
The Revolution of Wristwatches 



Watches are tiny piece of mechanism which basically controls your life more efficiently. You can’t maintain a balanced schedule without using watches. So watches, all kinds apparently, has become an unavoidable element of life.


Portable Timekeepers

A while after watches were first introduced to us, the necessity of carrying it was also felt. So pocket watches were introduced. They were smaller timekeeping devices which can be carried out with you. But wristwatches later took the place of those for being more stylish and useful.

The concept of wristwatches were first introduced by the army. The generals used to tie their time keepers in their hand. So that they can easily use them while holding a sword in their hand. And it also prevented the watch from becoming lost if it fell in the action.


Like any other inventions, the beginning of watches were not easy as well. First, clocks were ran by spring driven mechanisms. In this system, the energy for turning the hands were produced from a spring. The spring was squeezed tight with a key. Then the spring used to unfold slowly and keep the clock running for a certain time. Sometimes it used to take days for the spring to become unfolded. And when the sprig was fully unfolded, the clock stopped. Then you would have to fold the spring again.

The problem with this system was, you had to fold the spring every time the clock stopped. And if you forgot to do so, you would lose the track of time. Besides that, when the spring was half way unfold, the energy produced by it reduced gradually. Which was a problem for providing the precise time.


There were quite a few revolutionary milestone in the history of watches. But the history took a leap forward when electronic mechanism were introduced. This fully replaced the problem of spring tension management in the earlier clocks. And it provided the precise time until the battery life was fully zero. After that digital interface was introduced. But it used the same principle of energy and electronic mechanism.   

Now a day’s all watches are electronic. But some manufacture still keeps the classic touches, like Rolex. And you can get a watch at every price range. There are few Swiss replica watches manufacture as well.


In the end, it is clear that electronic mechanism changed everything including watches. So it’s science again which is responsible for another revolution. Just like Marshall McLuhan said, “The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village.”.