
@echo off
color 0a
title Winkawaks Plux v2

echo **************************************************************
echo                    Romlist Winkawaks Plux
echo **************************************************************
echo Bienvenido %computername%
echo 1 - The King of Fighters 96 Aniversary
echo 2 - The King of Fighters 97 Yukimura Hack
echo 3 - The King of Fighters 98 Aniversary
echo 4 - The King of Fighters 99 Aniversary
echo 5 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version
echo 6 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Magic
echo 7 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega
echo 8 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega Magic
set /p rom=Teclea la opcion del juego a elegir:

if "%rom%" == "1" goto kof96lx
if "%rom%" == "2" goto kof97yk
if "%rom%" == "3" goto kof98ae
if "%rom%" == "4" goto kof99ae
if "%rom%" == "5" goto kof2002ps2
if "%rom%" == "6" goto kfps2mp
if "%rom%" == "7" goto k2ps2omg
if "%rom%" == "8" goto k2ps2oma
if not "%rom%" == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" goto error

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kof96lx
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kof96lx
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kof97yk
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kof97yk
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kof98ae
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kof98ae
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kof99ae
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kof99ae
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kof2002ps2
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kof2002ps2
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando kfps2mp
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" kfps2mp
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando k2ps2omg
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" k2ps2omg
goto menu

echo En un momento...joven...cargando k2ps2oma
timeout /t 3 /noout
"WinKawaks.exe" k2ps2oma
goto menu

echo Ahorita no joven, solo numeros del 1 al 8
echo Regresando al menu...joven
timeout /t 6 /noout
goto menu2

echo **************************************************************
echo                    Romlist Winkawaks Plux
echo **************************************************************
echo Bienvenido %computername%
echo 1 - The King of Fighters 96 Aniversary
echo 2 - The King of Fighters 97 Yukimura Hack
echo 3 - The King of Fighters 98 Aniversary
echo 4 - The King of Fighters 99 Aniversary
echo 5 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version
echo 6 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Magic
echo 7 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega
echo 8 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega Magic
set /p rom=Teclea la opcion del juego a elegir:

if "%rom%" == "1" goto kof96lx
if "%rom%" == "2" goto kof97yk
if "%rom%" == "3" goto kof98ae
if "%rom%" == "4" goto kof99ae
if "%rom%" == "5" goto kof2002ps2
if "%rom%" == "6" goto kfps2mp
if "%rom%" == "7" goto k2ps2omg
if "%rom%" == "8" goto k2ps2oma
if not "%rom%" == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" goto error2

echo Joven le repito que no...solo use numeros del 1 al 8
echo Regresando al menu...joven
timeout /t 3 /noout
goto menu3

echo **************************************************************
echo                    Romlist Winkawaks Plux
echo **************************************************************
echo Bienvenido %computername%
echo 1 - The King of Fighters 96 Aniversary
echo 2 - The King of Fighters 97 Yukimura Hack
echo 3 - The King of Fighters 98 Aniversary
echo 4 - The King of Fighters 99 Aniversary
echo 5 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version
echo 6 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Magic
echo 7 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega
echo 8 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega Magic
set /p rom=Teclea la opcion del juego a elegir:

if "%rom%" == "1" goto kof96lx
if "%rom%" == "2" goto kof97yk
if "%rom%" == "3" goto kof98ae
if "%rom%" == "4" goto kof99ae
if "%rom%" == "5" goto kof2002ps2
if "%rom%" == "6" goto kfps2mp
if "%rom%" == "7" goto k2ps2omg
if "%rom%" == "8" goto k2ps2oma
if not "%rom%" == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" goto error3

echo Joven es la ultima vez que le digo...solo use numeros del 1 al 8
echo Regresando al menu...Joven
timeout /t 6 /noout
goto menu4

echo **************************************************************
echo                    Romlist Winkawaks Plux
echo **************************************************************
echo Bienvenido %computername%
echo 1 - The King of Fighters 96 Aniversary
echo 2 - The King of Fighters 97 Yukimura Hack
echo 3 - The King of Fighters 98 Aniversary
echo 4 - The King of Fighters 99 Aniversary
echo 5 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version
echo 6 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Magic
echo 7 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega
echo 8 - The King of Fighters 2002 PS2 Version Omega Magic
set /p rom=Teclea la opcion del juego a elegir:

if "%rom%" == "1" goto kof96lx
if "%rom%" == "2" goto kof97yk
if "%rom%" == "3" goto kof98ae
if "%rom%" == "4" goto kof99ae
if "%rom%" == "5" goto kof2002ps2
if "%rom%" == "6" goto kfps2mp
if "%rom%" == "7" goto k2ps2omg
if "%rom%" == "8" goto k2ps2oma
if not "%rom%" == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" goto error3

echo Por esa razon ya no se le atiende al Joven...
echo Cerrando...
timeout /t 6 /noout