
Pravilnik chat sobe '' gaypricaonica '' http://pricaonica.krstarica.com/index.php?channel=gaypricaonica&client=flash

1. U chat sobi je zabranjena svaka vrsta diskriminacije. - Ban.
2. Zabranjeno je slati pornografiju na javni kanal. - Kick.
3. Slike i video snimci ne smeju ugrožavati autorska prava. - Ban.
4. Kada Operatori pregledaju kamere zbog razloga: (pornografije), morate odobriti ili isključiti kameru. - Kick.
5. U PVT chat možete slati bilo kakve linkove ako se sagovornik složi sa time.

* Da prijavite sagovornika koji vas uznemirava na PVT chat, morate imati dokaz, Slika prepiske mora biti vidljiva. *

Rules of Chat room ''gaypricaonica''  http://pricaonica.krstarica.com/index.php?channel=gaypricaonica&client=flash

1. In this chat room Every type of discrimination will be Baned.

2. In this room pornography is not alowed to send.

3. You can't send pictures of other people if they do not alow it.

4. When operators are checking the cameras for reasons: (Pornography) You have to alow the camera to them, or turn it off.

5. In Private chat you can send any type of links if your chat partner agree with it.


* If You want to report the violence on private chat You will need a proof, Take a screenshot of disturbing links or messages and send it to operaters. *