
Operation reporting for 15-12-13


3 killed as armored tank bursts open in explosion PAKTIKA, Dec.15 – At least three puppets were killed Saturday evening as their armored personal carrier was exploded in a violent detonation in Barmal district of Paktika province. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Check post comes under attack in eastern Afghanistan NANGARHAR, Dec.15 – A security post of the police located in Bati Kot of Nangarhar province came under attack last night. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Army installation comes under heavy arms weapons LOGAR, Dec.15 – An army camp of the puppets is reported to have been raided by the Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen on Saturday. Mujahideen attacked the installation using heavy arms fire but there are no reports of the enemy losses. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Arbaki militias murder ordinary villager GHAZNI, Dec.15 – The Arbaki lapdogs shot and murdered, Abd-us-Salam, a civilian trying to go by the are in Shalgar district of Ghazni province on Sunday. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Check post destroyed in Nangarhar NANGARHAR, Dec. 15 – A checkpoint of the puppets in Gushta district of Nangarhar province got struck with heavy and light arms fire yesterday night, says a report without offering further details of the losses. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Puppet joins Mujahideen in Kunduz KUNDUZ, Dec. 15 – A soldier of ANA is reported to have joined Mujahideen with his weapons in Khanabad district of northern Kunduz province on Saturday. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


2 civilians martyred, 7 wounded in enemy hostile fire LOGAR, Dec. 15 – Two civilians were martyred later on Saturday when a mortar shell fired by the enemy struck a group of civilians in Baraki Barak district of Logar province.  Seven other villagers were severely wounded in the mortar shell explosion. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Mujahideen attack district in Nangarhar   NANGARHAR, Dec. 15 – A report says the facility of the disrict of Bati Kot in eastern Nangarhar province came under attack last night.

Mujahideen targeted the district building with heavy arms fire, damaging the district building besides causing the enemy heavy losses; nevertheless, it is unclear how many puppet soldiers have been killed and wounded. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


1 Arbaki killed, 1 hurt in Laghman LAGHMAN, Dec.15 – Two Arbakis were shot by a Mujahideen in Alishang, Laghman province last night one of whom was killed and instantly while another took serious injury. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


Enemy suffers heavy losses in Nangarhar NANGARHAR, Dec.15 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the enemy army sanctuary in Khogiyani district of Nangarhar province last night. The security post came under heavy machine gun and artillery fire, likely of have caused the enemy severe losses. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid


2 gunmen killed in Bakwa clash, 3 wounded FARAH, Dec. 15 – 2 hireling ANA gunmen were killed and 3 others wounded during half hour firefight sparked at 02:00 am this morning when Mujahideen ambushed the enemy foot patrol near Mistari Isa pump in Bakwa district. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Hireling trooper wounded in ambush on foot patrol NIMROZ, Dec. 15 – At around 07:00 am this morning, dismounted ANA were ambushed in Dehmazang area of Delaram district in which 1 gunman was reported wounded however other losses inflicted are not known. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Farah Rod blast wounds 2 police FARAH, Dec. 15 – 2 hireling police were wounded midmorning today when a bomb struck their foot patrol at 09:00 am this morning in Farah Rod district’s Nawi Karez area. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Arbaki militiaman martyrs villager in Shinki ZABUL, Dec. 15 – Reports from Shinki district say that on Saturday, a cowardly Arbaki militiaman (Mullah Ishaqzai) brutally martyred an innocent villager in front of a mosque in Khas Shinki village. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Enemy flees from outpost, check post in Sangin HELMAND, Dec. 15 – Cowardly ANA troopers fled and abandoned their outpost and a nearby check post located in Majeed Chawk area of Sangin due to repeated Mujahideen heavy and light arms attack on a daily basis.

The operation area of the Mujahideen increased with the abscondence of the enemy. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


US-nato outpost struck by missile KANDAHAR, Dec. 15 – A US-nato outpost located in Maiwand district’s Lashkargah Durahi area was targeted with a missile which struck inside the base 11:30 am yesterday however the extent of losses inflicted are unknown. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Musa Kala IED attack leaves 2 hirelings dead HELMAND, Dec. 15 – A bomb placed in Shahjoi Fasl area of Musa Kala district detonated on dismounted police at around 08:00 pm last night, instantly killing 2 puppets on the spot. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Heavy clash takes place in Nahr Siraj HELMAND, Dec. 15 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate engaged combined enemy troops early yesterday morning after the enemy was airdropped by helicopters in Nahr Siraj region’s Simiti Pla area, Gerishk district, triggering a one hour heavy clash during which a bomb also detonated on the enemy however the exact casualty figures could not be determined. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Andkhoi district governor, 4 gunmen wounded FARYAB, Dec. 15 – Officials from northern Faryab province say that while Mujahideen were placing an IED near Ankhoi district center at 09:00 pm last night, the enemy was alerted which prompting Mujahideen to targeted the office of district governor with rockets from which the governor and 4 gunmen were wounded.

Meanwhile, enemy troops approaching the area from Qarmaqol district was also waylaid by Mujahideen which sparked a brief clash in which the enemy pickup truck was set ablaze by rocket fire however the casualties caused could not be determined. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Blast in Almar kills 2 gunmen FARYAB, Dec. 15 – 2 hireling troops died 10:00 am this morning following an IED blast which struck their foot patrol in Almar district’s Saqa area. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Vehicle and gunman eliminated by IED HERAT, Dec. 15 – A bomb tore through the vehicle of border police at 02:00 pm yesterday afternoon in Ghoryan district’s Jafda area as a result, the vehicle was destroyed, 1 gunman killed and another wounded. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


3 police killed in Sangin, equipment seized HELMAND, Dec. 15 – Dismounted police were ambushed by Mujahideen in Garo area of Sangin district at 11:00 am this morning which sparked an intense half hour clash as a result, 3 gunmen were killed as well as a Pk machine gun, Ak rifle and other equipment seized.

All praise is due to Allah alone, no Mujahideen were harmed in the operation. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi


Dismounted ANA ambushed in Marjah HELMAND, Dec. 15 – Hireling ANA suffered deadly losses during a one hour firefight this morning at 07:00 am when Mujahideen ambushed their foot patrol in Tarkha Nawar region of Marjah district. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi