
Bible Study By Bahira Omar

क्या यीशु परमेश्वर हैॽ क्या यीशु ने परमेश्वर होने का दावा कियाॽ


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
مدرسة بهيرة عمرهي مدرسة
لخدمة كل المؤمنين من خلفية إسلامية و خلفيات اخرى و هدفها الكرازة بإسم المسيح و إظهار الحق
     من اقوال السيد الرب يسوع المسيح : انا هو نور العالم من يتبعني فلا يمشي بالظلمه بل يكون له نور الحياة.
مدرسة بهيرة عمر هي هيئة إرسالية مسيحية شغفها نشر كلمة الله في العالم العربي عبر الإنترنت وعبر وسائل إليكترونية أخرى


Are you seeking spiritual guidance and direction in your life?
Do you have serious questions about spiritual teaching and issues? About salvation, God and the Bible?
This free study I am offering to you provides Bible answers! God in the Bible offers the true answers to questions such as:
Does God really exist? What is the purpose and meaning of life?

What is the origin of the human race?

Can we receive eternal life after death? How can we be forgiven of our sins and receive the favor and blessings of God? Who is the God of our father Abraham?
We urge you to consider why the Bible is the best source of spiritual guidance and direction. Words of God found in the Gospel of Christ, can answer your questions about LIFE and the meaning of life. The teaching of Jesus can lead you to a fulfilling spiritual life and true Hope for eternal life. Please study this free lesson showing why this is so and be actively involved in discussions with us! ASK any questions and God will give you ANSWERS..may be from us too!







Bible in Hindi

स्वर्गदूतो के विषय मे बाइबल क्या कहती है?
दुष्टात्माओं के बारे मे बाइबल क्या कहती है?
शैतान कौन है?

Bible Study By Bahira Omar स्वर्गदूतो के विषय मे बाइबल... - justpaste.it


Bible in Hindi

इसका क्या अर्थ है कि यीशु परमेश्वर का पुत्र है?
यीशु मसीह कौन है?

Bible Study By Bahira Omar इसका क्या अर्थ है कि यीशु प... - justpaste.it


Bible in Hindi


क्या यीशु परमेश्वर हैॽ क्या यीशु ने परमेश्वर होने का दावा कियाॽ
यीशु मसीह कौन है?

Bible Study By Bahira Omar क्या यीशु परमेश्वर हैॽ क्या... - justpaste.it










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Chinese 2: https://justpaste.it/zri0



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