
Does IS believe all those who fight them to be disbelievers?

IS-spokesman Abu Muhammad al Adnani exposes himself again regarding his Mubahala with Abu Abdullah al Shami



Adnani said in his latest speech "O people answer the caller of Allah":

O deluded one, before you fight (Dawlah), remember there is no portion of this earth wherein the rule of Allah is solely applied except in the lands of the Islamic State (IS). 

Remember, if you are able to take a yard or a village or a city from IS then the law of Allah will be replaced by the law of man.

Thereafter ask yourself, what is the ruling on becoming a means to replace the law of Allah with the law of man? Yes you become an infidel by that...By you fighting the Islamic State you fall in Kufr (disbelief) whether you know it or not!

Previously Adnani said in his speech entitled: "Then we shall take oaths (Mubahala) and place the curse of Allah on the liars":


"O Muslims say 'Ameen' and place the curse of Allah on the liar. O Allah...Abu Abdullah al Shami has accused us of...

-The State (IS) considers whoever fights them as people fighting Islam and thus out of the fold of Islam...


O Allah I make you a witness that what Abu Abdullah al Shami said about Dawlah is a lie and fabrication and not from the position of IS"


Once again the IS group is exposed by the tongues of their own leaders and once again their lies are clear. Wake up O one still fooled by their claims of Khilafah!

