Dr. Iyad 'Arqasusi
The coalition, Bashar, ISIS.
A joint coalition to strike the Mujahideen.
The Twitter victories of ISIS are accompanied by the handing over (of territories and weapons storehouses) by the Rawafid, the Nusairiyah, and the coalition, applauding these theater plays! What coalition is there while the convoys of Al-Baghdadi tour through the desert of Syria and Iraq?
The convoys of Baghdadi's gang come out of Deir Zor to Tadmur, traveling hundreds of kilometers without them being intercepted by coalition aircrafts, while the gang of the criminal Bashar Al-Assad withdraws in front of the gang of the criminal Baghdadi.
The keys of the weapons storehouses are handed over to Al-Baghdadi, and the tanks and artillery cannons, to aims them at Al-Qalamoon to support Hizbullaat, and stand by them against Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah; in a battle of the Ummah in which the sons of As-Sunnah stand against the gangs of Assad and Hizbullaat. Or to aim them at North-Syria in order to stab the Mujahideen with loss, and delay the liberation of Aleppo. Or to discourage the Mujahideen of Jayh Al-Fath, who are moving towards (the Al-Lawite strongholds in) the coast.
These victories of Al-Baghdadi are false victories, they are not obstructed by the coalition nor by the criminal regime of Bashar, rather they are the ones who pave the way for them and open its doors. If Bashar knew that handing over the weapons storehouses is a danger to him, he would not hand them over to ISIS. But he knows with certainty that the rifles will be aimed at the chest of the Mujahideen, without the Nusairiyah being harmed in any way.
Or maybe he knew that these weapons would protect the throne, for a certain period of time, on which the dogs of the Nusairiyah of Bashar Al-Assad sit. Because he knows the reality of what Al-Baghdadi thinks concerning fighting the Mujahid factions, and slaughtering the monotheistic Mujahideen, and blowing up their headquarters.
The Nusairyah and Hizbullaat now know that Al-Baghdadi is the best riding mount to fight the righteous factions. So they used him for this and handed over weapons, which they did not dreamed of collecting in decades, and retreated in front of their imaginary strikes, while they desperately try to stand firm in front of the Mujahideen.
And this is how all the victories of the criminal ISIS are.
Translated by: DMIS
Original Arabic: http://justpaste.it/lkv1