: You have no right to detain me!

2012-03-27 23:55:10 SMT


2012-03-27 23:55:13 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Well, I'll explain that slowly especially for you.

2012-03-27 23:55:24 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He sighs as he rubs his temples*

2012-03-27 23:55:24 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You are coming from Liberty, right?

2012-03-27 23:55:27 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: direction Liberty.

2012-03-27 23:55:33 SMT


Death: Van_Gelder was killed by an NPC

Death: Dark_Nebula09 was killed by an NPC

2012-03-27 23:55:52 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Officer Lange, show me where it says I cannot haul this stuff in Rheinland at all.

2012-03-27 23:56:00 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: If you come from Liberty, we need to be very careful. You got it

2012-03-27 23:56:05 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You got it?

2012-03-27 23:56:15 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Rheinland law, article 3, & 2.6 und & 3.

2012-03-27 23:56:31 SMT

CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: .:FTU:.Depot

2012-03-27 23:56:44 SMT


Death: IMG-Boss.Sizzerb was killed by Arron.Fearless (Gun)

2012-03-27 23:56:57 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: We must assume that you bought this goods in Liberty.

2012-03-27 23:57:08 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: So we won't let you pass this way.

2012-03-27 23:57:24 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You are right, we can't prove that you bought it in Liberty or somewhere else.

2012-03-27 23:57:42 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: But we must assume that you bought it in Liberty, because you are coming from there.

2012-03-27 23:57:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: *coughs*


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel RMS_Shetland you may proceed.

2012-03-27 23:57:58 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: So, I'm sorry for you Captain.

2012-03-27 23:58:02 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: That I know for sure.

2012-03-27 23:58:16 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I don't believe Rheinland law allows for such assumptions

2012-03-27 23:58:19 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: But I won't let my comrade alone here.

2012-03-27 23:58:34 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I'll make you a suggestion.

2012-03-27 23:58:50 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Also we are trading for hours in almost each house but gallia.

2012-03-27 23:58:50 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ike.Zaehr.    RHEINLAND LAW, Article 3, & 2.6 und & 3 !\

2012-03-27 23:59:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Just forget this, sell this goods at Planet Hamburg and then you help out Bretonia with goods.

2012-03-27 23:59:02 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Only pirates stopped us so far.

2012-03-27 23:59:16 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You won't break the embargo then.

2012-03-27 23:59:17 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: You are the first lawfuls wich stop us.

2012-03-27 23:59:27 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Embargo?

2012-03-27 23:59:32 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Trade embargo.

2012-03-27 23:59:41 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: An Embargo counts for OUTgoing commodities.

2012-03-27 23:59:47 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: The trade ebargo is what this is all about, Hammond

2012-03-27 23:59:50 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Not for incoming.

2012-03-28 00:00:15 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Also we are still supplying an Shipyard of yours.

BDM|U-66: Incoming legal goods are permitted as far as I know of the embargo protocols, but you are incommand and we will follow.

2012-03-28 00:00:22 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Yes, but HAULING certain commodities with certain IDs are PROHIBITED...

Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.

2012-03-28 00:00:34 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: If he is allowed to selll it at hamburg.

2012-03-28 00:00:44 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: And that is really fair.

2012-03-28 00:00:52 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Officer Lange, I think you need to read up on your laws. I see nothing that says the origin of th cargo doesn't matter

2012-03-28 00:00:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I allowed him, General too. He just refused!

2012-03-28 00:00:55 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Why not in another sipyard ?

2012-03-28 00:01:15 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: It will take effort to take it there.

2012-03-28 00:01:25 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: And that effort he takes for you.

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by Beristaf (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:01:34 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Rheinland only profits for it.

2012-03-28 00:01:39 SMT

RMS_Shetland: *of

2012-03-28 00:01:53 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I'm just doing mein work, mein Herr.

Death: XA-Lancehead:. was killed by XA-Canebreak* (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:01:59 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Yes we to!

2012-03-28 00:02:00 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Und law ist klear

2012-03-28 00:02:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Stop...

2012-03-28 00:02:29 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: BDM, can you wait near lane? I want to have sure...

Death: Reynold was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:02:40 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Yes sir's of course.

2012-03-28 00:02:58 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: But wouldn't be that a clearly profit for you?

2012-03-28 00:03:09 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: escorting us to the shipyard ?

Death: Trade.Escort|Agememnon was killed by Ares (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:03:20 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: So you make sure it gets to teh right place.

Death: Berianu.Andrei was killed by an NPC

Death: Ares was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:03:31 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ike.Zaehr. Sell your goods on planet, OR buy another ID, and everything will be ok. Can it be? I'm trying to do favor for you..

2012-03-28 00:03:36 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: to build more ships against the Libertonian invasion.

2012-03-28 00:04:00 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Very well, we are both more independent traders.

2012-03-28 00:04:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Or moore to Altona and buy Repex ID

2012-03-28 00:04:26 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: Interspace will not profit from selling those conductors.

2012-03-28 00:04:26 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I still maintain that your assumptions that I bought this cargo in Liberty are unlawful.

2012-03-28 00:04:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Origin of cargo is not problem

2012-03-28 00:05:02 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: HAULING certain commodities with IC ID is Problem.


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel RMS_Shetland you may proceed.

2012-03-28 00:05:13 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Officer Lange, to be quite frank, I'm sick of you telling me that the origin is not a problem.

2012-03-28 00:05:20 SMT

RMS_Shetland: Hammond: I am still only waiting.

2012-03-28 00:05:28 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Show me where it says that, or kindly shut your mouth.

2012-03-28 00:05:31 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Und Ich bin sick that you CAN'T understand

2012-03-28 00:05:45 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Watch out on your words, mein Herr...

2012-03-28 00:05:45 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Do not disrespect Rheinland Law Enforcement Personnel please.

2012-03-28 00:06:12 SMT


2012-03-28 00:06:13 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *holds his hand weapon his head*

Death: Forcehammer was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:06:51 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: You can do me a favor my telling me where it says the origin of my cargo makes no difference

2012-03-28 00:06:51 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Land on Planet/station and sell superconductor OR buy other ID. For example Republican

2012-03-28 00:07:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: General, BDM, can you do me a favor? SNAC me...

Shields Disabled

2012-03-28 00:07:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: People out there are so stubborn.

2012-03-28 00:07:20 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've asked you to do so numerous times, and the fact that you haven't makes me think even more so that you are wrong.

Shields Enabled

2012-03-28 00:07:52 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I don't fly the bomber ship class Herr Detektiv.

2012-03-28 00:08:00 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *chuckle*

2012-03-28 00:08:01 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ja, unfortunately....

Traffic control alert: RMS_Shetland has requested to dock

2012-03-28 00:08:29 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: The fastest and easiest way to die is if you just try to crash one of our powerful Battleships.

2012-03-28 00:09:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Trader

2012-03-28 00:09:09 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Very well, what is this mess here

Death: RNC-Maas was killed by an NPC

Death: Dark_Nebula09 killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)

2012-03-28 00:09:22 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I want peaceful solution

2012-03-28 00:09:25 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // ''Adolf'' .....

2012-03-28 00:09:28 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Q_Q

2012-03-28 00:09:31 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Tell me what you want to know...

2012-03-28 00:09:33 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: As do I.

2012-03-28 00:09:38 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Rammstein + Adolf

2012-03-28 00:09:40 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Q_Q

2012-03-28 00:09:58 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Nomads won't kill me today nor RHA. Laughing yes.

2012-03-28 00:09:59 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've told you numerous times already, Lange

2012-03-28 00:09:59 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: oh.....

2012-03-28 00:10:01 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain  of the Ike.Zaehr?

2012-03-28 00:10:02 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: hi

2012-03-28 00:10:11 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: ill just pass on through


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel IC|Jason.Kronos you may proceed.

2012-03-28 00:10:36 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: If you won't sell this Superconductors now at Planet Hamburg I'll personally shoot down your ship.

2012-03-28 00:10:41 SMT : RNC-Rammstein is attempting to engage cloaking device

2012-03-28 00:10:45 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You have even the choice to turn around or to drop your goods.

2012-03-28 00:10:48 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: Superconducters?

2012-03-28 00:10:51 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Let start from the beginning...

2012-03-28 00:10:57 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Not you IC tagged vessel


RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Vessel IC|Jason.Kronos you may proceed.

2012-03-28 00:11:01 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Oh, the beginning of human?

2012-03-28 00:11:06 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: Interspace what seems to be the problem?

2012-03-28 00:11:08 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Nein.

Death: XA-Lancehead:. was killed by XA-Canebreak (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:11:14 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I thought.

2012-03-28 00:11:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: From the beggining of this incident.

2012-03-28 00:11:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ike.Zaehr

2012-03-28 00:11:29 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I know.

2012-03-28 00:11:35 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: well IC best of luck

2012-03-28 00:11:40 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: the RM are ruthless

2012-03-28 00:11:43 SMT

IC|Jason.Kronos: good luck

2012-03-28 00:11:46 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Why you just cannot liste us?

2012-03-28 00:11:47 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've noticed

2012-03-28 00:11:56 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: let me call some Officers with bomber ship class...

Death: *The_Crossfire* was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:12:06 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // beginning of humainty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-03-28 00:12:09 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Because, Lange, you haven't given me what I want.

2012-03-28 00:12:12 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // buahahahahaha!

2012-03-28 00:12:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // Hehehe.

2012-03-28 00:12:22 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // XD

2012-03-28 00:12:26 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: und what you want, mein Herr?

2012-03-28 00:12:39 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've asked you numerous times to tell me where the Rheinland law book says that the origin of my cargo does not matter

Death: Jorge.Mendez was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:12:52 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've read the section you provided already

2012-03-28 00:12:52 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: And he said you numerous of times the article...

2012-03-28 00:13:05 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: There are some goods you are allowed to transport.

2012-03-28 00:13:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: It doesn't matter IF you are hauling goods TO Rheinland

2012-03-28 00:13:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: and all goods which aren't listened, are not allowed.

2012-03-28 00:13:34 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Especially if it's cardamine or poor slaves, it DOES matter

2012-03-28 00:13:51 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: But this is all about the trade embargo with Liberty.

2012-03-28 00:14:05 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: How can it be illegal if I did not purchase my cargo in Liberty?

2012-03-28 00:14:07 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: But not S-Conductors hauled TO Rheinland

2012-03-28 00:14:21 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain?

2012-03-28 00:14:30 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: It's illegal to HAUL them with IC Identification Card, mein Herr.

2012-03-28 00:14:40 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Yes, TO Rheinland, FROM Liberty. Tell me where it says otherwise.

2012-03-28 00:14:55 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He rubs his temples in annoyance*

2012-03-28 00:15:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: // I want to sleep now..

2012-03-28 00:15:08 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: KEEP ME...

Death: Trade.Escort|Agememnon was killed by an NPC

Death: Beristaf was killed by Aya.Tollah (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:15:32 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Trader

2012-03-28 00:15:41 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I tried to do FAVOR for you.

2012-03-28 00:15:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: You refused to accept mein Hilfe.

Death: Ares was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:16:11 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I saw no favors being done

2012-03-28 00:16:12 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Detektiv Lange, please activate your weapons.

2012-03-28 00:16:14 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: You have last chance. land and sell Superconductors OR buy other ID. Am I clear.

2012-03-28 00:16:31 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I just want to let him know that our weapons are hot.

2012-03-28 00:16:37 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Enough of this now.

2012-03-28 00:16:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Are you accepting mein order or nor?

2012-03-28 00:16:46 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You are talking long enough to him.

2012-03-28 00:16:49 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: not*

2012-03-28 00:16:58 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: General?

2012-03-28 00:17:06 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Ja Herr Detektiv?

Death: Arron.Fearless was killed by Sol.Fenrir.|* (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:17:08 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Just know that if you open fire, I WILL make sure you lot pay for this massive injutice.

2012-03-28 00:17:21 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Orders?

2012-03-28 00:17:31 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: What you're doing is completely illegal, and you WILL pay

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by Vengeful.Nostalgia (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:17:47 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I am thinking...

2012-03-28 00:17:48 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Interesting, very interesting...

2012-03-28 00:17:52 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Mein Herren!

2012-03-28 00:17:58 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Hey, you heard this?

2012-03-28 00:17:59 SMT


2012-03-28 00:18:08 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: In his eyes it is.

2012-03-28 00:18:14 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: So, we are criminals now.

2012-03-28 00:18:31 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Herr Kommissaroberrat, you need to arrest us.

2012-03-28 00:18:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: We'll be in RCDB! You, Agent too! HA-HAHAHAHA!

2012-03-28 00:19:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: last warning Captain of the Ike.Zaehr.

2012-03-28 00:19:07 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: *He shakes his head* I don't get paid enough for this...Use your best judgement Officers.

2012-03-28 00:19:20 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I'll tell you what you can do now Captain:

2012-03-28 00:19:20 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: *SNAC online*

2012-03-28 00:19:23 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Back online.

Death: EL_empecinado was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:19:26 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: - Either you drop your cargo at once

2012-03-28 00:19:30 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: - you turn around

2012-03-28 00:19:36 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: - or you dock at Planet Hamburg and sell this goods.

2012-03-28 00:19:37 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: // Adolf.... nuahahaha

2012-03-28 00:19:56 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You have one minute. If you did not decide for one thing we will open the fire.

2012-03-28 00:20:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: :activating weapons:

2012-03-28 00:20:02 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Cloaking engine computer automaticly did that.

2012-03-28 00:20:12 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I will not give into your unlawful demands. This is a massive misuse of your power.

2012-03-28 00:20:14 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Agent, please disrupt zie lane.

2012-03-28 00:20:29 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Now tell me what this mess here is!

2012-03-28 00:20:39 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: We are bandits, RM!

2012-03-28 00:20:48 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: I, General, Komissar too!

2012-03-28 00:20:53 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: So you are traitors ?

2012-03-28 00:21:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: The minute is over Captain of the Ike.Zaehr.

2012-03-28 00:21:03 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Nein.

2012-03-28 00:21:07 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: I could execute you for this.

2012-03-28 00:21:18 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Mein Herren.

2012-03-28 00:21:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: You decided for one of the three points?

A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.

Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.

2012-03-28 00:21:29 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please let me to do it, I need promotion.

Death: Mace_Griffin was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:21:42 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: This is a Police Matter.

2012-03-28 00:21:42 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: No worries Herr Detektiv.

2012-03-28 00:21:46 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Not without my permission.

Death: Aya.Tollah was killed by Vengeful.Nostalgia (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:21:55 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: What for a permission?

2012-03-28 00:22:01 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: first you have to inform me about that.

2012-03-28 00:22:09 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: what is going on here.

2012-03-28 00:22:09 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: As Kommissaroberrat of the Buro I authorize these two officers to do whatever it takes to secure our borders.

2012-03-28 00:22:14 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: RM, General ist superior Offizier fur me.

2012-03-28 00:22:16 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Captain Adolf, if you don't shut up now you'll have a lot of problems with the High Command of the Primary Fleet soon.

2012-03-28 00:22:28 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: I've just received a message from Interspace pilot Jason Kronos. He wanted me to tell you he needs help in New Berlin

2012-03-28 00:22:49 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: That I know.

2012-03-28 00:23:00 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: Still you should inform me about this incident.

2012-03-28 00:23:05 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Help neede in NB? That's work for Rammstein

2012-03-28 00:23:14 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Well, Militar

2012-03-28 00:23:20 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: Sorry, false alarm he says

2012-03-28 00:23:21 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: I've enough of this.

2012-03-28 00:23:21 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: It's a long story...

2012-03-28 00:23:23 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Detektiv?

2012-03-28 00:23:23 SMT

RNC-Rammstein: Adolf: When my cloak device started I did not get any comms.

2012-03-28 00:23:27 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Ja!

2012-03-28 00:23:32 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Activate your weapons.

2012-03-28 00:23:42 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: *weapons online*

2012-03-28 00:24:02 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Target locked: Ike.Zaehr. Opening fire!

2012-03-28 00:25:45 SMT

Ike.Zaehr: None of you will get away with this! You'll all pay!

2012-03-28 00:25:54 SMT : RNC-Rammstein is attempting to engage cloaking device

Death: Ike.Zaehr was killed by RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange (Gun)

2012-03-28 00:27:06 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Gut work.

2012-03-28 00:27:11 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Somebody clean up this mess.

2012-03-28 00:27:13 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Please take ze examplez

2012-03-28 00:27:19 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Thankyou Herr Kommissaroberrat for keeping the tradelane down.

2012-03-28 00:27:27 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Rest of contraband should be zestroyed.

2012-03-28 00:27:31 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: Ja.

2012-03-28 00:27:34 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Repair ship!

2012-03-28 00:27:35 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: ja, Danke

2012-03-28 00:27:47 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Cmdr. Friedrich Stirn!

2012-03-28 00:28:05 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Pff.. you don't know who I am..

2012-03-28 00:28:21 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *

2012-03-28 00:28:35 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: *whispers to himself This Republican ship there should get arrested!*

2012-03-28 00:28:59 SMT

BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss: I'm going to Hamburg, I hate dealing with Civies...

Death: Trade.Escort|Agememnon was killed by an NPC

2012-03-28 00:29:08 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Gute Nacht

2012-03-28 00:29:10 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Verstanden.

Traffic control alert: BDM|Kmo-Herman.Voss has requested to dock

2012-03-28 00:29:17 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Gute Nacht Herr Kommissaroberrat.

2012-03-28 00:29:22 SMT

RFP|BGS-Bg.M.Trauer: Time for me to go sleep too

2012-03-28 00:29:22 SMT

RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange: Gute Nacht Herr general.