
Such evidences will never be sufficient for the seeker of truth and the one free from the blinding of ignorance and deception 
For what reason do you support them, oh mislead one?

Members of other Jihadi groups joining the "Islamic State" in large numbers is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed a large number of "Muslims" joined the camp of Musaylamah Ibn Kadhāb, but never did this mean he was upon the truth.

Young Muslims flocking to the "Islamic State" from the West is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed nothing encourages them except videos and statements that deceive them into believing they will be joining the truthful Mujāhidīn and that they will be doing a noble deed, where in fact they only find themselves to fall into a pit of ignorance.

Having a large number of fighters within the "Islamic State" is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed numbers were never a scale of measurement of the truth, and Allāh tells us if we were to follow majority of the people on earth, surely they would lead us astray.

Members of "Islamic State" having good dreams of their group, their soldiers and their leaders is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed it was narrated, "A man came to Imām Ahmad and said, "I saw you in Paradise (in a dream)". Imām Ahmad replied, "(Good) dreams please the believer but do not deceive him, indeed such and such a person was seen (in a dream in Paradise) as you just said, yet today he is upon the way of the Khawārij." [as-Siyār 11/227]

Calling towards the Shar'īah, and claiming to fight for Allāh's sake, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the Khawārij also called towards the book of Allāh and were sincere in fighting others due to their belief they had left Islam, and by fighting them, they assumed they were doing a great deed.

Breaking of the borders between Irāq and Syria, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed plenty more borders remain in the Muslim world and the true Khalīfah indeed, will break all borders and unite the Muslims as one State.

Having deviant Muslims, from among its leaders, preachers, and laymen, call the "Islamic State" Khawārij, is not evidence in itself they are on the truth. For indeed the evil scholars from the Murji'ah, Madākhilah, Ikhwān and its lackeys would call al-Qā'idah from the Khawārij, yet this in itself would not mean that al-Qā'idah is on the truth, except that we return back to the characteristics of the Khawārij and the Aqīdah and Manhaj of al-Qā'idah and only then does the falseness of such a label become apparent.

Taking large swaths of land/territory, and having power over it, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the Tatars ruled over majority of the Muslim world, yet they had nothing to do with the Dīn of Islam.

Having eloquent tongues, well versed in the Arabic language and having beautiful recitation of the Qur'ān, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم described the Khawārij as immature youth, who would have eloquent tongues and make the most impressive of speeches.

Having their citizens living under the "Islamic State" happy and rejoicing under their rule, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed it is no surprise to us that in the propaganda videos of citizens under the "Islamic State", they are such, yet the reality is much different and those on the ground testify to this.

Having moderate and misguided scholars label them as "Takfīri, Irhābi", is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed other misguided Khariji organizations such as GIA and Takfīr wal Hijrah were described the same yet they were the furthest from the Aqīdah of Ahlu-Sunnah and the truth.

Recieving Baya'āt (pledges of allegiance) from within Syria, or outside Syria, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed even if large amounts of Muslims from all parts of the world, from Afghanistan, to Libya, to Somalia and to Philippines, this would not increase the validity of their "State" in any bit, nor would it make their crimes against the Muwāhidīn and Mujāhidīn any less.

Having fighters who appear in flashy videos and are seen reciting the words of Allāh and the Ahadīth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم , is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed even the Murji'ah of today, the Sufis, the Ikhwānis, the Barelwis, the Ash'aris, or those that belong to other Muslim groups like Hizbut-Tahrīr or Jama'at Islāmi, can all be observed as those who put forth verses of the Qur'ān and Ahadīth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم in order to propagate the truthfulness of their call and Minhaj.

Having Islamic slogans and appearances, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the Khawārij were known to be of those whose slogan was "Inni Hukmu Ilā Lillāh" [There is no Rule except for Allāh], and their worship was found to be extraordinary and they appeared to look like the most pious of Believers.

Having preachers in the West who are known to "speak the Haqq" and make "Kufr in Taghūt" supporting them, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the fact of the matter is their tongues have not spared anyone from the scholars of Jihad, for now they have become "misguided" and "people of falsehood", while appealing speakers to the youth of the West are taken as sources of knowledge and somehow the only one's on the truth.

Producing Anashīd that focus on the establishment a Khilāfah, terrorizing the enemies of Allāh, martyrdom and meeting Allāh in state of piety, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed any group with an Islamic sentiment have the ability to produce such audios and videos with similar slogans and words.

Seeing the dead among them smiling while killed in battle, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the very Mujāhidīn they described as "Murtadīn" and "Sahawāt" can also be found dead in the battles with smiling faces, yet this is not evidence that they are upon the truth nor would this be sufficient as evidence to assume they are from a righteous noble faction.

A coalition of countries, uniting together to fight the "Islamic State", is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed the Nazis were despised and hated by the world, the U.S, the British, the Soviets sought to fight them, yet this never necessitated to mean they are on the truth.

Applying the Hudūd [Islamic punishments] in areas of control here and there, is not evidence they are on the truth. For indeed even as-Salūl [Sa'udi Arabia] apply some of the Hudūd upon it's citizens, yet this is not evidence they are on the truth.

O' seeker of the truth, O' sincere one, O' dear brother/sister that has been fooled, free yourself from the deceptions, lies, manipulations, fabrications and misguidance of Jama'at ad-Dawlah. Do not be fooled by these false realities that have no basis! Seek knowledge, return back to the scholars, the scholars of at-Tawhīd wal Jihad. Let not emotion nor hype get the best of you.

أخوكم أبو زبير