Shaykh Hassan al-Kattani on ISIS
Shaykh Hassan al-Kattani al-Idrisi (may Allah protect him) said:
By Allah, I truly can't understand something anymore. Have people become lost in their dreams?! Have they lost their minds?! This gang that is called: "Dawlah al-Iraq wa al-Sham" (ISIS) has become a dangerous group that's isolated from the ummah, it's been warned from by the 'ulama of the Muslims, and it has been disowned by the leaders of mujahidin. And yet, we find some of the best of youth going to them and joining them, and fighting their brothers on false (batil) pretense.
Verily the youth should fear Allah with regards to themselves, since that which is best for them - by Allah - is that they sit in their houses and don't get involved with the crime of killing the innocent people.
حفظه الله - قال الشريف الحسن الكتاني الإدريسي
الشام اصبحت طائفة هذه العصابة المسماة دولة العراق و !هل فقدوا عقولهم؟ ! هل غابت أحلام الناس؟.و الله ما عدت افهم شيئا
خطيرة منعزلة عن الأمة يحذر منها علماء المسلمين و يتبرأ منها قادة المجاهدين و مع ذلك ينفر شباب من خيرة الشباب فيلتحقون
بها ثم يقاتلون إخوانهم و يقتلون قتلة باطلة. ألا فليتق الله الشباب في أنفسهم فخير لهم و الله أن يجلسوا في بيوتهم و لا
يتورطوا في جريمة قتل الأبرياء