

  • asic8tileagran, could you please https the chat? thanks
  • agranI can create a room is password protected
  • asic8tilethat would be nice thanks.
  • agranwill think about https
  • asic8tilethanks
  • agranpres +
  • agranoverhead
  • agranqora.key.stakeholders
  • gorillaspamna na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey. GOODBYE GORILLA JAM FOREVER
  • 21:55:38
    gorillaspamtodays is the start of a new beginning my friends
  • asic8tileYou must be a Canadiens fan ;)
  • wizzardTimlmao
  • gorillaspamanyone selling qora?
  • wizzardTimyeah - gorilla
  • wizzardTimgorillajam
  • wizzardTimhe probably caused the price fall
  • agran24-hour Volume: 35.95 BTC!
  • wizzardTimQora is way better than the btc slug
  • asic8tilebrb
  • wizzardTimthough I 'd prefer not having blockchain at all
  • wizzardTimbut it still is better than all the rest coins
  • gorillaspamthe price is falling but no sellers? just gorilla?
  • gorillaspamdude was terrible for pr man
  • gorillaspamjust shameless promoing
  • wizzardTimI don't sell Qora..i just buy
  • wizzardTimsome whales or short-term investors can sell
  • gorillaspamcan u give me contact
  • gorillaspami posted in trade thread no response
  • BreasalYea, gorilla has a way with words and the way is not good imu
  • Breasalimo
  • gorillaspamanyone here get scammed by sharex?
  • wizzardTimI got scammed by a chinese guy
  • Breasal3M down by sharex
  • wizzardTimin the trading thread
  • wizzardTim5million for 3 btc
  • wizzardTimthought he sent me the 5m but I was on fork
  • gorillaspam3.8m down by sharex here
  • Breasalsucks, sorry wizzard
  • Breasalsucks for all scammed
  • wizzardTimyeah
  • gorillaspami got scammed last week
  • gorillaspamfor 9.5btc
  • wizzardTimhow much
  • gorillaspamdont wanna talk about it
  • wizzardTimOH MY
  • gorillaspamthis is what happens with deregulation
  • Breasalouch!
  • gorillaspamsorry decentralization
  • wizzardTimwell, I have lost lotsa BTC in scam IPOs, if that makes u feel better (visacoin etc)
  • gorillaspamtally for me pls
  • gorillaspamso i feel better
  • wizzardTim@gorillaspam: dont worry. Dont think about it. Imagine the guy who bought the Bitcoin Pizza
  • wizzardTimi dont remember for how many BTC - 10k?
  • gorillaspamive learned a life lesson however
  • gorillaspamtrust nooone
  • gorillaspamtalk is cheap
  • gorillaspameveryones in it for their own gain
  • wizzardTimyeah, except friends or some trustworthy persons (eg anon)
  • gorillaspamguess i dont have any real friends then
  • gorillaspamits funny this guy that came to help me after i got scammed
  • gorillaspamactually sorta scammed me
  • gorillaspamim just too naive
  • gorillaspamif someone can give me contact of qora whale would be appreciated
  • gorillaspambtw how much qora does the dev hold>?
  • wizzardTimsorry guys I have to go
  • wizzardTimcatch u later
  • wizzardTim left the room.
  • asic8tileHi @Breasal
  • Jman88 joined the room.
  • Jman88yo
  • vincentvincent joined the room.
  • vincentvincentquiet here
  • abc joined the room.
  • Jman88why dont I have a star by my name?
  • Jman88oh well
  • Jman88 left the room.
  • twistelaar joined the room.
  • twistelaarIs Gorillaspam, Gorillajam?
  • twistelaargood the people are here :)
  • twistelaarAgran, can you do the star for Asic8tile?
  • twistelaar left the room.
  • abc left the room.
  • asic8tileI have to go get some stuff done. I will post the project plan...
  • gorillaspamno i am a gorillajam troll
  • gorillaspam[WTB] 10m QORA at 3.8btc msg me
  • asic8tile left the room.
  • vincentvincentis wondering what he doesn't know
  • vincentvincent left the room.
  • vincentvincent joined the room.
  • tresk joined the room.
  • tresk left the room.
  • din joined the room.
  • dinBoo!
  • din<3 Qora
  • din left the room.
  • twistelaar joined the room.
  • wizzardTim joined the room.
  • Vrontis joined the room.
  • Jman88 joined the room.
  • gorillaspamim depositing btc
  • Vrontisyou have to wait until 2 confirmations pass through
  • Vrontischeck the blockchain
  • gorillaspamare any of you guys selling perhaps?
  • gorillaspamqora that is..
  • gorillaspamhate these exchanges
  • Vrontisi think right the best price for you would be only on poloniex
  • Vrontis*right now
  • fsonexI'm still buying. When it drops like this I grab some
  • gorillaspami had almost 4mill on sharex
  • gorillaspambut you guys know what happened there
  • gorillaspamsome of you are in NXT aswell i presume?
  • Vrontisi'm just buying the deeps
  • gorillaspamwhat are the deeps
  • Vrontisi had a typo ... *dips
  • Vrontisthis is the meaning 
    Video thumb
  • gorillaspamA wise man once said
  • gorillaspam"The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble...We want to buy them when they're on the operating table." Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffetts-best-quotes-2013-3?op=1#ixzz35ENgPHSh
  • gorillaspamjust got in at 42 :)
  • BreasalI like Asic's plan...
  • BreasalWe have a competent and committed dev and a plan
  • BreasalWe can now get to work
  • BreasalIm not a coder so will work with the marketing and "business dev" teams
  • BreasalGood at speaking and look forward to promoting Qora at conferences etc
  • BreasalThe voting system will be really great. We can promote this feature bit time...the new decentralized democracy
  • Breasal*big time
  • BreasalThe more I look around at IPOs and projects that are working on launching (exo, NEM and nxt clones), I realize how great Qora is...
  • BreasalNot an easy task to implement a new code....look forward to what feature the community votes for Qora to implement next. Cool system
  • BreasalI'm not too keen on another AE - NXT and all the clones (NHZ) as well as counterparty, etc have done this. Not sure how this is good for Qora.
  • BreasalEven anonymous tx are a dime a dozen now.
  • BreasalI think we should keep it simple. Keep Qora simple - the look and the features - and improve what it's best at
  • BreasalTransaction speed (tx boosting) and minimizing blockchain bloat.
  • BreasalAs well as security and "user friendliness"
  • BreasalWe can promote Qora as the "new user's coin"....all newbies can jump in crypto with one click
  • BreasalSpeed, security and simplicity.
  • BreasalWe would be smart to focus development on mobile devices.
  • BreasalAnd making arrangements (in time) with companies that eliminate roadblocks to purchasing with Qora (GoCoin / OKcoin - whatever it is) for retail use.
  • BreasalIf we are the securest, fastest, most user friendly crypto, Qora would add value to the consumer. These features will sell themselves.
  • twistelaar left the room.
  • gorillaspamim likin this guy ^
  • wizzardTim left the room.
  • Jman88 left the room.
  • asic8tile joined the room.
  • din joined the room.
  • din left the room.
  • Qora joined the room.
  • breasal joined the room.
  • Vrontism2
  • twistelaaro hey hehe
  • twistelaardid someone see the mssge of ASIC
  • Vrontiswhich one ?
  • Vrontisregarding the document?
  • dinplease add Qora to bter and bittrex!!!!
  • dincommon guys!
  • twistelaarQora! Good you are here :)
  • Vrontiswelcome aboard Qora
  • Qorasent you the details of the website
  • Vrontisgreat... I getting in in 5 minutes
  • QoraIt's running on a 500mb digitalocean VPS
  • QoraIf we decide to add a forum we can easily upgrade
  • Vrontisi have some restrictions while uploading the theme, is it possible to turn the folder rules to 777 via FTP till i finish ?
  • QoraYeah it already had some problems creating the config file let me check
  • QoraChanging those permissions is taking some time.
  • QoraI will let you know as soon as it is done
  • Vrontisshould i send you the zip file to upload it into a specific ?
  • Vrontiswp-content/themes/ folder
  • QoraIf it doesn't work after this we could try that
  • Vrontisok, i will be here
  • QoraOke it is done
  • Vrontisthanks, i'm getting in
  • din joined the room.
  • breasalQora the dev of the year is in our presence! :-)
  • breasalGood to see the website moving forward...
  • QoraIt will be one thing they can't qq about anymore
  • VrontisI am facing another issue now, in order to make installations it requests me the Hostname, FTP Username and FTP Password.I think it is better to send over to you the file and direct you step by step for three needed installations
  • breasalI support a forum asap...the btt thread is really bad
  • breasallots of fud and trolls
  • QoraOke that is fine.
  • Vrontisgreat, I am uploading the theme zip folder now and i will send you the link
  • Qora@breasal If someone can make a template for reddit or a forum we could move some discussions over there
  • breasal@qora, agree..will push ahead, thanks.
  • Vrontisi agree about reddit, @qora here is the link http://4xbureau.com/qora.zip
  • Vrontisput this zip into wp-content\themes\ folder
  • Vrontisthen log in into qora.org
  • Vrontisand into dashborad click on appearance - Themes
  • Vrontisand activate the theme
  • Vrontistheme name is qora
  • QoraDone
  • Vrontisnice, theme is installed
  • Vrontisnow you see this message
  • VrontisThis theme requires the following plugin: Qora Slider. Begin installing plugin | Dismiss this notice
  • Vrontisclick begin install
  • Vrontisand install this plug in
  • QoraThat sucks can't use ftp with ssh key
  • QoraNeed to create a new user
  • Vrontisis it better to create a temp user for me, send me private the credentials to finish it and delete it when i finish ?
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • Vrontis@Breasal , can you proceed with reddit ?
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • breasalUnfortunately, I'm "offline" for 2-3 weeks in a few days and will have limited access online.
  • QoraPlugin is installed
  • Vrontisgreat thanks
  • Vrontisi got it now :D
  • breasalGoing on a much needed vacation...
  • breasalIf no one takes it, I can do it when I return.
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • QoraIt should have self moderated the thread on btt but I wanted to make a statement that this was a real project at the time
  • Qora*I
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • jaybird joined the room.
  • abc joined the room.
  • Vrontisdone !!!!!!!!!!! http://qora.org/
  • jaybird@Qora clearly you have a vision for the development that has now changed a bit with more focus on marketing. can you explain what that would of looked like?
  • breasalYea, you really needed to to that...but now we know qora is real so I think it's possible to moderate and still maintain integrity.
  • jaybirdhad
  • breasalyes, website is alive!!!
  • Vrontisdo you like it ?
  • breasalWell done qora and vrontis, thank you
  • Qora@jaybird I still have the same idea that I want to get to but focussing on development alone would start hurting the currency
  • breasalcolor scheme is great, links working, smooth design. I like it a lot!
  • Vrontisthe only not working link at the moment is the email icon
  • breasalarrows next to logo do not function. intended?
  • jaybirdok, good to know the original thrust hasn't disappeared. I personally worry of the wallet ends up looking like NXT or a crop of second gen coins it will not to the average user look any different,
  • Vrontisyes, we have only one banner image at the moment, we should get more images to make it works
  • breasalok, nice.
  • jaybird left the room.
  • QoraThe title still says just another wordpress site :p
  • QoraDo I have to change that?
  • jaybird joined the room.
  • Vrontisoops... sorry.. Innovating From The Core !
  • Vrontisi changed that
  • VrontisInnovative From The Core
  • breasalNo link to BTT thread?
  • jaybirdSo the circle links will stay vertical?
  • Vrontisshould i add a BTT link thread ?
  • Vrontis( i need a similar icon for the BTT thread link )
  • smaragda joined the room.
  • breasalWell, the btt thread is a bit of a train wreck content wise so maybe not.
  • jaybirdI'm on a tablet, the blue circle links are horizontal, is that meant or a tablet fuck up?
  • jaybirdSorry are vertical
  • breasalprobably good to link to the forum or reddit once its up
  • jaybirdshouldn't they be horizontal ?
  • Vrontisi have made it mobile friendly as well, i will review it from the tablet in a whole
  • smaragdaHas anybody dropped the all-time favorite trolling line yet? How do we know you are the real qora??? lol
  • QoraI updated the OP
  • Qorawebsite is under community
  • jaybirdIt's a mess on tablet, the icons are seperate to the text.
  • smaragdaSo... were those corrupted files of any help?
  • jaybird left the room.
  • QoraSure they help
  • QoraI haven't checked all of them yet
  • jaybird joined the room.
  • smaragdaWhat's causing the async? Also... have you been forging with the unclaimed coins all this time?
  • breasalconfirmed, qora.org is not dynamic to my tablet either.
  • QoraThe problem is not synchronization related. Synchronization seems fine now
  • QoraThe problem seems to be something in the network code
  • QoraI think it fails to detect when a connection is closed
  • smaragdaOne more... someone was asking how long do we start forging after we unlock our wallets... I would like to know so that I pass that info whenever someone asks. This question might be coming up once in a while especially from Nxt folk... they are familiar with the whole 1440.
  • Vrontisjaybird, can you tell your tablet device model, on mine (nexus 7) it appears smoothly
  • jaybirdIpad
  • Vrontis7'' ?
  • jaybirdnope full size
  • Qora@smaragde it takes 10 confirmations before you can generate blocks.
  • QoraJust look at the generating balance of your accounts
  • jaybird left the room.
  • Vrontisok, thanks, i will read into ipad's dimensions for that
  • jaybird joined the room.
  • smaragdaIn regard to the website... I would rather people are pointed to qora's latest wallet release instead of mega.co.nz... so that they can confirm checksum hash.
  • Vrontisok smaragda, a minute to change the link
  • breasal@ vrontis - same same, ipad
  • Vrontis@smaragda
  • Vrontisbreasal ipad model ?
  • Vrontis@smaragda done :)
  • jaybird left the room.
  • smaragdaAwesome! Hope the rest agree too.
  • breasalmuch better...good call
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • Vrontisi'm having some ipad issues (i hate apple btw :P).. but i'll fix it
  • breasalsame as jaybird full size version 7 software chrome and safari
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • smaragda@Vrontis Not trying to be picky but I would go with ©2014 Qora. All Rights Reserved.
  • Vrontisi am using this emulator for ipad and seems smoothly too, can you breasel and jaybird send me some screenshot ?
  • JaybirdNot sure how to do that on an ipad
  • QoraThe features are shown vertically on 4s
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • Qora left the room.
  • Jaybird joined the room.
  • Vrontisthank you breasal!
  • Vrontisi'll dig into css to fix this one
  • breasaleach heading for each "button" follow the vertical format down after all buttons.
  • breasalthanks!
  • Jaybird left the room.
  • smaragdaHey... is that din the known bitcointalk scammer???
  • agrantest
  • agranNow all the chat logs are stored.
  • pondseahi agran
  • pondseaWhat about the previous chat ?
  • agranWith old history unfortunately disappeared.
  • wizzardtimhi agran
  • wizzardtimhow are u
  • wizzardtimthank you for providing the chat logs