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@anonymous · Jan 30, 2015

# This script works in conjunction with some .sql files (that should exist in the same folder
# to generate scripts that will recreate
# principles and permissions for those principles as they are currently defined for a named
# principle on a named server in a named database.
# The output file is placed into a folder at:
# .\[ProjectName]\Scripts\Post-Deploy\SecurityAdditions\PermissionSets\
# .\[ProjectName]\Scripts\Post-Deploy\SecurityAdditions\Users\
# Execute using> .\GeneratePermissions.ps1 -SQLInstance instanceName -Environment XXX
# e.g. > .\GeneratePermissions.ps1 -SQLInstance "localhost" -Environment DEV
# by Jamie Thomson
# 21st July 2010
# Peter Schott - 2011-02-17
# Created a section to handle the Role Permissions
# Tweaked script to appropriately handle Principle.Name property
# (prior version pointed to a non-existent/set $DatabasePrinciple variable of some sort)


#####Add all the SQL goodies (including Invoke-Sqlcmd)#####
add-pssnapin sqlserverprovidersnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#####Prepare array of Databases to work over#####
###Add a new element to the array for every database
###It allows you to define the name of the database and the name of the datadude project
###that the files will be added to
$DBobjArray = @()
$tmpObject = New-Object PSObject
$tmpObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "Timesheet_Dev"
$tmpObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "Timesheet.SQL"
$DBobjArray += $tmpObject

# $tmpObject2 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject2 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB2"
# $tmpObject2 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB2"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject2

# $tmpObject3 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB3"
# $tmpObject3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB3"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject3
# $tmpObject4 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject4 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB4"
# $tmpObject4 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB4"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject4
# $tmpObject5 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject5 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB5"
# $tmpObject5 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB5"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject5
# $tmpObject6 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject6 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB6"
# $tmpObject6 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB6"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject6
# $tmpObject7 = New-Object PSObject
# $tmpObject7 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DatabaseName" -Value "DB7"
# $tmpObject7 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProjectName" -Value "DB7"
# $DBobjArray += $tmpObject7


$Root = resolve-path . #returns location of this script - hence enables relative paths
#apparently another way to do this is Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
#See http://powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aff/1/aft/5419/afv/topic/afpg/1/Default.aspx for more on relative paths
$Root = $Root.Path + "\"

Foreach($DBObj in $DBobjArray)
$DBName = $DBObj.DatabaseName
$ProjectName = $DBObj.ProjectName
"DB: " + $DBName + " Project: " + $ProjectName
$RootPath = $Root + $ProjectName + "\Scripts\Post-Deploy\SecurityAdditions\"
$EnvironmentWrapperFile = $RootPath + "SecurityAdditions$Environment.sql"

$UsersFolder = $RootPath + "Users\"
If(!(Test-Path -path $UsersFolder)){
mkdir $UsersFolder | out-null #One way of making sure no output makes it to the console.
" Created folder " + $UsersFolder
$RolesFolder = $RootPath + "RolePermissions\"
If(!(Test-Path -path $RolesFolder)){
mkdir $RolesFolder | out-null #One way of making sure no output makes it to the console.
" Created folder " + $RolesFolder
$PermissionsFolder = $RootPath + "PermissionSets\"
If(!(Test-Path -path $PermissionsFolder)){
[void](mkdir $PermissionsFolder) #Another way of making sure no output makes it to the console.
" Created folder " + $PermissionsFolder

$RoleList = Invoke-SqlCmd -MaxCharLength 500 -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -database $DBName -InputFile "$Root\GetDatabaseRoleList.sql"
"PRINT 'Create role permissions for " + '$(DeployType)' + "';" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile
Foreach ($Role in $RoleList)

" " + $Role.Name
$VariableArray = "PrincipleName='" + $Role.Name + "'"
$OutPath = $RolesFolder + $Role.name + "___" + $Environment + ".sql"
Invoke-SqlCmd -MaxCharLength 500 -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -database $DBName -Variable $VariableArray -InputFile "$Root\CreateDDLForAssigningPermissionsPerPrinciple.sql" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $OutPath #ascii encoding is important if committing to Subversion

#Trim all trailing/leading spaces in the generated file
(gc $OutPath)| % {$_.trim()} | sc $OutPath

":r .`"\RolePermissions\" + $Role.name + "___$Environment.sql`"" | Out-File -width 500 -append -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -encoding ascii

$PrincipleList = Invoke-SqlCmd -MaxCharLength 500 -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -database $DBName -InputFile "$Root\GetDatabasePrincipalList.sql"
"" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append #Empty line
"PRINT 'Create users for " + '$(DeployType)' + "';" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append
Foreach ($Principle in $PrincipleList)
" " + $Principle.Name
$ReplacedPrinciple = $Principle.name.replace('\','_') #Stripping out backslashes so we can use in a filename

#####CREATE USER#####
$StmtCheckIfUserExists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = '" + $Principle.name + "') AND EXISTS (select 'x' from master.dbo.syslogins where name = '" + $Principle.Login + "')
$StmtCreateUser = 'CREATE USER ['
$StmtForLogin = '] FOR LOGIN ['
$StmtWithoutLogin = '] WITHOUT LOGIN'
$StmtDefaultSchemaWithoutLogin = ' WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=['
$StmtDefaultSchema = '] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=['
$StmtEnd = '];'
If ($Principle.Login.Length -lt 1 ) {
$WholeStmt = $StmtCheckIfUserExists + $StmtCreateUser + $Principle.name + $StmtWithoutLogin
} else {
$WholeStmt = $StmtCheckIfUserExists + $StmtCreateUser + $Principle.name + $StmtForLogin + $Principle.Login
If ($Principle.default_schema_name.Length -gt 0 ) #If there is a default schema, include it!
If ($Principle.Login.Length -lt 1 ) {$WholeStmt = $WholeStmt + $StmtDefaultSchemaWithoutLogin + $Principle.default_schema_name} else {
$WholeStmt = $WholeStmt + $StmtDefaultSchema + $Principle.default_schema_name
$WholeStmt = $WholeStmt + $StmtEnd
$OutPath = $UsersFolder + $ReplacedPrinciple + ".user.sql"
$WholeStmt | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $OutPath

#Trim all trailing/leading spaces in the generated file
(gc $OutPath)| % {$_.trim()} | sc $OutPath

":r .`"\Users\$ReplacedPrinciple.user.sql`"" | Out-File -width 500 -append -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -encoding ascii

"" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append #Empty line
"PRINT 'Create permissions for " + '$(DeployType)' + "';" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append
Foreach ($Principle in $PrincipleList)
$ReplacedPrinciple = $Principle.name.replace('\','_') #Stripping out backslashes so we can use in a filename
$VariableArray = "PrincipleName='" + $Principle.name + "'"
$OutPath = $PermissionsFolder + $ReplacedPrinciple + "___" + $Environment + ".sql"
Invoke-SqlCmd -MaxCharLength 500 -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -database $DBName -Variable $VariableArray -InputFile "$Root\CreateDDLForAssigningPermissionsPerPrinciple.sql" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $OutPath #ascii encoding is important if committing to Subversion

#Trim all trailing/leading spaces in the generated file
(gc $OutPath)| % {$_.trim()} | sc $OutPath

":r .`"\PermissionSets\" + $ReplacedPrinciple + "___$Environment.sql`"" | Out-File -width 500 -append -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -encoding ascii

"" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append #Empty line
"PRINT 'Create role memberships for " + '$(DeployType)' + "';" | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append
$RoleMembershipList = Invoke-SqlCmd -MaxCharLength 500 -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -database $DBName -InputFile "$Root\Generate sp_addrolemember statements.sql"
Foreach ($RoleMembership in $RoleMembershipList)
$RoleMembership.Stmt | Out-File -width 500 -encoding ascii -FilePath $EnvironmentWrapperFile -append #Empty line

#Trim all trailing/leading spaces in the generated Environment Wrapper file
(gc $EnvironmentWrapperFile)| % {$_.trim()} | sc $EnvironmentWrapperFile
