Accompanied by a cold sense of Ascension, Zhou Weiqing also found a wonderful thing, that is,he could faintly feel the officer now Cher and son of Guan within days of operation State.


"Little fat, your demons devoured evolved? "It asked Qiao ya.


Perivascular counted nodded, his voice have become their own little Yin cold "seems to be withthe days after up to six beads, evolved on their own, but I did not notice, will it really work out.


It do not hesitate to hold out their hands, "come on, try it.


Seeing this scene, officer Michelle suddenly felt his heart beat suddenly for a few minutes, herdays are always unpleasant, but at this moment, happened this kind of change. There is no doubt that Zhou Weiqing of the State at this time and skills are terrible, but it will not hesitate to try tobody, it is a trust, the simple details, but officer Cher can surely, it is willing to give up everythingfor Zhou Weiqing.


Perivascular inventory to nod, he accused Guan has confidence in himself, and his hands shookhands.


Just two four-connected to that moment, it's whole body is like an electric shock of drastic ZhanGuan Guan body shaking. Standing officer Cher can clearly see that it burst upon a circle glare ofhalos, Guan Zhou Weiqing are quickly rushing away.


Oh, my God! This is ... ...


Shangguan snow son stare big has eyes, she repair Guan refining of vast promise martial art on subtle perception most focused on, at is near, she can clear of feel to, days son body Guan within of days force are to like pour like of speed crazy Chung Guan into Zhou Weiqing body Guan within, not only so, days son of body Guan body seems to has like is was Guan seal has as completely ban Guan became, and, swallowed of except days force zhiwai, was also has she of vitality, days son originally smooth of skin surface, obviously began became Dim up, Even herspirit Hun in dramatic pull.


Scary skills.


Zhou Weiqing as parties and day, nature more profound, Zhou Weiqing friends hold hands at themoment, immediately felt his body Guan is like a bottomless pit, mad force instant broke out,frenzy swallowed it all. And he himself was also because the Phagocytic and instantly feel a strongsense of fulfillment.


That swallowed and to of days force, was in through double Palm of process in the on was itself had Tao has a again, rushed into Zhou Weiqing body Guan within Hou, immediately and he itself of days force phase fusion, despite this unit foreign of energy still not belongs to he of, but, he body Guan within of cyclone and demons swallowed by has of special energy is to a extremely rapid of speed will these foreign of days force refining of, despite eventually thorn more than of essence only one-tenth are not to, but, this also to than he himself absorption world of force to repair Guan refining fast of too more too more has.


However, no sense of Guan Zhou Weiqing heart appeared, but Guan need to panic because hisamazement discovered when it swallowed after starting, he accused Guan of force actuallydecreased, wants to block the Phagocytic process was extremely difficult. And he also felt it wasswallowed by his vitality and also as a result of swallowed this vitality contained in, to let himdirect the external energy refinery.


If you go on like this, after all all day was consumed by Zhou Weiqing, she can only becomemummified.


Just as the Prairie Wolf.


"Day, an ING operation. "Zhou Weiqing shouted, while he himself tried accused Guan consumedby demons slowed down, and transfer time is ing.


Beginning of the demons devoured, as if it were no termination, other ing completely Guan evilbelongs to ing, only time is Holy belongs to ing ing just to be mobilized out of the genus.


It is a horror, but she has nothing to fear, even if it is really sucks by Zhou Weiqing, she will notregret it, if that's the case, and she is really one Zhou Weiqing. The girl fall in love, and ideas arealways different from ordinary people.


Holy Spirit, two Holy Mosques within ing to operate in weather that would barely run, but still wasconsumed by demons that Guan Guan Zhou Weiqing into body. It is conceivable that is Holybelongs to ing after the start of these two energies of the demons consumed nothing can stand,what happens if the other ing?


This, of course, but also because it fixes for high bizhouwei not much, has been swallowed up byZhou Weiqing part before, so I can't break free. If it is changed fix than Zhou Weiqing of thestrong, as long as they can find, forced open the first time swallowed, or is able to do. But it must also be the first time that, otherwise, under this, but not long ... ... Forester.


At this time, Guan Zhou Weiqing body of gray s Inn around air significantly become stronger alot, m e NG all over a layer of dust on NGM m é é NG glory, and his body scale from purple s greys è è became crystal clear, like weak generally covered in a layer of gray s Inn water body.


Holy Spirit with both species consumed ing into body, Zhou Weiqing immediately to deal with, heand the number of days between Guan Lian has many, energy changes, handling between thetwo, has a lot of experience. Immediately urge their call time is ing genus part and the evil energywas greeted by ING.


This time, the genus is one of the four Holy ing while Zhou Weiqing set poly Guan Guan, four areunder ing force to urge in Zhou Weiqing, spiraling up, forming a spiral, stop eating on the road.


Suddenly, the demons devoured the four ing whirlpool one block, swallowed speed slowed down,whether Zhou Weiqing l, slightly relieved.


After years of attempts and experiments, they found that when these four genera after ingtogether, they have a Ling 卝 special ability to drive in all energy. Single Santa is ing is no match.


However, Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel the demon devoured the terrible, even in the case ofthis was blocked by four Santa is ing whirlpool, demons devoured still continue, but slow a lot.


Zhou Weiqing ready to take this opportunity to force cut off between the two days of the Guan,ending when demons devoured. Bizarre scene appeared а.


That formed in Guan Zhou Weiqing body four Santa is ing whirlpool Rotary Guan go faster andfaster, and Zhou Weiqing Guan Guan absorption into the body has time to digest the day, butwas quickly pulled into the whirlpool, while Zhou Weiqing energies is the same within their ownbody Guan is Guan into, how many days, how much he will pay. Small Vortex is begun at this timegradually increased, but Zhou Weiqing demon swallows didn't slow down, and the four saints areing whirlpool formed a special rapport within a constant of Guan from the day continue to takeher energy and vitality.


This is how could it be? Guan Jing Zhou Weiqing filled with earthquakes. And in the next moment,more to his surprise, the scene appeared.


Accompanied by four increases of Santa is ing whirlpool, a pure to the extreme energy, directlybeneath this whirlpool at the tip of the little dripping.


That was a drop of white liquid Guan, white, translucent, even a faint fluorescence emitted, likeone of a kind treasure, exudes a touch of glory.


This white jade liquid within one into the Zhou Weiqing Guan Guan, he immediately had anindescribable wonders, the energy of the fluid contained by Guan huge, almost 10 times he haddays.


Fix for up to days after the virtual realm, Zhou Weiqing own Tianli has liquefied, however, fourSanta is ing fusion Vortex generated by the liquid drop, but is much better than his own days ofdrops of pure too much. That is, the same size, a large drop of energy to an extreme.


Even more amazing is when this fluid after Guan Guan entered his body, immediately became hisown thing, he will be able to mobilize, and Guan in this fluid after air sea u é slowly into him, andit is not his own days of integration, but will be moved separately on the side, since the adultDepartment of Guan.


Guan in this liquid not only contains a tremendous amount of force, there is a huge amount oflife force. It was Zhou Weiqing and it does not have. Just like their vitality in the whirlpool hasbeen sublimated in General, Zhou Weiqing and felt the whole person with the addition of a dropof liquid that Guan, there is feeling of fluttering Yu Xian.


Second drop Guan appears time is slower than the first drops of many. It was at this time ... ...Anxious voices by Ling Hun deter incoming Zhou Weiqing head.


"Zhou Weiqing, what are you doing, you want to let her die? "Voice belongs to shangguan Cher,eager spirit Hun shocked immediately Qing Guan Zhou Weiqing from that wonderful feeling ofwaking.


Opened his eyes to see, Zhou Weiqing suddenly jumped.


He shook hands, eyes closed at this time, the skin becomes a very bleak, and trace the vicissitudesof feeling released from her life continue to weaken, their day has become less and less.Obviously, under the Zhou Weiqing swallowed, it is losing everything she had.


Bad verification code in the front row of a tour Oh Xiaoyu fingertips. Under Zhou Weiqingsurprise, almost entirely subconscious urge of his day, and Guan that has just received a brand new white s è drops Guan, to drive on, and he is a day, will it pull into his arms, head, w ě n aboveher red Guan chun.


That a drops silver since s è of liquid Guan body on so du into days son mouth Guan in the edged suddenly, singular of a scene appeared has, station in aside of shangguan snow son stunned of see, on from Zhou Weiqing and days son Pro-Guan w ě n of place, a unit most pure of energy quietly distributed and out, then moments swept has days son of body Guan body, can clear of see, a layer light of Halo from days son head slowly down extends, just while of time, on will she of body Guan body completely shrouded in within. Bo also produced huge days, it's the loss oflife and the day before, seems to have come back. Closed eyes are also open, but at this moment,her eyes only Chen Guan Jing.


Guan Zhou Weiqing body within the Vortex is still constantly circling, also belongs to him and it was days, accompanied by that Eddy gave birth to ... ... Guan silver s è drops drops slowly.


Zhou Weiqing also found a few minutes later knocking, he comes out of the liquid silver s è Guanleave a drop and then cede it a drop, this way, it forms a wonderful cycle.


Stand aside and watch this scene of shangguan Cher is a different kind of feeling, if energy is not,see it in her eyes, is the day hand Zhou Weiqing, two personal Guan Guan put tight, every once ina while, Zhou Weiqing bow in red Guan Chun w ě n days.


More bizarre is that they w ě n, days the children will produce a dense layer of baoguang, this isabsolutely s è, she also has constantly lifted and that captivating beauty like in the generalevolution, shangguan Cher Guan surprised the quake at the same time, full of intense envy.


How do they do that? Not demons devour it? What turned this way.


With the continuation of the process, Zhou Weiqing and liquid silver s è in days of Guan Guan aregradually increased during they day has become less and less.


Zhou Weiqing and it has been used before to repair four Santa is ing Guan Lian, but this neverhappened.


The revisions before Guan Lian, is to make two days of release, ING energy in two makes fourpoly Guan set personal Guan Guan Yang in the body, and then four Santa is ing running theirslowly improving, and Guan by their absorption into the body, so as to achieve the objective ofupgrading Guan Tian Li.


Guan Lian, has better than Zhou Weiqing and it usually own Guan Lian speed much faster, butnever the white liquid s è Guan where Ah!


At this time, Zhou Weiqing some enlightened, the secret I'm afraid is that Guan was thedifference between inside and outside the body.


Guan appears in I'm afraid at this point in his body, gathered four Santa is ing Guan Lian has realeffects. Caused this wonderful changes in four Santa is ing, not demons devoured, but their lifeenergy.


Demon consumed energy together just the two of them itself, which generated in Guan Zhou Weiqing body out of the whirlpool. The life energy and the two of them as a result of demonsdevoured, also together, while adding to the four Holy belongs to ing whirlpool. In such cases,four Santa is ing Eddy seems to be lit, thus this magic sense and change.


In fact, Zhou Weiqing guessed just a part of it. Indeed, after four Santa is ing gathered, life energyneeds to be raised. Similarly, if these four San Guan ing them to gather outside of the genus,then, is bound to attract all energies into to the outside world. Zhou Weiqing and days on thecognitive nature of this situation is that the four Holy belongs to ing in the absorbing power ofheaven and Earth, that is a good thing.


But in fact the opposite.




Full mobility is not astringent feel, nor because of its high level and show what quite unruly. Likethe forces mobilized in the past days, very smooth in Zhou Weiqing bow into cyclone operationfor his death. Zhou Weiqing surprised is that these liquids, although only about 20 drops, but hecan easily split the them again, not needed just to maintain the original size drops. In this way, hecan even separate injection all died after cyclone.

When the silver Saint when I first entered the dying cyclone, an unprecedented strong feelings,Zhou Weiqing body in a heartbeat.

All died as a cyclone at the moment have turned silver. And decreased their rotation speed is notincreased, however, was in this case, Zhou Weiqing seemed to feel that he has now opened upthe demons devoured, days in the air force, who are pouring in, almost crazy to drive inside ofhim. In Holy arch under his practice speed is almost more than the previous three times times.However, Zhou Weiqing soon found a problem these days, and not running as his cyclones to beautomatically converted, but in terms of a day as before, or in days of existence. Moreover,accompanied by increased absorption of, by the bow rotation speed of the cyclone will bedecreased.

Accurately is when Zhou Weiqing died after cyclone energy is no longer in pure, class speed will be reduced.

Zhou Weiqing found that these forces are very sensitive, and he's just practicing for a while, even if fast absorption rate, and how much they can absorb outside energy? However, shenglitroublesome cyclonic speed down very badly.

Zhou Weiqing heart secretly sighing, after all, is not at the same time have four Holy! By virtue oftheir power is not force must and it support.

Think of it, he suddenly had a strange thought, if he and the day after having a baby, will alsohave four properties? It's really playing God, Ah! No, more. Hey, hey.

It is naturally when you don't know someone in the practice, will be thinking about that, and shealso found Zhou Weiqing same problem right now. Although two people practicing different, butthe result is the same, no matter how they practice, itself no Holy force, can only be to us becausethe outside air sea more than a glimmer of energy days.

Three people have opened my eyes, Cher shangguan Zhou Weiqing, said, "what?

Shook his head Zhou Weiqing road, "no, not directly practice St. Although the practice is fast, butwith force, speed will also drop in cultivation. So, must we practice alone for some time, enoughforce and then transformed into shengli. Enough savings to at least a drop of the day.

There's snow on the thought for a while, said, "that if you come to eat away at my day, and thenpracticing it?

Zhou Weiqing said: "I'm afraid I can't, because I have to have a day of two Holy force support, canform Vortex, just devour you someone, will suck you dry. And now most days the body is Holy Iabsorbed them all.

Day said: "otherwise this way, I used the shengli troublesome two Holy actively injected into yourbody, you use your two holy to receive, so I only need to hold your hand to do it. Dan youanother hand to devour the snow day, her day into St force feeding her again. Her days ofpurification. If this can do. When you eat the enemy's force, drive this kind of filtering,transformation and purification, got is our own.

"A good idea. "What day said Zhou Weiqing eyes suddenly lit up, to ping in theory this is feasible.Shengli is the most pure, and with four great Holy breath of powerful energy. Every drop isprecious shangguan Cher even gets a little, at the crucial moment to urge powerful effect will bevery different. Had a little think for a short time, Zhou Weiqing road to heaven: "Let us trywhether I condensed out of the property including the body. If so, maybe we can practice on their own. There is a whirlpool, we can absorb outside energy directly into. Demon consumed is tospeed up the conversion process.

It nodded and said, "good.

Zhou Weiqing pulled it with one hand, two people after one eye, shengli also works in the body.

Shengli to promote Holy, the moment when their work is just beginning, and immediately had avery different feel. Transfer of the property and the previous are quite different. Where is the ideaof a move, Holy trail running suddenly rising up, and shengli as fuel is light inside them, however,Zhou Weiqing and it is also amazing, Holy force burn speed quite fast. Shengli 10 times timesAtlas du pot-bellied, consumption rates, and like the previous day. In this connection, the shengliZhou Weiqing body until the two of them formed the Holy forces swirling after the disaster, onlywith the base sustained. Shengli Vortex, where for the first time, absorption into the body of Zhou Weiqing is just a little, but because so few these days, not enough to form a new force. But in theVortex spinning processes and, sure enough, they absorb into the body, you will directly beengulfed by swirls.

"What consumes so much? "Zhou Weiqing and it one posterior, halted and then they just went through that to shangguan Cher.

Is the so-called authorities set out in the beholder.

Shangguan Cher: "consumption show that output will also grow. You try to use the properties tolaunch skill. When you urge the properties just now, you reek of the smell gave me a very strongshock.

Perivascular counted nodded, "I'll try. "Said, he thought a move, fuelling wicked and wildproperties, evil sleeves protect blatant release. Suddenly, sudden changes. Original evil knotting,guard, only a pale grey light shield. And this time, when Zhou Weiqing again with out evil sleeveguard when, under the urge of shengli. A layer of translucent gray Halo moments burst forth fromhim. Gray is able to emit bright light. Don't try that evil Guardian erupted in a Flash of terrordefense, give him a feeling of enough and the day Ran Shen in Dragon Tiger defensive match.However, Zhou Weiqing is quickly ended the evil sleeve guard because he was surprised to find,their forces in this operation evil daemon process, consumed a drop.

"This rate of consumption is too fast. "Zhou Weiqing said aghast, power should be obvious, but, ifconsumed so fast, to him that more than 20 drops of Holy strength, able to attack?

It has also been trying to, the result is exactly like Zhou Weiqing, and consumed a drop of Holystrength, did not rise as time goes on or their own practice resumed.

Two men carried out a joint attempt, this time, they found a few Holy mystery. When using theforce unleashed, and power consumption is proportional to, and if they combine into thewhirlpool, then consume swirls of Holy power can force them to display their skills at the same time recycling a part, and then through the gradual recovery of the energy absorption to theoutside world.

With this attempt, the three looked at each other, Zhou Weiqing can not help but smile: "howtransformation after the shengli, but let us not fight capabilities? This is so wonderful! Even in myrecovery doesn't kill sleeves, cannot afford this kind of consumption. We have a whirlpoolsupport, could not support the attack, and most is to be able to guarantee that the trail has notdisappeared. But hardly have any reading warfare capabilities.

Cher shangguan consoled: "the world is fair, shengli, in a short period to appeal that you havereleased the Super role. If you can use like Atlas, are you not now against the natural fix for? Theway I see it, this Saint for killers became is the most appropriate. Read the problems of the war.You give it a try, to see if they can restore the shengli again all day. If that's all right, you usuallycan keep most of the day, only a small part of the energy is converted to the force.

As a killer Palm to use. Cattle, your fix for this really strong there are gaps, perhaps, begin to enterthe King after the, you can really meaning full play.

Zhou Weiqing gaze of a move, "you mean, bad luck the spiral?

Shangguan Cher smiled: "not bad luck. Actually, the radial vein to accommodate in our body islimited, while virtual training process, is to keep yourself liquid gel for body solid, broke throughafter heaven, when reaching the fourth heaven, gather and enter the King level. And you nowwhich are formed in the body fluid is full? These days, not to mention the constant compressionforces, allowing them to become real gel. So, you will directly absorb the day, fill itself on the line?Just don't put them into force. After practice when uncompressed, then formed the Holy forcegradually continued to force until shengli completely fill in your veins and all size of body. Youcan use shengli condenses out days after Dan, I think this Holy power can practice on their own.



Vast promise, but when the first cultivation method than Zhou Weiqing normal death magic toimprove too much, therefore, in terms of method, you want to experience, is certainly Chershangguan's strongest of the three.

She reminded, Zhou Weiqing and it was big, though they body has no force now, but want torecover is not difficult, after all, the body does not have, but with shenglilai troublesome practicealso can do. Now they just need a fill process. But in order to ensure the effectiveness, not to becondensed into the Holy, just enough to keep the original battle has, and shengli as the killerused copper.

In the next period of time, even if it is unique in the eyes of the soldiers, have already lost Zhou Weiqing, day and three of shangguan Cher tracks. No one knows what they are doing, just likedisappear. Is there a command from the main house from the road. However, even without theleadership of Zhou Weiqing, now across the Crescent City is enough to keep going, daily foodhandling in the hands of Lin Tian Zhou Weiqing endured, he himself took days and shangguanCher in the breaking waves of the day under the retreat practice.

Since then, is one month's time has passed. In this month, Crescent City did not hit the bokeleixiarmy at the same time, the King level assassin no longer appear.

Zhou Weiqing while they avoid, Bu the assassin and the assassin was not a fool, Zhou Weiqingfeet that left him a very deep impression. All assassins like cold snakes in General, even if it's nothiding there for a year and never without any grasp of when to take a risk. What's more, breakingwaves did not hide his King-level strong smell.

Zhou Weiqing an unknown power, coupled with day, officer Michelle and breaking waves, theKing class stronger, this lineup has been together, even the assassin in the Mainland has alwaysranked first in the ranking of King level assassin did not dare to act rashly. This, of course, amonth's time to let him keep his injury. Quietly in hiding, silently waiting for opportunities tocome.

This month, not just the Crescent City was calm, as if the city is very calm, CRECY Empire there isno significant trends. According to Kou Rui own investigation and sent spies, Cressy Empire iscurrently away from the Crescent City 300 miles away another key former Sky Bow Empiregathered armies. But there are no signs of troops here.

Responsible for Scout Kou Rui deliberately increased the access of information and city personnelverifications, and has arrested dozens of secret agents.

Recruitment is the most annoying Li, zhe sparing is responsible for this as Fei Lai the first batch ofgoods, and 5,000 of the total logistical troops arrived, finally for Peerless Division to solvepressing problems. After a month of conscription work, from the Crescent City itself, under acarefully selected, is recruiting 3,000 people. Now beyond the necessary edge to practice every day, they led by the peerless warrior to perform some task of patrolling, interrogation.

Static party.

Zhou Weiqing, slowly open your eyes, suddenly, dark as if there are two General paradox in whichcold flashes with some strange.

As he opened his eyes, respectively in the sides of the body Shang Guan Cher and it opened myeyes.

Officer Michelle Qiao with a slight blush on her face, after a glance at Zhou Weiqing, head to. Itwas a look of joy: "become fully a month Ah! Our days were finally restored to their originalcondition. This practice but it is not easy.

Yes, it took a month of time, they will be used as practice all day back. Continued after theoriginal strength.

In fact, this month for Zhou Weiqing is particularly dangerous if the Kings three level Assassin'ssneaking in, perhaps there is some opportunity. Of course, this opportunity will not be too big,even if can't just force them into St force nor for fun, explosive strong waves even breaking daysof the moment the King strong are you shocked.

This can be said to be unique, but now is not just limited to Zhou Weiqing and day, shangguanCher as well.

According to Zhou Weiqing envisaged at that time, shangguan Cher all day in his and under thejoint action of the day, is also fully into force. This month, shangguan Cher is restored every day inthe course of their day. She was watching Zhou Weiqing blush, but not just because in the daysof transformation processes, is kissed by Zhou Weiqing is 20 times? For this way of du shengli,Zhou Xiaopang of our wretched classmate but happy. However, Zhou Weiqing found in thistransformation is not in itself Holy, in the process of transformation, to consume more energy.Therefore, the shangguan Cher into less force than they have. This is the last officer Michelle dayforce stronger than they, and boundless promise work force to practice day and extent of verythick gel. Don't forget, shangguan Cher EJ property also has four of them.

Zhou Weiqing simple calculation, if this regular bead artist days force transform, in the case ofrepair and they almost, can translate into a four or five drops on the good.

According to Zhou Weiqing calculation, if you want the fullness of the body with shengli, them isa long way to go, because at least 3,000 drops, in order to complete the process.

However, this time just a month to recover, in addition to their outside Tianli has been enhanced.For control, they also found some tips.

For example, the existing three-body force, is not a pure storage so simple.

Though they cannot in and of itself has four properties, but the force itself is one of the four Holyproperties for sale! So, through trial and under control, their Holy power is now rendered as asmall whirlpool in rotation. This is imitation of Zhou Weiqing and day combination of four HolyHoly force swirl of.

Don't underestimate this little swirling inside them, despite this month's time they mainly didsuch a thing, but, after you have the tiny eddies and their Holy power loss because of using itagain.

This vortex is usually not transformed itself in their day, but maintains the original size, buttroublesome, using force, as long as the small eddies exist, then, their forces would not be realconsumed. But slow recovery.

Zhou Weiqing deliberately tried, he consumed, with a rate of one drop per day over time slowlyrecovered. However, this is conditional. Is that there must be at least ten drops of the Holykeeping this small eddies, which is called base shengli by Zhou Weiqing. That is, unless it's Zhou Weiqing and under it together to ensure power is not lost, otherwise, when they were threepeople in the use of force, to keep half.

This month, three people of talent and practice speed and enhance these days isn't so much, butthree people have a feeling reborn, because now they have a new ability to ability to reallybelong to the four Holy mystery.

Especially shangguan Cher, she is secretly thankful to God, after all, if according to the normalsituation, she was never to have the force, it's generous, was deeply moved by shangguan Cher.Contradictions between the two women was also to imperceptibly dissolve away. Zhou Weiqingrecently in the gap often joked of practicing road, this is the greatest harvest this month, he.

Your arms activities bones, Zhou Weiqing Hei Hei smile and said, "this bastard again, nor has theability to kill me. I am Holy, and can guarantee for at least ten seconds, he doesn't kill me. Withthis ten-second buffer, without fear.

It HA HA smile, said: "I think our best practice methods, should be back to our Empire to beasts,as long as there is a sufficient number of days let the beast devoured, hehe. Our Holy power canat very fast speed. At least wait for us forces ahead of their practice to real days of full body,eventually distilled out of the day, then, we are the continent's most powerful King of magnitude,or even God-level strength is not necessarily our opponents.

Zhou Weiqing said-"a day which is so easy. Everyone to 3,000 drops a sacred force. How manydays does it takes beast to just go. Beast nor mention those days old to sell let us swallow.

It to his tongue and said, "However, weiqing you have to promise me. Even if we went eat the dayafter the day of the beast-assisted practice, can't really hurt them. I know that with your demonsdevour, if life is eaten together, is the fastest practice speed. However, the virtue of Heaven cares,we can't kill large beasts for selfish gain. In that case, I really can't stand it.

Zhou Weiqing said with smile: "don't worry, I didn't want to kill the beast. After all, my wife is theKing of beasts. Also, if there is any Qi cultivation by killing, a shadow will appear in our hearts. Ourfuture into the higher levels must be extremely negative.



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If we really use Dan shengli condensed into a day, then it's not Dan, Dan. No one walk down thispath of cultivation, we can only 1.1 groped, shengli although cultivation is difficult, but just likeCher said, once I Ran Cheng condensed shengdan, then, can really stand strong forest on theMainland.

Clever use of shengli are now also available just tip of the iceberg, want to try more, it requires a lot of force. And now the recovery is too slow. But Zhou Weiqing and days together to urge largevortices can be faster. Therefore, now they also need a lot of energy, constantly purified out ofthe force, to learn more about the wonders of the force.

Officer Michelle stood silently listening, her heart it was some envy, and now no longer ostracizedher beside Zhou Weiqing. And compared to their sisters, but it is best with Zhou Weiqing.

They were a very dark magic evil Tiger blood, Tian Ling Tiger a very sacred blood, added therehappened to be four properties and taste each other, two of them fit.

Zhou Weiqing said, "come on, we should get out now. About the Holy, this is our secret, day,snow, I hope this secret can only be our own. I know that you came from the Holy Land, a lot ofthings for the sake of their own home. However, in this affair, and less people know, the better.After all. Is the so-called probe which was guilty, jewel. Once people know we have this ability,may make all the strong eye, by that time, we really are stuck.

It proposed, Zhou Weiqing is quite exciting, there is no doubt that they want a real sense of a lot of having to present practice is impossible to attain under normal cultivation conditions. Zhou Weiqing is reinforced to be able to judge, shengli this ability, not that they should have this level.Even if it is one of the four Holy properties and taste, should also be a cohesion day Dan againafter practice, progressive days into San Dan Dan, and they have ahead, and to be able topractice, the key point is that Zhou Weiqing has the demon devoured.

Only the demons devoured, will it be possible to give them enough energy to support. And want to get so much energy, to swallow bead maker is not realistic unless Zhou Weiqing really takequite contrary, slaughter.

Which day is the day of the beast is clearly the best choice. But now there are too many things todeal with, not in two places at once. Zhou Weiqing has secretly decided to wait until after all onthe right track, he must go to the Imperial beasts. Beasts to upgrade yourself to the Holy day inparadise. If it can have inflated power, then their strength it is conceivable in the future, King ofbreakthrough level, probably will not be hit. If nothing else, has existed, their practice speedshave greatly improved. And there are many unknown mysteries, as is a gateway to the Jinshanhas been opened, how can he not full of hope and determination?

Two women at the same time with a nod, although they did not say much, but her eyes gaveZhou Weiqing has responded positively. At least until forming shengdan, once people know theyhave this amazing energy, then, will be a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Three people walked out of practice a quiet room, immediately alerted lived next door breakingwaves. Door open, breaking waves stepped out of the room.

"What, three bites) little retreat end? "Broken days lang said with a smile, in tone with means ofDiscovery Park, a few minutes away.

Shangguan Cher and it was his face reddened, only Zhou Weiqing, a cheeky guy to not care, it isa look of smug.

"Uncle Shi, thank you very much these days. "Zhou Weiqing reverence to salute the breakingwaves. His respect for breaking the waves was no better than his teacher six Dragon Emperorrelease limit less. God teacher definitely is one of the most admired people in Zhou Weichi hearts.

Breaking wave laugh of the day, said: "Shishu such a matter outside Ah! That fat is not yourteacher, encountered such a thing how can I help take care of you. Long fat if this guy knew theAssassin's touch his disciple, hehe, I am afraid, is chasing away, he would have told the assassinsout to kill.

"Assassin of the trades, I am not too familiar with, however, a level to reach King fix for theassassin, must have the assassins is a very strong presence in the world. Last saved the day buthad an element of luck, this time, but don't have the slightest idea. Long fat for so long, shouldalso come back, at least until he returns, still want to keep must be alert, where do you go, Shishuwill follow you.

Zhou Weiqing laugh and said, "thanks Uncle Shi.

A quiet room, Zhou Weiqing immediately ordered, convene a meeting of all unrivaled topdivision. Came to the Crescent City for a month, and these days he has been in retreat, there are alot of things to deal with, he must obtain first-hand information.

Not a long time, without divisions in the Crescent City's top have all flocked to the city in theHouse Chamber.

Lin Tian Cook was the first to arrive, was assassinated last Zhou Weiqing, he is one of the mostblame, his followers have always been based on Zhou Weiqing itself as its best defense, in this case, he failed to carry out protection of Zhou Weiqing task, how can he not be upset?

But perhaps because of this incident inspired him the hearts of this within a month, he finallybroke through to seven beads, and beads on the island and get the gel scroll from heaven,completed its seventh block combination shield gel. Self defense force also reached an alarmingextent. Lin Tian stayed up and ask, if the assassin, he can at least help Zhou Weiqing positive set ascreen on a hit.

Zhou Weiqing high on the theme, they see them again the Division didn't show up a month-long,eyes are amazing. Because they found that Zhou Weiqing, day, shangguan snow son, seems tohave different a month ago.

This is mainly reflected in the quality of, they say exactly what, but it feels wrong.

Zhou Weiqing laugh and said, "sorry, this period of time in order to recover, I was lazy. Now what,you say. Forest brother, you go first.

Lin Tian cook always calm, nodded and said, "right now, our ideal, targets have been achieved.Soldiers of the current city in addition to our unique business, has raised $ 3,000 new recruits.Although these recruits fighting is not good, it is difficult to play a role on the battlefield, but theguards used to deal with daily work can be, at least not let our staff to make ends meet. After all,Crescent City, while small, is quite a lot of residents. Cressy Empire there are no offensivemovements, but they had gathered at the star and Crescent City 300 miles away from us the threedivisions of troops, including one hundred divisions of the Empire. Once started, will be able toarrive within three days near Crescent City to our attack. Fei Lai first aid have arrived, enough tosupport our loss. Supply lines with the Fei li Empire has also been set up. Our unrivaled Divisionhas now moved, through transit Empire move toward Fei li Empire, by Fei li Empire came to bewith us. Although the army is collective action, but as a result of cavalry, up to a month to arrive.By that time, Cressy to rally an army of the Empire's military strength, we are fully able to cope.Fei li Empire in charge of our unrivaled Division through their territory of all supplies. Wei Fengand windy, Deputy Head of the command.

"Troops earlier than expected arrival is inevitable, although equipment is not complete, but transitEmpire has already promised us, is responsible for our shipping has been customized equipment.And we also financed a number of gold coins. Meanwhile, sky emperor sent a letter by asking youpersonal.

Said, Lin Tian Cook took out a letter, and gave Zhou Weiqing.

Letter from the Department of transit? At this point, Zhou Weiqing was surprised today, openedthe letter in front of it.

Transit this scraping rather short, first above mentioned, is the current city, the situation in theSouth, especially the Denton Empire move, as well as hundreds of Empire and Denton Empireconducted a careful description of the possible. Even comes with a few hundred Imperial strengthdistribution of specific situations. Meanwhile, transit Department said that some funding for SkyBow Empire. Supplies and money, will send them through special channels. But they have ademand, Sky Bow Empire State as soon as possible, at the same time, through the Cressy ImperialWar, Pictet must hamper of the Empire. Posture in the letter also said that if necessary, our Empireto certain forces support the Sky Bow Empire.

Support resources that are recorded in this letter is not a small number after reading this letter,Zhou Weiqing first feeling is transit Empire with deep pockets.

Transit this money and material support from the Empire, even more so than bow before a year'stotal tax revenue of the Empire, and more.



After reading this letter, Zhou Weiqing ripples the faint smile on his face...... "it seems that our luck is good. Is the so-called hero, our restoration opportunities just right!

Say, Zhou Weiqing first hand the letter over to the side of the last officer Cher, let her see. Shang Guan Zhong Tian Guan, snow can definitely be representative of the country, our letter ofEmperor Guan, Zhou Weiqing to let her have a look first.

After reading the letter, shangguan Cher brow ruffled, said: "in accordance with the currentsituation, Constantin Emperor Guan is not small. Our Center of the sky Emperor Guan Tai GuanLu, with a number of countries bordering Guan, Guan Guan Jia of land total land area, the largestof the country. Constantin Emperor Guan Guan against attack is not directly to me. But they havea great advantage geographically. Guan by eroding around the country, can be done quicklyGuan. If they are really best at Emperor Guan the joint, then, will be a huge threat. Although thiswar gelifeinuo Emperor Guan country have temporarily ended, gelifeinuo Emperor Guan wasConstantin of Emperor Guan Gong suddenly hit Guan residue. If hundreds of Emperor GuanXiang Feili war against the Emperor Guan, then, the entire northwest of Guan Lu, there areproblems. Guan I state that with Constantin Emperor Guan Guan dozen small States forConstantin Emperor Guan, but meat on the chopping board, can be eaten at any time. My beastsof Emperor Guan Guan country check, at least without too much effort to take into account.

Perivascular inventory nodded and said, "so I said, hero. Here, if we can help transit EmperorGuan and Emperor Fei Lai Guan country holding hundreds of Emperor Guan and Denton plan ofEmperor Guan, for da Guan Lu situation is no doubt has been a big help. ……

What he said, the presence of public expression seems odd. Counting unique Division as a whole,they also only 10,000 people, Zhou Weiqing Guan, has become left and right Guan Lu wasimportant. This is some nerve!

Zhou Weiqing laugh and said, "you don't believe that, at the location of important, where we arenow is very important. If the recovery is successful. So, we're like one of the most importantpieces, pressure in the Da Guan Lu West. Yes, we were far too powerful, but just give us plenty oftime and opportunity, so I incorporated the bow used to belong to our day of Emperor GuanGuan, and then proceed to Guan, with our unique divisions of all the Imperial Pearl Division asone of the sharpest sword. Does not necessarily cause trouble when they can't give hundreds ofEmperor Guan country. At least, I'm sure, Baida di no a team of troops Guan Guan country andcompared to our unparalleled Division.

"As long as we are able to successfully kill Cressy Emperor Guan, Zhong Tian Guan and EmperorFei Lai Guan country see our capabilities. So, from their financial support will come. Also, we needmoney, not soldiers, this is Emperor Fei Lai Guan Zhong Tian Guan, and most want to see,because they had no more troops to support the us.

Officer Michelle nods, was the first to endorse what Zhou Weiqing, "you are right, but everythingis based on the premise we can conquer Cressy of Emperor Guan. Also, must also be in thehundred of Emperor Guan to do before we pay attention to it. According to our currentinformation, hundreds of years of Emperor Guan Guan Jing Xu Rui, the total strength of more than 1.4 million, although not compared with Constantin Emperor Guan, but Emperor Fei LaiGuan has been exceeded on the force. Our unique divisions strong, only 10,000 people. Pictet ofEmperor Guan country strong is by no means small Cressy of Emperor Guan by comparison.

Smiled, Zhou Weiqing face Guan little cold light, his hands folded across the chest, eyes blinkinglight every time, the air seems to be freezing for a few minutes, strong momentum at this moment burst forth from him. Suddenly stood up, his eyes slightly narrowed, heavy track: "Cressy,disabled them, does not require much time. US Army arrived and gave them hard. Kou Rui, at present the specific situation of the star and Crescent City? ……

Kou Rui step forward, "the head of the, according to Guan check of our investigation, they haveno sign of action, seems to be waiting for something. But from the stars and the Moon aroundthe city, as well as further afield to see, at least for the time being they have no signs of troopmovements. If Cressy to attack us, there should be only three divisions of troops. But, from allindications, they seemed to be waiting for the arrival of the strong, that is, when the next timethey attack, we are likely to face their bead artist. Moreover, we at Kaesong after the restorationof the Crescent City's trade with the outside world, although catches a lot of secret agents, butwill they slip through, therefore, how much our forces, they should be able to know about, theonly unknown, is our real battle. Even enemies we overestimated, also up to us at around 5,000people. ……

Zhou Wei cold smile, "Cressy Emperor Guan rout it was only once we are! Waiting for beads * it? Iremember correctly, Cocoon di Sant ' Anna arresi Guan seven beads of pearl cultivation shouldhave a Division, Royal Pearl Division total number no more than 50 people. It seems that they isstill very important to us. Just don't know if this will have a hundred at Emperor Guan bead artistcoming together. XI Zhe, we edged that 3,000 recruits practice situation?

XI zhe: "Blade practiced very well. Sign up to join the army at least nearly million, which is selectedfrom a select group of 3,000 people, over 18 years of age and 30 years of age. Guan body healthyand strong. Their morale is very high, and we pay enough now are good, edge practice working hard. However, the recruits ' recruits after all, didn't see blood on the battlefield, including myCommander-in-Chief this boot is so. Therefore, their effectiveness, and I do not look good. If youjust kept cities, may also play a role.

Zhou Weiqing Yu Yanzhe XI practical attitude is very appreciated, satisfactory nodded and said"only a month's time, was able to do this has not been easy. Philosophy to cherish hard. At present, our main fighting force still only 700 people, the enemy has three divisions. We cannothope pinned on matchless Division Guan team's arrival, have to do with 700 men face thepossibility of three divisions. Therefore, from now on, always be combat-ready. This time, GuGuan, our task is to keep. 700 peerless soldiers and 3,000 new recruits, Gu Guan observe theCrescent City until reinforcements arrived.

Zhou Weiqing remarks Kou Rui, Yan zhe cherish these two still haven't really seen unparalleledDivision fighting couple, it is some crazy. 700 veterans with 3,000 new recruits, to face 10 times as long as their enemy, crazy, they could think of no other explanation. In the eyes of formermatchless Battalion soldiers, this seems to be a normal thing.

Or rather, they never will look in the eyes of the Cressy Guan. Even the army of Emperor Guanbeasts are they eat flat, keleixiren what does it signify? Strength in numbers is not the winningpotential.

See Kou Rui and greed but face, Zhou Weiqing not worried, in actual combat, they willunderstand.

"Kou Rui, from now on, strict monitoring and control of the keleixijun Guan. Once they move toimmediately return. Philosophy of pity, I will flood control task to you. Crescent City is not howstrong, but as long as there is enough to keep city equipment, we can stick longer. Expropriationof all the city's blacksmith shop, all we needed to build arrows and Wu Guan. Always play ready.Now for Cressy people, they just one day late, our winning percentage was bigger. ……

"Is. …… Both promised.

Cressy and hundred of Emperor Guan country's three divisions of coalition forces, Zhou Weiqingis not worried. But he knew that once the war, then that must be hidden at the side of the Kinglevel assassin will have the opportunity to attack their own shots at any time, this is the mosttroublesome. Have to be careful about each other

Zhou Weiqing held up the memories of the day, came news of the Kou Rui, CRECY three British Columbia Regiment finally began to move over there, is at an extremely fast rate towards thedirection of Crescent City. In these three divisions, there was integration of the two heavy cavalrybattalion, apparently, 200 double-free Cavalry fighting they have learned. Prepared to use sheernumbers to dominate.

Crescent City Gates closed again, though backed by Fei Li Guan, Crescent City, but for now, butstill be alone. They were a city under siege.

In the city, Zhou Weiqing immediately ordered his soldiers take a walk in the city are going tohave news of the reinforcements arrived, on the city, representing the Sky Bow unfurled thebanner of Emperor Guan. All soldiers are ready to meet the enemy's preparations.

Cressy three divisions of troops arrived in the Crescent City in three days, but this time they werestationed directly in only ten places from the Crescent City, which underlines the potential of thiswar. Camp justice was stationed on the Crescent City's loom surround from a form.

Zhou Weiqing uniform, standing proudly in city, in the face of large joint venture in the distance,he is in no hurry at all.

Look away from the city, the three divisions are a primary and secondary points, the Divisionlocated in Guan Yang, Bai at Emperor Guan Tai Kei, Shu Guan, Gallant, apparently the CrescentCity's main attack. Pictet Emperor Guan Guan is of course far from CRECY Emperor Guan the fishDivision that can be compared. Also what belongs to the Pictet Division of Emperor Guan Zhou Weiqing obviously felt the pressure.



"The boss, let us go out and kill a bar, three divisions and how? Unable to retain us. "Horses incontention around Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing shakes his head and said, "No. This time the enemy is different. And how you areseen in the last battle, the enemy, after all, has been against. If you two brigades are here, I willsend you out to destroy each other's confidence, but you are, after all, only 200 people. If it werethe other two battalions of heavy cavalry around, even with your fighting, wants to get out is noteasy.

Lei Zi on the other side: "boss, then let go. Flying above them, let them know what is living inheaven.

Zhou Weiqing laugh and said, "have you shot opportunity. However, exposure to ourunparalleled air force can't be here so early. It's not time. Throwing Spears are ready. That stuff tosiege enemy better than arrows.

Lei nodded and said, "born ready. From the Crescent City, he ordered Smith to create, but alsofrom our own a lot. "Say, Lei Zhou Weiqing pointing down at her hand on the storage ring.

Zhou Weiqing let Lin Tian boil large range of storage rings, now in addition to unrivaled outsidethe top Division, redundant storage ring was equipped with the first Brigade.

Although Zhou Weiqing hands only 700 available now, but we must never forget, even in wholewithout Division, he brought this 700 is one of the best.

"Always be combat-ready. At least half a month's time, our reinforcements can arrive. During thisperiod, we have to stick to the city. Must not give the enemy the opportunity.

Peerless division generals promise ROAR.

Zhou Weiqing feared not enemy frontal attack, as relying on the city walls, and wanted to breakfrom the front by the peerless soldiers guarding the city, it is almost impossible. However, theunique divisions only 700 people here, is the so-called avatar once, if the enemy under siege, and then attacking simultaneously from four directions, his staff was stretched thin.

In order to deal with such a situation, Zhou Weiqing has been assigned. Peerless Archer on thefront decorated with 200 people, the remaining 100 people on three sides, double Cavalry intothe city without heavy infantry, each direction is 50. With these troops cannot take into accountall aspects, but it can't move. As long as the enemy commander is a fool will launch such attacksbecause of the unrivaled Division's current strength.

No double troopers in the four walls are in place, but 500 matchless archers are on the front faceof the Emperor on the south wall, by virtue of their gel-shaped wings, will always be able to go in the other direction, so don't rush into place.

Crécy appeared to be in no hurry at all, after coming to town, no offense for three consecutivedays. They were stationed in the Crescent City in only ten places, forming pressure isundiminished.

There is no doubt that this is a psychological tactic, CRECY lead must have a good general. Whenthey came to the city when it was on the fourth day, Zhou Weiqing is urgent please city, now justafter breakfast time, when he saw outside the city while awake, even if it is with Zhou Weiqingcalm state of mind, face some changes. Three days before he finally understands why keleixirendid not attack.

Large siege engines shipped from the rear of dakeleixi barracks, which also includes some of thesiege have exclusive use of red cars. Red car's goal is not to clash the city gates, buttransportation. Each red car is five meters wide and ten meters long, is completely surrounded bythe wheels, it has cooked iron plate and covered with leather. Rush front is extremely thick, withnumerous sharp blade.

Each washed car can accommodate at least 50 soldiers, putting in the car, they only need topromote red car, you can ignore most of its units, including heavy cavalry and arrows, had beenrushed to the city.

This red car, was being shipped to more than 50 cars. In addition, even cross a stone car crashedcity vehicles and a variety of siege engines, coupled with the four temporary structures capable ofpushing forward turrets. Can be said to be complete.

Zhou Weiqing really didn't expect, know defenders only to more than 3,000 people in theCrescent City, and most of them are under recruits, Cressy had the use of so many goods come toattack. On how much they pay attention to.

The siege will bring the city a great deal of trouble, especially those who washed cars, have them,Peerless Archer attack and no double has significantly weakened the cavalry on the Plains terrain.For red car as a shelter, in addition to the soldiers inside, one can at least send 4,000 or 5,000soldiers to the city. Combined with ladders siege attacks, stoning cars. Burden to city party.

Watched the siege was pushed forward, slowly come close to Crescent City, and Cressy armybegan operations.

50 mixed in a red car lots of siege around, apparently filled with soldiers. Two battalions ofinfantry and heavy cavalry guard of the two battalions at the siege and slowly forward. The rear isat least four battalions of infantry. Cressy was at this first attack, first sent out, and see what theymean, none from flanking appearance, is entirely positive.

The bait. Zhou Weiqing immediately realized his mistake. Is seized by the enemy he thinks he willattack from all sides for their troops less mentality, but will focus all gathered in the frontlaunched an offensive. Combined with the many siege engines, the battle never fought.

"Boss, we rushed out of town a lot. Destroy their siege engines. "Every person on the city of somedepressed mood, the horses could not help but once again in contention.

Zhou Weiqing gave a hand, "no, the enemy too much, relying on there cars. You are toodangerous.

XI zhe: "boss, would you like no other three double Cavalry back to?

Zhou Weiqing shook his head: "no, also are likely to face the enemy attack on three sides, yousee, Cressy camp over there in the distance, the light brigade has been orbiting out. Althoughtheir attacking ability is not too strong, but not us those recruits can withstand. This is an uphill battle, brothers are up to. Win this battle, we will be able to get through to the arrival ofreinforcements.

If there is no King level that hides in the dark assassin, even before the enemy is strong, Zhou Weiqing won't have half discouraged. But the dark enemy but involves a great deal of effort, feel free to watch out for. This didn't feel very comfortable.

Closer to the enemy, the command of Cressy soldiers are in place, not aggressive at all, just goingslow, but very robust and neat lineup.

Zhou Wei cold smile, "I'll send them gifts and see what. "Said, his hands held in front of theoutline, six gods mount release and also releases the Dragon and the Tiger, behind the massivewings open, present all Royal Pearl Division can clearly feel that various properties of enormousenergy in the air is crazy to Zhou Weiqing body is condensed to.

Standing in the shangguan Zhou Weiqing sides Cher and it consciously close to him, wary ofeverything. Zhou Weiqing external display their attacks, which apparently gave it does not knowwhere the hidden King level assassin the opportunity to attack. Can't be too careful, and twowomen, of course, to be alert and careful.

It's not just them, Lin Tian also stood behind Zhou Weiqing survived, he was more direct, sevenbeads combined pour out of its egg-shaped shield release, eyes cold glance around, get ready forcontingencies.

Overlord arch exudes cold breath, Zhou Weiqing shouted, bow as the full moon, in six GodMount of vegetation, the Dragon State he is a statue of the demon God, especially a loud a shoutlike the ROAR, is to let all soldiers on the city of spirits.

Face the enemy oppression, as well as a few days before the threat of constant pressure, city ofsoldiers on some low morale, Zhou Weiqing may not be a good leader, but on the big pictureand most excellent Commander match. He was very clear at this time what you should do.

Fighter sword is more of a dark layer of gloss, suddenly, Zhou Weiqing, with six huge Mount ofGod condensed days in an instant into the dark power. Six must mount of God that one corner ofthe six-pointed star in the Alexandrite cat's eye beads are also shiny. Obviously, Zhou Weiqingnow use the simulation, but to release stored in six God directly mount on one of the six skill.

A dark shadow quietly emerge above Zhou Weiqing, the light gradually spread into human form,but it has three pairs of wings.

It was at this time, Zhou Weiqing shouted again, his eyes suddenly white mist is, then, a veryspecial atmosphere rushes out from his body, floating up from the head position, into a whiteplume of mist into the air inside the dark shadows.

This silvery atmosphere is like the best nutrients, but suddenly, the black shadow had jumpedthree times, enough to have more than 10 meters high, behind the wide-winged stretchthroughout the figure had gradually become clear.

Everyone in the city feel like you can't breathe, although this is not a huge black shadow againstthem, they remain so. Zhou Weiqing step taken have parapets, all suspended in the void. In thevast black shadow above his head is the same. At the moment, his appearance is completelypresent in the eyes of tens of thousands of people on both sides.





That is the image of a young man, Guan long black silhouette exudes a touch of dark purple hues ... ... Pair of blood red eyes filled with endless violence Guan abuse and kill Guan slaughter breath,handsome face looks a little pale, but his breath is exhaled by heavens and also discolorations.

In the sky, not knowing when to have condensed a huge Wu 卝yun, Wu 卝yun as a black swirlingjust above that has a black-winged youth head.

Zhou Weiqing, but don't know when to shut my eyes. His whole body Guan Zhan Guan shookslightly, including the hand of the Overlord arch. Breath of his whole being is at this time has been upgraded to the Max. Energy fluctuations not to mention terrorist enemy, even on the sideyou want to shiver.

Shangguan Cher in a pair of beautiful eyes filled with horror, "this, this is the day the image entities......" she knows how did Zhou Weiqing, but even so, still in her heart is filled with a magical touch. This energy is so powerful, even if it is the King level so using this skill, I'm afraid we maynot be able to release the power of Zhou Weiqing Ah!

It was only one man who does not fear the atmosphere of terror in the sky a huge black man, she is now standing behind Zhou Weiqing, her hands on the shoulders of Zhou Weiqing, palms ... ...Gold and a purple two energies constantly Guan to Guan Zhou Weiqing body.

In fact, no one knows, as the instigator of the all, Zhou Weiqing they are a horror. He didn't thinkit would turn out like this.

There is no doubt that he wanted to display their skills are refined Guan prison Angel, and takecontrol of six must mount a strong God of Guan and absorption abilities, Lian Guan prisonthrough the Overlord arch Angels the power range of very powerful attack skill shot Guan intoenemy positions.

In order for this to have maximum effect, Zhou Weiqing said rising from the top of his newlyowned shengli.

Shenglizhouweiqing also tried many times, when to display their skills, just Guan in a drop of Holystrength, the power of this skill can crit Guan rose several times. Zhou Weiqing was originallyconceived to be, joined some of the force, can make this Lian Guan prison Angel skills becomemore powerful.

However, he is never expected, to this day the image of a powerful skill he has released threedrops of Holy strength, but Lian Guan Yu of Angel images in the sky are like a bottomlessGeneral, Guan began to eat away at his body.

Day son and Zhou Weiqing Guan Lian Sheng whirlpool every day with each other is telepathic, toZhou Wei Qing not immediately came up to him, aided him to form St eddies. This just before thesmall shengli Zhou Weiqing own whirlpool close to collapse, hold air Lian Guan prison Angel.

Just such a moment of time, Zhou Weiqing and day was full of Guan of the Holy of devoured 30drops of as much as, in addition to their own little swirling ten drops of Holy power, and havenothing remaining.

Shengli Zhou Weiqing has been understood at this time want to use to increase skills to havingimages is not a good idea, but there's no way. Do has been done, and it can barely support it.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing above a huge dark shadow suddenly moving on their own, justslipped, he had been suspended in front of Zhou Weiqing.

Blood-red eyes stared Zhou Weiqing, cold breath, the whole South of Crescent City on the cityeveryone to shiver in the chill.

"Lord, thank you pure and gives me life, I will give you three seconds of Guan.

Simple and deep voice sounded in Zhou Weiqing soul, this is the only one can hear the sound ofhis voice, that huge black youth face a bit evil different luster, bloody eyes, filled with endlesskilling Guan slaughter and crazy atmosphere.

Live, he should live? For it, no one can not shock Guan Jing. Especially Zhou Weiqing himself, onlyhe understood, I had a skill has its own consciousness. This is holy to do Ah! However, thisresurrected Lian Guan prison Angel can do what? Zhou Weiqing don't know, his mind at this timeit seems as though there was a blazing fire Guan Guan heat burns. He knows himself and seems to be found some of the holy mysteries.

"My Lord, your energy even though the pure, but are too rare, if you did not order, I'm going todissipate. "Lian Guan prison a voice of an Angel again, also called woke up Chen Guan Guan JingZhou Weiqing.

"Destruction, please try to destroy all the enemy outside the city. "Zhou Weiqing no longer pausethis time turned to Lian Guan prison Angel of the resurrection of some orders.

"As you wish. "Lian Guan prison Angel, his movement is very stretched, handsome to the extremecold face full of pitfalls.

Just a duck he transferred as Wu 卝yun of the air, in a Flash, more shocking scene emerged.

Sky is rendered as a spiral-shaped huge Lian Guan Wu 卝yun after the angels into the prison,crazy surge up, just blink of time, these Wu 卝yun Guan Guan Yu became a huge refining Angelghost.

Wu 卝yun color change, plumes of dark purple glow along with it.

Big six wings in the air fully unfurled, heavy depression appears to make the sky fell.

The huge refinery Angel-winged Guan prison, suddenly waved in the air. In an instant ... ... A largeaperture is then spread in the air, shining deep purple light.

In the midst of the great purple IRIS, a purple bubbles fall from the sky over ten meters indiameter.

Bubble crash, only three seconds of time, Lian Guan Yu in the Sky Angel figure had disappearedback into the large Wu 卝yun, this time of three seconds, at least hundreds of purple bubbles fall from the sky, aim at Cressy in three divisions.

Guan Zhou Weiqing are soft, and behind it to slide down, it was at this time, a Tao black cold arecruit who suddenly shines from the side, targeting the Zhou Weiqing throat.

In fact, this dark cold electric has occurred a little bit late, is not the best time, because Chershangguan Zhou Weiqing was already out of the side. Perhaps it is because, the Tao black coldearlier that Chen Guan's owner was shocked.

Lin Tian boil as early as the Zhou Weiqing has just begun releasing capabilities make contingencypreparations at any time, have always been highly centralized, the sudden appearance of thisheimang, he also reflects on the first time around. Seven beads mix gel shield into account stepsin his hand moments a horizontal, whole body Guan and shield in front of Zhou Weiqing.

However, the black sword attack, as always, a terrorist, then bang, Lin Tian stay up the sevenbeads combined coagulation-shaped shield strong defence force was a sword, and Guan led himto go into the air.

However, Lin Tian also eventually block survived the blow, he suffer loss in less Sword Shieldcombination than the other one, as well as fixes for the gap.

Lin Tian stayed up for second time, shangguan the boundless promise of Michelle thorn out.White body, shining Crystal light headed for the owner of the black rapier thrust.

There is no doubt that the King level assassin came again, while Zhou Weiqing just finishedreleasing the weak moment came.

"Yi ... ..." a surprised King from that level in Guan from the assassins sent, he was going to continue to attack Zhou Weiqing, however, officer Michelle Thorn's sword, but he produced a very strong sense of Wei Guan.

When the assassin over the years, his perception did not know how many times more powerfulthan the average person, many times with this powerful sense saved the day. He can now feel ifthey continue like Zhou Weiqing attack, ignored the last officer Cher's attack, but has no Flash toavoid possible, is a certain death situation.

How's that gonna happen?

However, the King level assassin still habitually trust his perceptions. Black rapier in hand ahorizontal, transverse pumping in Shang Guan on the l vastness of infinite sword.

Harsh buzz of the moment, shangguan Cher practice and too far removed from each other,despite her swordsmanship, but opponents under violent attack and fix for gap, she was pumpingpeople with the sword went flying.

However, the King class assassin fails to continue to attack Zhou Weiqing, because black rapier inhis hand has turned white.

King-grade assassin drastic Zhan Guan suddenly body shaking a bit, Guan also stalled, his horrorfinds that a unit he had never felt before, do not even know what attributes of energy in an instant from his rapier Yong Guan into your own hands. That energy seems to be very mild, butfull of the vastness of the gas. His dark days upon receiving the Guan Guan dark property totouch this energy, to dissolve in an instant. That kind of energy is not broken him Guan Guan badbody, but with a dominating situation engulfing his body Guan within days. Guan within days ofhis body disappearing at an alarming rate.

This, this is what's going on? This King-grade Assassin's abilities can be said to be in the hands ofa fine sword, eight beads combined coagulation-sword, but Guan Qi set a little further. And thiscombination of Wu 卝qi's powerful, is far from normal coagulation equipment can reach. Pursuitis one of extremes. But now, he lost and his rapier Guan. Into Guan's weird energy wants to fullyswallow up his day is not so fast, but it simply cannot cope with. Mention he has lost himself andrapier Guan, even wanted to withdraw gel equipment has failed to do.! ~!




Last time, when faced with Zhou Weiqing foot, he can with strong man's broken wrist removedLuan three energy in highly toxic. This is not the same! Eroded, his hands, his ability in this handon the sword, really strong man's broken wrist, he was no longer number one killer. This is a moment's hesitation, the energy has steadily forward to his position close to the shoulder.

It was at this time, a clear sound but with a chill, "since you have come, and stay.

One tough day almost without warning, appeared in front of him, a silver hand clutched at hisneck.

Just the other side comes out, King of this level assassin horror to work out, this is also a Kinglevel stronger.

At this time, he has not had half hesitated, did not use his best Wu Luan, if I stayed here again isdefinitely dead. Fuelling of Luan within days of foot, flew backwards off.

Also, at this time he was also secretly a pleased, because of singular energy stopped spreading toshoulders, and little by little the mean to dissipate. As long as keep arms, next time there will havethe opportunity again.

Rapier silver boat color light has gone quietly into eight missing black decomposition.

It suddenly appears King level is naturally of the strong waves breaking days, how could he allowbolted so easily? The silver hand suddenly burst in the air, silver wire into a road, then condenseinto a giant silver, which sheaths the King level Assassin.

Breaking waves, a stiletto Luan without suit suits being the author, Long Shiya has, how could henot? So, God teacher is definitely the scariest one of the strongest in the world. In the vast Palaceis most afraid of, including the three gods that Division.

A huge layer of silver light suddenly burst out, instantly into a giant mask, the King class assassinshrouded in. Luan was space lock.

Zhou Weiqing has the skills but compared with breaking waves, he Luan lock is too excessivePediatrics.

Off day this space Luan lock took over dozens of square meters, and its strength is of such horror.Even that King level assassin a hit, without his black rapier case can only bounce back.

Terrifying power instant broke out, breaking waves a handheld Octagon plum Silver Hammer oftyrannical rushed up, the most ghastly is his space Luan lock in rapid contraction.

Breaking how SkyWave strength, his fix for long reach Kings peak for years, just a hope ofbreakthrough in this life the Emperor only. Plus a full set of Luan Chi suits his power has increasedto a great extent of the terrorist. Described by Zhou Weiqing, who along with earlier observations,he could see that this level King Assassin is best at is speed and attack.

According to Zhou Weiqing originally planned, is deliberately exposed Luan rips to the King-levelbarbed aircraft will, after all, the other does not know at his side there is a heavenly King levelstrong.

Zhou Weiqing didn't think his refined Luan Angels playing big prison, he and day weretemporarily lost power suddenly enormous. Otherwise if Zhou Weiqing triple teamed up withshengli to launch skill can not just let the days level assassin loses rapier period of time only.

However, they are not clear cut SkyWave's strength at this time, the Division's usually very mildGod really erupted, the strength of the terrorist, is far from being the King of very uneven levelAssassin by comparison.

Black rapier while returning, but the King-grade assassin-free at the moment. Eight Pearlcombined coagulation-swords are not just able to apply his right hand was shangguan Cherbefore the sword of seals, Luan temporarily fasten upper body bead, so don't there is no release.While the off-day wave of attacks has reached by virtue of the effect upon spatial Luan lock, twopeople can Dodge move rapidly between contractions. Breaking waves to attack King levelassassin Dodge, two men play rapid in this small space, in order not to let themselves becompletely limited to Luan, the King level assassin had to release their day as much as possible,making Luan locks cannot be too much.

He groaned, breaking waves to hammer that he was afraid to touch Luan touches, his sharp sensetold him that the King of this level the strength of the strong, even his heyday if positive fight recklessly, can never be rivals. Both hate days without suits or hate-free sets, are the ultimate inpower, itself said to be multiple coagulation equipment there's nothing wrong with, but morepowerful. Face hammer, although both sides is the King level, however, as long as the King ofassassins were stained, probably immediately injured, Luan Luan odd suits, has an extremelyfrightening power. So he can only try to hide from, waiting for his rapier to use again or Luan locktime is the space, and have the opportunity to escape.

Happened just vanishes on the parapets have entered the King of two-level between the strongfight, and at this moment, refining Luan prison after the resurrection an Angel brought hundredsof huge purple-black bubbles have quietly landed.

The purple bubble is like a long black eye is completely dispersed flew out, bad luck in the firstwas a large watchtower.

The Watchtower has a wooden wheel below, all materials were Cressy three divisions here and then three days to assemble before Lee Luan. Watchtower of up to 20 metres, almost level withthe Crescent City walls, it can accommodate up to 30 archers, used at the time of the siege andthe enemies of shot.

Of course, for the peerless soldiers, the siege, the most useless is the watchtower. However, theWatchtower as a result of height, that fall from the sky in the first purple-black bubbles "care".

One by one, a purple bubble falls on arrow upstairs, emitted a strange scream, just like cookingoil hot, but to pour a scoop of cold water.

Fears of a staged scene in the sudden, arrows 30 archers upstairs plus ten protection shield hand,didn't even scream can be issued at all, is there in that strange sound disappear.

People can see, is a blur of purple instantly fall from the sky, spreading down the Watchtower alsodisappeared. When the purple light after falling on the ground, is like the sky waves Generalmoment to pounce out, spread at least dozens of meters gradually faded away. In which dozensof meters of all living at the pounce like building as dozens of men at the top and out of sight.

Cressy, three divisions is Yu Baida Luan, naturally, it is not without beads and the archers. Time,started drinking in the sounds of many brilliance with the arrows was launched.

Arrows from any role, missed luan also touched the purple-black light bulb to melt, while thoseby the brilliance of the Royal bead artist releases, with purple-black ball after the collision bringsis more scary situations.

One-purple ball of light was like a bubble was broken by them. But broken after that? Like adripping of rain fall from the sky, the rain, and purple-black.

What is human Luan-Luan Luan prison? Emperor Cheng TOU Tian Gong on Luan country side andreally learned, that a terrorist breaking Luan from purple ball of light power, they almost breathesome grind to a halt.

No enemy skill stops-purple ball of light to play their due role. Each ball of light, like a giantbubble broke through the General and scattered purplish-black halos swirling streams, and allcontaminated of the purple-black man, no matter what class or the siege completely assimilatedby them.

Purple light the place, position even without the cleaning up, even the Earth, were they dissolvedin huge pits.

Look away from the city, renders it all is quite spectacular, all-purple bubbles after landing on theground are like flowing lava, all in front of siege, failed to play their due role, has been swept away. , Including that 50 red car, didn't leave nothing. Just left a huge hole on Earth.

Behind the heavy cavalry and heavy infantry was comparatively fortunate Luan Yun, at least theyare still relatively far, Zhou Weiqing refining Luan prison Angel of the resurrection is kept for onlythree seconds of attack, therefore, go into their purple bubble just over more than 10 in thecamp.

Is that more than more than 10 purple bubble blasting Luan fried, make that two battalions ofheavy cavalry, two battalions of infantry were the melting down of one-third.

Nothing violent roar, this whole attack process, is like being a big magma watered. At least 3,000Cressy soldiers, together with all of their siege, just disappeared out of thin air. Even the dregs areleft.

No matter how good the Cressy party the leading Commander, when he encounters such asituation, Yi also shock.

This is force majeure. No one expected this to happen. This is the siege proved a large siegeengines in the lineup, attacks a soldier not too dense. Also caused huge losses. If 30,000 peopleto attack it? I'm afraid that, should make the siege Luan team dropped more than 5,000 bar.

Anyone see a silly, including two first place.

Effect of shengli is one of creativity. HA HA.