
Cat Safety Tips-How to Get Your Home Prepared for Kittens



Having a new kitten in the home is a bit like having a new baby - heart-warming, exciting, and a little exhausting at times. They are fascinated about everything, enthusiastic about discovering every inch of the home and a little bit of a responsibility. So, it will pay to kitten-proof the home first and some tips are explained here.



Kittens have an awesome ability to get into everything and kittens have their small size to create them even more naughty. Up the chimney, into a disused pipe, into a hole in the floorboards, all of these are real stories of where kittens have found themselves trapped. So, kitten proofs begins with looking for all those little cracks that kittens can jam into - plug those holes to stop them compressing in, pop a thank over the fireplace to stop adventures up the chimney and create sure doors closed.



Look at the items lying around the home as well. Kittens might easily grab a razor, scissors, needles, kitchen cleaning products, and also pens and cause themselves a serious injury. Check that the home plants they can access are safe too because some plants are harmful to cats. Make sure electrical wires are covered and cords are out of reach.


Happy kittens

Once the safety part has been covered, you can look at a fun place - what products will your new arrival want to help them settle into their new house. The breed of the kitten may provide you with some assistance though there are no definite guidelines. Some kittens are comfortable and convenient while others are strained and anxious. So, be ready for all variations.


Concealing locations are important for a new kitten as this allows them to experience secure and study their new atmosphere. This can be anything from under or behind the sofa to a cardboard box with a hole in or even a cat cube. A pile of blankets in a corner can allow them even to experience invisible and secure. Create them a spot in the most silent part of the home where their meals, water, and cat bed is to allow them to get away there when they get afraid and even put a little box close by to help quit injuries.



Here are the guidelines of the products you will need before your new arrival reaches you to create sure they are satisfied and experience at home:


Litter box and litter - try to use something just like what they are acquainted with to allow simple adaptation to their new equipment. Ensure that the sides are not too high that they can not get in. For example, cat litter scooper is a small plastic like a shovel that scoops up waste. They also come in a wide range of dimensions to provide the different sizes of the cat. You can buy these in any wide range of dimensions and colors at your local pet store. They are relatively affordable and available.


Water and food containers - small ceramics containers are a wise decision for kittens while plastic ones work also. Stainless-steel may intimidate anxious cats due to the indicative surface. Try them with a water fountain that instantly problems them fresh water as long as they do not get too anxious about the noise.


Toys - maintaining your kitten occupied and using toys to bond with them is very important and also helps their physical and mental development.


Bed - some kittens would not use a cat bed, but it is best to offer one in case they do.


Depending on you, other cat safety tips or requirements can consist of a collar, a leash to walk outside, training allows to help keep them off the furniture and scratching posts and other cat furniture.