
2015-06-22 13:54:41,452 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][398] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master
2015-06-22 13:54:41,488 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][398] Missing configuration file: ~/.saltrc
2015-06-22 13:54:41,490 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][398] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///etc/salt/var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-06-22 13:54:41,491 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][398] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///etc/salt/var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-06-22 13:54:41,492 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][398] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-06-22T11:54:41.492157'}
2015-06-22 13:54:41,509 [salt.master                              ][INFO    ][18004] Clear payload received with command publish
2015-06-22 13:54:41,510 [salt.utils.event                         ][DEBUG   ][18004] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-06-22T11:54:41.509576', 'minions': ['myminion']}
2015-06-22 13:54:41,510 [salt.utils.event                         ][DEBUG   ][18004] Sending event - data = {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150622135441509211', 'tgt': 'myminion', '_stamp': '2015-06-22T11:54:41.510049', 'user': 'root', 'arg': [{'__kwarg__': True, 'filename': '/root/mygpg.key'}], 'fun': 'gpg.import_key', 'minions': ['myminion']}
2015-06-22 13:54:41,511 [salt.master                              ][INFO    ][18004] User root Published command gpg.import_key with jid 20150622135441509211
2015-06-22 13:54:41,511 [salt.master                              ][DEBUG   ][18004] Published command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150622135441509211', 'tgt': 'myminion', 'ret': '', 'user': 'root', 'arg': [{'__kwarg__': True, 'filename': '/root/mygpg.key'}], 'fun': 'gpg.import_key'}
2015-06-22 13:54:41,515 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][398] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-06-22 13:54:41,516 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][398] get_iter_returns for jid 20150622135441509211 sent to set(['myminion']) will timeout at 13:55:26.515754
2015-06-22 13:54:41,580 [salt.master                              ][INFO    ][18009] AES payload received with command _return
2015-06-22 13:54:41,580 [salt.utils.job                           ][INFO    ][18009] Got return from myminion for job 20150622135441509211
2015-06-22 13:54:41,581 [salt.utils.event                         ][DEBUG   ][18009] Sending event - data = {'fun_args': [{'filename': '/root/mygpg.key'}], 'jid': '20150622135441509211', 'return': 'TypeError encountered executing gpg.import_key: list indices must be integers, not str. See debug log for more info.', 'success': False, 'cmd': '_return', '_stamp': '2015-06-22T11:54:41.580578', 'fun': 'gpg.import_key', 'id': 'myminion', 'out': 'nested'}
2015-06-22 13:54:41,588 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][398] jid 20150622135441509211 return from myminion
2015-06-22 13:54:41,590 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][398] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-06-22 13:54:41,591 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][398] jid 20150622135441509211 found all minions set(['myminion'])