
About Mani' bin Nasir al-Mani' (Saudi Ex-ISIS pro Saudi Shari)

(By @IbnNabih)

NOTE: Man`i Ibn Nasir Al-Mani` has returned to Saudi Arabia now, and re-joined the Saudi government and "repented".


Recently, we have seen the ISIS supporters celebrate, they finally have a scholar that joined them!
Enter Mani' bin Nasir al-Mani' from Saudi Arabia, who recently went to Syria and joined ISIS, and is now trying his best to propogate for it.
His twitter: https://twitter.com/M_N_Alman3

Some interesting things that I found about this scholar:
1) He says on his official facebook account that he's:
باحث في خطر منظمة الماسونية الصهيونية اليهودية العالمية وعلاقتها بأركان الشر من الخوارج القتلة والرافضة الخونة والليبراليين المتعاونين مع السفارات الأجنبية للصد عن سبيل الله وتغريب البلاد والعباد. وفي الملحدين المشركين.
"A researcher on The Masonic Zionist Organization and Worldwide Jewry, and it's relation with the pillars of evil from the murderous khawarij, and the treasonous rafidhah, and the liberals who collaborate with the foreign embassies to stand in the way of Allahs path and to westernize the country and the people. And (also) on the atheists and mushrikin. "
(I guess he'll fit in perfectly with the conspiracy freaks of ISIS)

He claims to have a PhD in shari'ah, but from the looks of it, it's a bogus degree that's from a bogus university.
This website exposed his degree, saying that it's from "West Clayton University", which is a bogus university that is not accredited.
The exposure: قائمة اصحاب الشهادات الوهمية لدرجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه: مانع المانع
Search for it here to see the "university's" status: THECB - Institutions Whose Degrees are Illegal to Use in Texas

He also tried to defend his bogus degree here: عضو في قوقل أجابات يحمل شهادة دكتوراه وهميه تم الكشف عنه اليوم في صحيفة سبق ,,, - تمت الإجابة عنه - Google إجابات
And from his official current twitter account: https://twitter.com/M_N_Alman3/statu...7919359397888/
Basically saying, that King Saud University in Saudi Arabia has said that the "University" is legitimate and that they accept its degrees and thus making it legitimate.
It does seem like they used to write that (he also provided a screened shot from the website were they said it), but I can't find it on their website anymore nor can you find anything on their (new and old) website about "West Clayton University" or in arabic: جامعة ويست كلايتون.

New website: http://ksu.edu.sa/