
Arabic Media and Conflict Reporting Terminology

About 80% of this is my work, and the remainder hails from a previous thread on this topic on reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar, assembled last year. I am hoping to continue growing the list both as my Arabic increases and as my familiarity with both the Syrian/Iraqi conflict and the media emerging from both of those. Please feel free to contact me with mistakes or corrections, and more importantly with high frequency words and phrases common to the Syrian/Iraqi conflicts.


Sectarian Terminology

تكفيري "Takfiri" is a neologism for someone who engages in takfir, the act of determining who is and who is not a believer. The word shares the same consonant root as kafir ("nonbeliever" rather than "apostate"). There is a proscription against takfir in Islamic scholarship and jurisprudence generally, as it's not really supposed to be up to a human being to decide whether or not another person claiming to be a Muslim is in fact a Muslim, a determination that should be left up to Allah. There is no consensus whatsoever among the ulema' (scholars) and fuqaha (jurisprudents) that "kafir" includes all non-Muslims, and many consider "the believers" to include Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians. In short, "takfir" isn't a determination of one's apostasy, which specifically means someone who found the correct guidance and became a Muslim, and then turned away from Islam. Sometimes used as a slur to discredit Sunni groups.

السلفية Salafism - comes from the arabic word Salaf. A Salafi (سلفي) is the word Wahabi's use to describe themselves, the root of the word is Salaf or predecessor, and Salafi's contend that they are following in the foot-steps of the the righteous predessors. these predessors are the early muslims who did not have their Islam 'tainted' by foreign influences. Their scholars rejected perceived "modernization" in islamic thinking, primary among these scholars is Ibn Tamiya and Mohammed Ibn Abdulwahhab. Sometimes used as a slur, ascribing all Salafis as cut from the same clothe, i.e. violent extremists.

علوي Alawite - the Alawites claim to follow the twelver school of Shiism, but still remain a distinct group. It is believed that this distinction came about due to the geographic isolation of the group during Ottoman rule. In more recent history, Lebanese Shia scholars have led attempts to reconcile the Alawites to the Shia twelvers school, but its not clear how successful this was. It appears that the Syrian regime did not look favorably on these efforts - secular baathists have always looked on the religious activity with suspicion.

بيعة Bay'aa - means oath or oath of allegiance, basically throughout islamic history, the great and the good were expected to give their loyalty to the new leader. This term will be more common among the Islamists, refusing to give a new leader your oath is viewed as serious.

صحوة Sahwa - means awakening. It refers to the Sunni tribes of Anbar rising up against Alqaeda in Iraq and kicking them out of their area's. Basically, the Americans paid them to do this and they were quite successful/effective in removing the foreign element of Alqaeda and subduing the local element. Tribal affiliation still plays a big role in almost every Arab country.

حزبالات Hezbollat- A play on the name of the party/armed group "Hezbollah" (Party of God), Hezbollat is a combination of "Hezb" (party) and al-Lat, a pre-Islamic god that many in Saudi Arabia worshiped (the three main gods being al-Uzza, al-Lat, and al-Manat). Can also be interpreted as a crude pluralization of "god" to make Hezbollah appear polytheistic (Party of gods).

مرتد Murtad - Apostate - used liberally by extremists against any who disagree with the teachings that particular groups uses. ISIL uses it liberally when denouncing Sunnis arrayed against them.

منهج Manhaj - Ideology/Methodology through which 'truth' is reached.

رافضي/روافض Rafidi/Rawafid(pl.) - Literally rejectors A derogatory pejorative used when referring to Shi'a, Shi'as have turned the term around and use it as "rejectors of falsehood", through wordplay.

مجوس Majoos - A reference to the magi, Zoroastrianism, and fire-worship, this is a slur used against Shi'a (especially Iranians) to slight their religion as being un-Islamic.

خارجي/خوارج Khariji/Khwarij - One who rebels against a Muslim leader, emerged first time when they defected from Ali ibn Abi Talib's army during the Battle of Siffin, and later sent Ibn Muljim to assassinate him, who was the son-in- law and first cousin of the Prophet. The term has a modern day approach where this is used to fight anyone and everyone who doesn't see an eye to their beliefs, and they declare them worthy of death. The definition of Khawarij is best translated as "Extremist". The Khawarij were known in the past for basically killing anyone who did anything haram, anyone who sinned. They were unanimously denounced as extremists, who took a dogmatic and twisted interpretation of the religion and were denounced by the Sahaba, and Imam Ali (as), so this holds considerable weight in both Sunni and Shi'a circles.

ياهود/ ياهودي Yahudi/Yahud - Jew/(pl.)

نصيري Nusayri - derogatory term for Alawite

ناصبي Nusabi - slur used against Sunni by Shi'a. Relatively low frequency word.

صليبي Salibi (plural: Salibiyun) - Crusader- Used as a slur against Christians (especially western Christians).

الصفوية al-Safawiyah - Safavid - reference to the Safavid empire in Persian, this is a slur used against not only Iranians but those in the Shi'a axis at large.


فتنة Fitnah - Sedition - used quite frequently to accuse another of causing dissension/division in the ranks (especially of the broader Islamic community or community of jihad)

دين Deen - religion

الطائفة / الطائفية al-ta'afah / al-ta'afiyah - sect / sectarianism

شهادة Shahadah - The Muslim declaration of faith. Literally, "the testimony/testimonial". لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله - La illaha illa Allah Mohammedun rasool allah - "there is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of God."

توحيد Tawheed - The Belief in the Oneness of God

طاغوت Taghut - Tyrant - Usually means "dictator" or "tyrant". Used against the governments in the various states they fight against.

أهل السنة Ahl al-Sunnah - Sunni Islam and it's adherents

شيعة / شيعة علي Shi'a - Shi'atu Ali - Shi'a Islam / Followers of Ali

أمة Ummah - the group/community of religious believers

شرك‎ shirk - idolatry/polytheism

مُشْرِك Mushrik - idolater/polytheist (same root as Shirk)

الموحدين al-Muwahiddin - "monotheists." I've seen various jihadi/salafist people refer to themselves as monotheists to distinguish themselves from secular governments and tawagheet (idolaters/secular non-shariah governments/tyrants'')

الأنصار‎ - Ansar - "helpers" - Often seen in conjunction with "Muhajireen" (travellers, those who make hajj). Comes from the people of Medina who welcomed Mohammed and his followers (see, e.g., Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar)

ولاية الفقيه Wilayat al-Faqih - Guardianship of the Jurist - a prevailing theory in Shi'a Islam that Islam should have custodianship over it's adherents. This varies in degree from partial to total, and is not accepted by all Shi'a as correct. Often referenced when discussing Iran/Hezbollah and the Iran/Iraq axes.

سبحانه و تعالى Subhannu wa t"ala - May He Be Glorified and Exalted - an Islamic honorific that is often added after saying "Allah" either in text (abbreviated SWT) or in speaking. Many videos/interviews will begin with a series of Islamic honorifics, with this ofen being one of them.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ / بسم الله Bismillah / Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem - "In the name of God" / "In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful"- cited before every Sura in the Qu'ran (except the 9th), Bismillah is almost ALWAYS seen in jihadi official videos before anything else (against a black screen in white letters). During interviews before anything else is said, many interviews will begin with the full "Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem" as a preface to other Islamic honorifics and to preset the tone of the conversation. Bismillah has all sorts of Qu'ranic and Hadith based support for repeating it aloud during different scenarios.

إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un - "Surely we belong to God, and to him we shall return"- most commonly heard as a condolence when someone dies.

والله Wa-Allah - And God/By God: often run together almost as one word (W'allah) this expression has incredibly varied usage from the religious "By God, I will do this" to the shocked "W'allah!" to the casual. It is intended to give a promise that something will be done or to give significance to a statement.

إن شاء الله In Shaa Allah - If God Wills It/God Willing- when asked a question about something that will or may occur in the future, if the answer is yes/maybe/hopefully the reply will often be "If God Wills It" instead of "Yes". It is an acknowledgement of submission to Allah, as most Muslims believe everything is muktub (written) and things will only occur if Allah has willed it to happen.

ما شاء الله Ma Shaa Allah - God has willed it

جزاك الله Jazak Allah - May God Reward You

أستغفر الله Istaghfirullah - I seek the forgiveness of God - an expression of repentence.

كافر/ الكفار Kafir / Kuffar - Infidel / Infidels. Varying levels of agreement on who this encompasses. Much of Islam believes this is those who disbelieve in Islam, but does not encompass Ahl al-Kitab (people of the book): Jews and Christians. Other segments of Islam believe it encompasses all non-Muslims.


عسكري Askari - Military

عسكر/عساكر Askar/Asakir (Both pl.) - conscripts

شبيحة Shabiha - pro government militia (From the root word ghost) *this word carries a negative connotation and is (almost) never used by pro-government outlets as it bears with it an association with thuggery and torture. It is often used as a slur or a means of demeaning government forces).

الانغماسيين Al-Inghimasiyeen - the plural of Inghimasi, the word carries the meaning "those who plunge deeply into the enemy" descending from root غمس (to dip/submerge). These are the shock troops of ISIL, Jabhat al-Nusra, and some of the Caucus/Central Asia based groups. These troops are help in similar reverence as suicide bombers, often wear a suicide bolt/vest, but are not dedicated suicide bombers. They are heavily armed, eschew crew served weapons, and are used to soften a target before regular troops and support can arrive. Used in a similar fashion as SVBIEDs, these troops will attack a target furiously, expending grenades, RPGs, and heavy volumes of machine gun fire, with a very high chance of death, but suicide is not their purpose. Usually equipped with a suicide belt in the event of capture but they regularly survive their missions. Once they've created a hole in enemy lines, regular troops will pour through the hole and reinforce them.

عملية استشهادية Amaliyat Istashuhadiyah - Matrydom Operations - this is Jihadi lingo for suicide bombing. It could be by car (بسيارة - b'sayarah) or by person, but when spoken about from the perspective of those supporting the suicide bombing, it is never referred to as suicide bombing, always as martyrdom operations.

تفجير انتحاري Tafjeer intihari - suicide bombing - generally used by the recipients of or those reporting on suicide bombing, this literally translates to "Suicide bombing". When (most) Arabic news stations report on a suicide bombing, this is the term they use.

سيارة مفخخة Sayarah Mufakhakha - a car bomb. Either SVBIED (Suicide Vehicle Borne IED) driven by an individual or a VBIED that is parked near the target and then blown up, however both terms are used fairly interchangeably.

قنبلة يدوية / رمان Raman / Qunbilah Yedowiyah- Literally "Pomegranate" (the word from which Grenade originates in English) and "Hand Bomb", both have the meaning of "grenade."

هاون Hawin - mortar, especially the military variant, although sometimes homemade ones.

غراد Grad - BM-21 Grad rocket launchers or sometimes just the individual rockets fired from custom built tubes. Sometimes similar looking rockets (long rockets roughly 122mm in width) will also be called this.

كاتيوشا Katyusha - sometimes also spelled "Katoosha" this refers to the Soviet style Multiple Launch Rocket Systems. Originally the name was for WWII era rocket trucks. In Syria and Iraq, it is often used to refer to ANY multiple launch rocket system (although most commonly Type 63 107mm and BM-21 Grad 122mm systems).

دوشكا Dooshka/Dishka/Dooshk/Dishk - DShK - while there is a specific 12.7mm heavy machine gun that correlates to the label DShK, many combatants call any heavy machine gun or even anti-aircraft autocannon by this name. Only by looking at the actual weapon can you determine exactly what it is.

رشاش Rashash - machine gun- sometimes used for actual machine guns, many time used to describe even AKMs or M-16s.

بندقية Bundiqiyah - Rifle

قناص Qanas - Sniper

دبابة Dababah - tank

بي ام بي BMB - A literal spelling of BMP (there is no P in most Arabic dialects), sometimes seen prefaced with "عربة" ("arbah") "vehicle/wagon".

شيلكة Sheelka- ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" self propelled anti-aircraft vehicle.

صاروخ / صواريخ Saroukh/ Sawareekh (pl) - missile or missiles. Used for both guided missiles and unguided rockets, Saroukh is kind of a catch all term for a projectile powered by fuel with an explosive warhead.

الجحيم مدفع Al-Jaheem Madfa" - Hell cannon- used almost exclusively by opposition forces (especially in Syria, far less in Iraq) Hell Cannons are a style of homemade indirect (and occasionally direct) fire weapons that host a variety of homemade projectiles. The most common variant fires shells made from empty propane canisters with fins attached, filled with explosives. They vary in accuracy, range, method of detonation, and reliability.

أم Umm - mother- often paired with the name of a child (Umm Khalid, Umm Maryam, etc etc) this is often used in place of the actual name, much the way "Abu <child's name>" is. It might also be used to describe a trait of this person.

شيخ Sheik - Elder

أمير Emir - Commander

ابن Ibn - Son of

ابو Abu - Father of

شهيد Shaheed - Martyr

شهادة Shahada - Martyrdom

(Note on Arabic military unit names: not especially particular to Syria, but very public in this conflict, the name of a group often includes Brigade/Division/Battalion/Company. These very rarely correspond to the actual number of troops that such a name suggests, but rather the naming style of the group. Even the Syrian military often operates units that are far understrength for what their name suggests).

جيش Jaesh/Jaish/Jaysh--Army

فوج Fowj - Regiment

فرقة Firqa - band/squad/command/brigade

كتيبة Kateeba/Kata'ib - Battalion/pl.

لواء Liwa - Brigade

جماعة Jama'a - Group/Squad

جند Jundi - Soldier

غرباء Ghuraba - Foreigners (Literally strangers)

مهاجرين Muhajireen - Foreigners (Literally immigrants)

مقاومة Muqāwama - Resistance

جبهة Jabhat - Front

غنيمة Ghanima - Boot/Spoils/Plunder - Islam has specific rules about the sharing of war spoils, and jihadi circles go to great lengths to distinguish captured items as ghanima instead of just "loot", as it is justifiable in Islam. Generally speaking, this is military goods.

al-Britanny/al-Amriki/al-Hindi/al-Iraqi/al-Shishani/al-Turki etc - means where the fighter is from, and would translate to: the British/American/Indian/Iraqi/Chechen/Turkish.


تل Tal - Hill

ريف Rif/Reef - Countyside

بستان/بساتين Bustan - Orchards

جبل Jabal - Mountain

قمة Qima - Peak

جنوب Janoob - South

شمال Shamal - North

شرق Sharq - East

غرب Gharb - West

ولاية Wilayat - Province/State- What ISIL calls both its territorial subdivisions in Sham (Syria) and Iraq as well as the areas elsewhere in the Islamic World where they have received Bay'ah from local militant groups.

Political/ Legal

القاضي al-Qadi - Judge - both secular and religious judges.

فقيه Faqih - Jurist - an interpreter of Islamic jurisprudence.

دولة Dawla - State (Usually refers to ISIS)

ائتلاف Etilaf - Coalition

حزب Hizb - Party

تنظيم Tanzim - Organization

ارهاب Irhab - Terrorism

نظام Nizam - Regime - depending on the context it can be used to simple mean "system of government" or to carry the darker connotations as in a "totalitarian or despotic regime". In Syria, it is most frequently used by opponents of the Syrian government.