

Translation of statement by Abu Sulayman Al-Masri regarding
the accusations of the two ex-Nusra fighters


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Translated by:  IraqiWitness on Twitter


[Note: The 2 ex-Nusra fighters are Abu Muhammad Al-Amriki(testimony) & Abu Bakr Al-Jazrawi(testimony translation)]





1. This is a reply to accusations of colluding with Marouf & us receiving ammunition from him in return of us letting him pass with weapons.

2. The brothers suspected and imagined things which were wrong, they could have asked us but instead concluded based on suspicion.

3. So the brother Abu Muhammad al-Amriki does not know what was happening of meetings etc. because of his not knowing Arabic

4. and Abu Bakr was only a soldier that did not enter the camp yet but was waiting for it.

5. We will hang their deeds (Takfeer of us) on their necks in front of God and we will ask for our rights.

6. The enemies of Islam described it as a terrorist organization for we did good in our fight against the enemies of God.

7. We're amazed at those we helped & safeguarded & shared money with accuse us of selling them & our religion for some money & weapons.

8. We did not immigrate here and offer our money and blood other than to raise the flag of Islam and help our Muslim brothers.

9. This emotional stirring is only done to create legitimacy to fight Nusra. And everyone knows the danger of this on the Jihad in Sham.

10. Firstly we would like to confirm that we in Nusra in Atmah had no checkpoints or Courts in Atmah.

11. This area is not under our control, We are an group just like any other org. in Atme, we had our HQs & camps just like any other group.

12. The checkpoints and courts were under #ISIS control and the border crossing was under Islamic Front and FSA's control.

13. (Previously) Everything that passed crossing was in front of the eyes of ISIS whether the weapons were for military councils or Marouf.

14. So we would like to clarify some of the suspicions created by Abu Bakr al-Jazrawi and Abu Muhammad al-Amriki.

15. When infighting started in Reef Aleppo and then spread to Atme the armed groups were preparing their weapons and power against ISIS.

16. We talked to ISIS leader Abu Sad to avoid fighting in Atme as families of foreign fighters were here + injured people + refugees.

17. Abu Sad agreed to stay in our camps and HQs so they left their checkpoint which was 300 metres away from an Islamic Front checkpoint.

18. We put some of our forces at the checkpoint and made agreements with citizens and armed groups not to fight ISIS.

19. Whoever had an issue with someone it would be solved in independent court and that ISIS should not be fought bec of individual mistakes.

20. Everyone agreed so Atmeh became a safehaven for ISIS and their injured soldiers and their number became around 400.

21. And what happened with Jamal Marouf is as following:

22. When the events started we heard that a convoy of Jamal Marouf was coming to Atmeh and that they wanted to fight ISIS.

23. Here Nusra deployed its forces and we informed the IF checkpoint seeing as we had an agreement that no ISIS would hurt.

24. So me and Ahrar's leader Abu Nur and Abu Layth agreed that the convoy would not enter Atmeh so they sent a person.

25. They said we did not come to fight ISIS but to receive weapons from the border crossing. But we still refused them. And they went back.

26. After that I talked to Abu Sad, ISIS leader in Atmeh, and said Marouf wants to get weapons from the border crossing.

27. He said you won't be able to stop them and we ISIS were not able to stop them before and that's the reality. I said we will try.

28. And this is what we did before orders came telling us to prevent weapons reaching Jamal Marouf as much as we can.

29. After that we were busy to protect brothers from ISIS as they were besieged in Dar Izzah and Shaykh Sulayman camp

30. With me was Abu Muhammad and that's when we found out weapons came in under Ahrar's name which is normal and ISIS accepted this before.

31. Our position in regards to Ahrar fighting ISIS was getting them to make peace. So how can they say it was a conspiracy we were part of?

32. And the ISIS was stronger and larger in number and weapons than us in the area.

33. The fourth day of the Marouf case came and we were in Dar Izzah on invitation of ISIS who was besieged there.

34. We came back at a late time at night and then we found out that JAmal Marouf's convoy came in and reached the border crossing.

35. So we deployed our forces at the first checkpoint which included Abu Muhammad al-Amriki and Abu Bakr al-Jazrawi.

36. And here we have to make two things clear:

37. ONE: We didn't put foreigners at checkpoints as every foreigner was accused of being ISIS so it was only done in emergencies.

38. TWO: Abu Layth and his agreement with JAmal, this is what I heard from the youth when I came back and I said if this happened >>

39. >> Then he needs to be judged in a court. As for the one who listens to Abu Bakr al-Jazrawi you will find he already made his verdicts.

40. By calling everyone who fights ISIS apostates and he didn't even stay for a long time in Syria and doesn't have much Ilm (knowledge).

41. As for those who say that we made a deal with Jamal Marouf this is wrong. What we did was preventing them for as long as we could.

42. We stalled them for a second time from 1 at night to 6 in the morning, as we did not have enough power to stop them.

43. And it was not in our interest to start a fight in this area (due to injured soldiers + refugees etc,)

44. By God we prevented them for as long as we could and we were not ready for a military solution on that day.

45. So one part of the convoy moved off and the other stayed fearing that we were planning to attack it. So the rest stayed at the crossing.

46. As for Abu Bakr (at the checkpoint) the day before I said we have orders to stop the convoy

47. And the day I said let them go he said "Did you agree on a portion?" so I didn't say other than "Fear God" he apologized later that day.

48. I swear by God that we prevented them for as long as we could and we even prepared an ambush.

49. And this is what happened with Jamal Marouf knowing that we crippled his movements as the crossing would be open for him for 1 week.

50. As for what Abu Bakr claim that there were 2 trucks with weapons in our camps, its not like how he imagined it.

51. These weapons belonged to Khattab al-Masri's brigade that pledged allegiance to Nusra >>

52. Last message: A lot of what was mentioned I did not hear/see of except through these testimonies.

