
KUMC Wizard Edition 1-20-2016 (for Kodi 15.x)

-:Family Edition:- OpenLoadCopyOziBox - Google DriveDev-HostMega
-:Adult Edition:- OpenLoad - CopyOziBox - Google DriveDev-HostMega

USB/SD Card Wizard Fork v3.0.2 - CopyOziBox
Advancedsettings.xml for different devices - CopyOziBox


Password: ForFriends


Note: For Kodi 16.x, try the new Python Build 1.0



 - Added new watch 1080p addon.
 - Added new repo with dutch ccloud addon.
 - Updated repo for new ivue addon and setup with channels assigned (some I cannot get assigned for build).
 - Removed non-popular addons (for example, Glee addon).
 - Removed discontinued addons which did not work anymore.
 - Cleanup of addons that do not uninstall the old versions.
 - Increased startup and shutdown times in Kodi.
 - All sources, repos and addons updated 1-20-2016.

 - Added muttynutz (windows only addon), dragon shows, marvel movies addons and schismtv repo per requests.
 - Updated sources.