
How to Pronounce the Names of 193 Nations of the World - Truespel Phonetics


The links below contain 193 Nation names written in tradspel (traditional spelling) and truespel.

These pronunciations are taken from the spoken examples at m-w.com


I read the truespel phonetics so that one can hear how the names are to be pronounced according to m-w.com.


http://www.screenr.com/0JD8 - 66 nation names, A-G


http://www.screenr.com/0QD8 - 67 to 132 nation names, G-P


http://www.screenr.com/tiD8 - 133 to 193 nation names, P-Z


Truespel phonetics is free as my gift.  The free US English two-way converter is at http://truespel.com/en

Free tutorials are at youtube.com search on "tzurinskas" or "truespel".  Much info for teachers is there.


Tom Zurinskas, Truespel Inc.