

Everything was red. Her eyes were watering from the heat, and her hands were slick with something just as hot as the flames threatening to engulf her. Her mother's soft, billowing hair and her father's reassuring smile was the only thing she could–no, wanted to–remember, but the harrowing tableau before her was now forever etched in her mind.

She started to sing, but her mother put a bloody hand to her mouth to shut her up. No, Mamaí, I want to help! Tatay, he's… Her mother screamed, and a strong gust of wind hit her hard and threw her against a wall, knocking her out cold.

When she came to, an entirely different scene unfolded before her, but it was just as painful to see.  Red was still everywhere, and it was still on her hands. Why? She screamed but no sound would come out.

"Blair?" Someone was grabbing her arms, shaking her. It was dark, and her vision was blurry, but she could make out blue-green eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. Mar–?

"Blair, wake up!" Blue-green shifted to deep purple as her vision steadied. Ah… right… Blair nodded slowly in response as she sat up from her bed and hugged her knees. She jolted as she felt a sharp sting in her palms.

Firm, caring hands took hers. "You're bleeding. You must have clenched your fists too tightly while dreaming."

"Rowan, is she okay?"

Rowan gave her a once-over. It was quick, but Blair could feel her intense purple eyes bore deep. "She's okay, mostly," said Rowan to her twin brother, River, who was standing by the door of the room, his own purple eyes looking at her with concern. "You stay here with her, Riv. I'll go get some of that panapal we made earlier."

River sat down on the edge of Blair's bed and caressed her cheek. She leaned against his palm and closed her eyes, willing herself to forget, to stop reliving the same scenes over and over again. River pulled her close and hugged her, and in that moment she knew that he knew, albeit in broad strokes.

"Ahem," coughed Rowan as she returned with the healing poultice in hand. "I'd have said 'get a room', but seeing as you're already in one… Tch. Move away, you pig," she said as she sat between them, edging her brother off the bed and began applying the poultice on Blair's palms.

River chuckled and held his hands up in the air in mock surrender. "You caught me. Jealous?"

His sister huffed. "Puh-lease."

Blair caught them off-guard as she pulled them both in a big hug. It was all she could do right now to show her appreciation for them. The twins hugged her back, and each other, too.

River broke off first. He bid them both good night before standing up and going back to his room. Rowan followed suit and let the red-haired girl go. "I may not be able to read you as well as he can, but I'm here for you," she said as she stood up, but before she could turn for the door, Blair caught her hand.

Please stay? I don't want to be alone.

And so she stayed.