
Praise be to Allah. Prayers and greetings to our prophet MuhammadPeace be upon him and his relatives and his companions and his followers and his soldiers up to judgment day.

From the leaders of Ansar Al Islam group to the AMEER Qaedat Al Jihad group Sheikh Ayman Al Zawahiri
God keep you well and look upon you.

Alsalamu Aliekum, mercy, and blessings of Allah All-Mighty be upon you,
The group of Ansar Al Islam and its leaders show great respect and appreciation for your good self, and ask God to help you with such great responsibility.

The reason of writing is the brotherhood for God’s sake, and the sense of responsibility towards jihad project, and the Islamic legal (Shariaa) realization of what’s right, and the stand against the accumulated ongoing injustice upon us.

The purpose of this letter is to inform and update your good self of what the leader should know. The group of Ansar Al Islam is based on independency; respect for what is right and its seniority in the Jihad field in Iraq, and working towards the empowerment of Islam with God’s will and success.

Before we use to rely on dealing with your branch (The Islamic State of Iraq), since its first intentions was to restraint and live with patience from any harm, these two intentions are important for the ongoing walk of Jihad in its first stages and we educate our Mujahedeen to follow that and we impose more patience as patience is the main pillar of wisdom in politics. All that we counted it of interest of the Sunnis in Iraq, and the interest of Jihad and the Mujahedeen. However, today reality is forcing us to live a situation that we cannot force our Mujahedeen to have patience to such aggression. After today, we believe that more silence will cause a loss to the Jihad cause in general, and to our Mujahedeen rights in specific.

The former method which we were using when dealing with your division (The Islamic State of Iraq) was not beneficial with them since it did not produce, at the level of our relations, any positive result in the battle field. As a result, we decided to change our method of dealing with them in the field, media, and by guiding our people to respond to them through positive reinforcement and stand against injustice without starting an assault. Although diligent but taking this approach is to follow the path of our prophet Muhammad “Sala Allah Aliehi Wa Salam”.

Our Honorable Sheikh:
We need to reshape the media strategy and deal with the Islamic state of Iraq in Iraq for the following:

The absence of a source that is responsible for decisions that bear consequences and effects and to put the disobedient into order. As well as the numerous issuers for fateful decisions to issues pertaining to joint field operations in Iraq.
The ongoing aggressive and assaultive conduct on the Mujahedeen of Ansar Al Islam group for different reasons, such as, the Mujahedeen of Ansar Al Islam cannot operate on the lands of the Islamic State of Iraq without prior permission, and are obliged to obey. The truth is that such unrealistic theories does not exist on the ground, and cannot be implemented,  since  the situation in the Sunni cities in Iraq in general and its people are all subject to the authority of the occupying Raffida forces. These forces are deploying heavy military and wide combat techniques that allowed them to control the people’s movement. As a result, the Mujahedeen fight is based on Guerrilla warfare fights that are completely confidential, and on continuous strikes. The influential decisions that are implemented on people are only made by the enemy.

We have sent official letters to their leaders carrying respect, reverence, positive content, and the invitation for solutions for the common field problems. The recent letter was dated 30 / zul Qaedh / 1433, issued by the assistant of AMEER Ansar Al Islam for Iraq affairs to the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq (attached). On the other hand, Ansar Al Islam has published official media speech to consolidate for the situations experienced by Al Qaeda and the Islam State of Iraq (as greetings, thanking, and condolences). Our media has stopped criticism, and analysis towards them; however, we did not receive any letter from them since our media has sent condolences for the Islamic State of Iraq in the event of Istishhad Abu Omer and Abu Hamza, neither in private nor in general letter up to this date.

Our Honorable Sheikh:
The problem in working at joint and common fields in Iraq with the Mujahedeen of the Islamic State of Iraq have reached to a point where we don’t find it acceptable or satisfactory, these pressures have pushed us to the limit that patience cannot bear and tolerate. Thereby, we are required to change our dealings while our speech recipe to justice, by using the method of equivalence instead of pardon and forgiveness, while obligating and committing to Shariaa.

The problems faced are as follow:


  • Fighting against and killing the Mujahedeen of Ansar Al Islam. Moreover, they have reached an extent to which recently they target our battlefield’s leaders.
  • Pressure and humiliation on the detained fighters of Ansar Al Islam group in the previous American prisons, which are currently Iraqi prisons by the members of the Islamic State of Iraq. Pressure, death threat, Takfeer, and prevention of giving Islamic legitimacy (shariaa) lessons, etc.
  • Forcing the Mujahedeen to overturn their alliance (Baiaa) with Ansar Al Islam and hold Alliance (Baiaa) with the Islamic State of Iraq instead. Moreover, prohibiting the Mujahedeen to fight or they will be killed.
  • Permanent economic pressure and confiscating over the properties and money of Ansar Al Islam which we consider injustice to our rights. We do not want to mention issues in details, nor do we want to hold court hearings, as we are to impose our new strategy with them from today and onwards. God grant victory to the right and help us with guidance.

Our honorable Sheikh: May God bless you, and lay the Baraka, and peace through your hands
We wrote to you since you are considered the main reference to the Islamic state of Iraq, and the only party responsible for them and recognized by them, due to the current regional condition, we believe that solving the issue at your side is of great importance and needed to prepare our Mujahedeen role for the post conflicts in Syria, we are afraid that ignoring such conflicts will cause a larger damage.

The escalation of the tensed circumstances that the Sunnis in Iraq are under passing in the Jihad arena, in our opinion, is caused by irresponsible behavior and old negative grudges spelled out by members of the Islamic state of Iraq against Ansar Al Islam group, until it became the dominant culture and the actual norm in the fields by some of the leaders of your branch in Iraq.

Blessings and peace upon our prophet Muhammad and upon his family and his companions.