Shaykh 'Umar al-Hadochi on Abu Musab Al-Tunisi and Umar Zaydaan
عمر زيدان لجهله بالعلوم الشرع يجهل أن الخوارج لهم صفات قد يتصف الناس ببعضها كحاله هو حيث كفر الظواهري والرجل له خلط عجيب، ولو سكت من لا يعلم
'Umar Zaydaan, due to his ignorance of the islamic science, he is unaware that the khawarij has attributes that some people can be characterized with, like the case with him like when he made takfir on az-Zawahiri. This man has a strange confusion. If only the one who doesn't know would stay silent.
والله أمثال عمر زيدان وأبو مصعب حدثاء الأسنان والعلم وهم ما شموا رائحة العلم ولو من بعيد ينقلون مجهولا ويكتبون مقلوبا ويتسرعون في الأحكام
By Allah, the likes of 'Umar Zaydaan and Abu Mus'ab are young in age and knowledge and they haven't even smelled the scent of of al-'Ilm even from afar. They transmit what is unknown and write in a twister manner and they are hasty in judgment.