
Operation reporting for 24-12-13


3 killed, 2 vehicles destroyed in Laghman    LAGHMAN, Dec. 24 – A clash triggered by Mujahideen surprise attack broke out in Qarghayee district of Laghman province on Monday in which three puppets were killed and two others took life-threatening injury. Two of the enemy’s army vehicles were destroyed after coming under Mujahideen fire. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Bomb blast leaves 2 killed, commander wounded   GHAZNI, Dec. 24 – Mujahideen detonated a bomb that ripped into the enemy during a foot patrol in Shalgar district of Ghazni province on Monday. Two puppets were killed, while Commander Sultan and his fellow were badly wounded. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Gunfight in Kunar kills four enemy soldiers KUNAR, Dec. 24 – A clash was reported in Chapa Darah district of Kunar province on Monday. In the ensuing firefight, at least three puppets were killed or wounded, where no Mujahideen sustained any losses in the half hour long gun battle. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Clash breaks out as patrol walks into ambush NANGARHAR, Dec. 24 – A dozen of the joint puppets are said to have been killed or wounded in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Khogiyani district of Nangarhar province on Monday. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Checkpoint dismantled in Laghman  LAGHMAN, Dec. 24 – A checkpoint of the puppet forces based in Badpakh district of Laghman province was hit with heavy arms fire on Monday, said a report, giving no details of the losses. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Puppets’ patrol surprised in Nangarhar    NANGARHAR, Dec. 24 – A clash between Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate and the puppet forces was reported in Khogiyani district of Nangarhar on Monday. It is, however, no clear how many were killed or wounded. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Gun battle kills two enemy soldiers, leaves 3 hurt LAGHMAN, Dec. 24 – Two soldiers of the hireling army were killed with a further three wounded following an attack by the Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen aimed at the enemy patrolling team in Qarghayee district of Laghman province on Monday. The clash lasted for less than an hour in which two of the enemy’s vehicles were, too, destroyed. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Mujahideen attack enemy installations in Kunar KUNAR, Dec. 24 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate launched a series of attacks targeting the enemy installations in Watapur district of Kunar province this morning.

Earlier today, Mujahideen pounded an enemy check post located in the center of the mentioned district as well as attacking a key army base using heavy and light arms fires, a Mujahideen official said, but offered no details of the enemy death and injury toll. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


ANA gunner killed in Herat city HERAT, Dec. 24 – Safiullah s/o Dastagir, a gunner of hireling ANA was shot dead by Mujahideen at 11:00 pm last night in Jakan area near Herat city center. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


4 gunmen wounded in attack on outpost HERAT, Dec. 24 – 4 hireling ANA gunmen were wounded 04:00 pm today when Mujahideen shelled their outpost with 9 mortar rounds which also caused a fire in Parmakan area of Zer Koh region, Shindand district. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Posts attacked in Dehrawod, 2 gunmen killed URUZGAN, Dec. 24 – 3 enemy check posts located in Dehrawod district’s Sangar and Peroj areas were targeted with a coordinated attack 12:00 pm yesterday, sparking a heavy clash which lasted till 05:00 pm as a result, 2 police were killed while all praise is due to Allah alone, no Mujahideen were harmed. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


2 APCs damaged in Marjah, 8 Arbakis killed HELMAND, Dec. 24 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate ambushed an Arbaki militia convoy in Haji Bismillah Aka village located in Tarkha Nawar region of Marjah district at around 10:00 am Monday morning during which 8 militiamen were killed, 2 wounded and 2 APCs damaged with small arms fire.

It is said that a Mujahid was also injured in the operation. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Pickup truck destroyed in Nawzad, 6 police killed HELMAND, Dec. 24 – 6 police died at around 07:00 am yesterday morning following a roadside bomb attack which completely destroyed the enemy pickup truck on the main road of Shaghzo Karez area adjacent Nawzad district bazaar. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Tank, vehicle and 4 gunmen eliminated in Zhiri KANDAHAR, Dec. 24 – 2 landmines placed in Dasht area of Sanzari region, Zhiri district, blew apart a tank and pickup truck of foreign and hireling troops Monday afternoon as a result, 4 gunmen were killed while the losses inflicted on the invaders could not be determined. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Post overrun in Sangin, equipment seized HELMAND, Dec. 24 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate overran an Arbaki  check post after the cowardly militiamen fled their positions following a one hour heavy and light arms attack at 01:00 am this morning in Sarwan Kala region’s Haratyano area, Sangin district.

Mujahideen sized 2000 PKM rounds, 1000 Ak rounds, 7 RPG rounds and 6 enemy motorbikes before setting the post on fire, officials said adding that a Mujahid was also slightly injured in the operation. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Arghandab blast kills 3 Arbaki militiamen KANDAHAR, Dec. 24 – 3 Arbaki militiamen perished in a powerful IED blast which struck the enemy foot patrol in Arghandab district’s Naghano area Monday morning. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


3 fuel trucks damaged in Babaji ambush HELMAND, Dec. 24 – 3 nato fuel trucks were damaged with small arms fire during a one hour ambush by Mujahideen on the enemy convoy 11:00 am yesterday morning in Spin Masjid area of Babaji district while travelling on the main Kandahar-Herat highway.

The enemy also suffered losses in the firefight however the toll could not be verified. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Sniper shoots dead invader in Nad Ali HELMAND, Dec. 24 – A foreign invader standing on top of his tank in Shan Jamia area of Nad Ali district was shot dead by a sniper of Islamic Emirate at afternoon at 03:00 pm local time. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Commander and police officer killed in Lashkargah city HELMAND, Dec. 24 – Hireling police were engaged in a one hour firefight by Mujahideen who ambushed the enemy patrol in Sadiq Kusa area near Lashkargah city 03:00 pm on Monday during which a check post commander (Shah Sanam) and another gunman were killed while a third was reportedly wounded. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Boldak IED attack leaves 2 gunmen dead KANDAHAR, Dec. 24 – A shrapnel packed IED attack struck and destroyed a border police motorbike in Boldak district’s Shero Obo area at around 04:00 pm local time today, instantly killing both of the riders on the spot. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi