




The Sixth Lesson of Smart Phone Security
The Protection of key Logger


Praise to Allah the Bestower of honor and victory, the Humiliator of al-shirk with His vanquish, guide the things by his authority, inveigled the unbelievers by his wiliness, estimated the days countries by
His justice, Gave the good health to the pious by His grace. Pray and peace on (the one whom Allah tops Islam with his sword), on his family, campaigns and who follow them with beneficence to the Day of Judgment

What is the Key Logger?

It is a tool, which always integrate with the keyboard application at the mobile phone, it aims to record all written by the users on the keyboard, where each key store recorded in a file and sent to the developer of the keyboard or from the integration of this tool with the keyboard. This tool used in spying and observing sensitive password, email and the data of the credit card.


How do I prevent the keyboard for sending all what write to the key logger?

The first solution: for the one who has tor1

Keyboard uses permissions of reaching to the internet to send your data to the developer, so you have to remove the permissions of reaching to the internet in any keyboard you want and remove the permissions of the mic, camera and the geographic location. Add firewall to control in the application that connect automatically without internet, at this situation you can use the keyboard safety by Allah's grace.




To learn how to remove the permissions from the application: press here

To learn how to install the firewall to control on the application that connected automatically to the internet prees here


Note: in case of a.i. type keyboard (keyboard master) you can use the keyboard.



The second solution to who didn’t have a Rot

Use the keyboard, which does not require spying permissions like using the internet, mic, geographic location or synchronization for the accounts on the devices.
To download the hackers keyboard from the photo_2015-07-28_01-40-10.jpg

prees here

After download and install the keyboard press

Enabled Keyboard



Then press on the Hacker Keyboard



Press on (Input languages) to choose the language



Choose the language


Press on set input method


Press on Hackers keyboard







Our last prayer, Praise to Allah the lord of the World
Don’t forget to pray to us



Your brother : Islamic State Technician 

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