
Some biographical informations about Leopoldo Siano

Leopoldo Siano was born in Italy in 1982. He began piano lessons as a child, and later studied composition and conducting. In 2006 he earned his degree in musicology (laurea) at the Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" with the thesis Opera ultima – opera postuma: Lou Salomé di Giuseppe Sinopoli. Prospettive nietzscheane tra Mahler, Berg e Strawinsky. In 2008 he completed his musicological studies (laurea specialistica) at the Università degli studi di Pavia (Facoltà di musicologia di Cremona), writing the thesis Karlheinz Stockhausen: teoria e prassi compositiva (1951–1961). From 2006 he regularly attended the Stockhausen-Kurse Kürten.
Since 2009 he has been living in Germany, where in 2012 he earned his PhD at the University of Cologne with a doctoral dissertation on the last and unfinished cycle of Karlheinz Stockhausen Klang. Die 24 Stunden des Tages, which has been published in 2013 (by the Viennes publishing house "Der Apfel" as volume 19 of the series Signale aus Köln). In 2014, for his book on Stockhausen's cycle Klang he was awarded with the prestigious prize of the Offerman-Hergarten-Stiftung. 
Since 2012 he is teaching at the Musicological Institute of the University of Cologne, and he is internationally active as lecturer and writer on music.
Here some of his actual fields of study:
the music of Jean-Claude Eloy
the late work of Karlheinz Stockhausen
the music of Gerard Pape
Music and Philosophy in the work of Giacinto Scelsi
the Music Theatre of Prasqual
Electroacustic Music and Surrealism
Music and Eros
Acusmatic Music
Music and Transculturality (with particular interest for Asiatic music traditions)
Music and Ritual
Musical Archetypes