
Here are the results of my Babitech research so far, The columns on the far right include "ordinary" Child Development milestones and Piaget's Stages of cognitive development. Does this fit in with your own observations? Let me know please!


months Telephone Camera TV Laptop Smartphone General Developmental Milestones Piaget
12 She holds objects to her ear - anything, the tv remote, a plastic cup to imitate a phone.       She can use a simple touch screen app on a smart phone where a sound plays when a picture is touched.  presses buttons and expects a reaction.  Stands holding furniture. Stands alone for a second or two, then collapses with a bump. Babbles 2 or 3 words repeatedly. Drops toys and watches where they go. Cooperates with dressing. Wae goodby, understands simple commands Sensorimotor Phase Understanding of object permanence developed. Learning is through trial and error. infant quickly begins to build up direct knowledge of world around her, by relating physical actions to perceived results of those actions. 8-12 months goal directed behavior: They behave in waysthat they know will bring about desired results. They

also begin to combine behaviorsin new waysto accomplish their goals  object permanence, the realization that physical objects

continue to exist even when they are removed from view.
18 she can tell the difference between items which are real phones or pretend phones compared to everything else.     Is aware that some handheld devices are used to control things like the tv but can't use it herself.   She still can't unlock the smart phone but taps the screen to get a reaction   Can walk alone. Picks up toy without falling over. Gets up/down stairs holding onto rail. Begins to jump with both feet. Can build a tower of 3 or 4 cubes and throw a ball. Feeds self with a spoon. Speech "Jargon" many intelligible words.  12-18 months Tertiary Circular Reactions Beginning sometime around theirfirst birthday, infantsshow increasing flexibility and creativity

in their behaviors, and their experimentation with objects often leadsto new outcomes
20     Presses buttons on tv remote - knows that it works by pointing it at tv and pressing a button, knows what response she wants from tv but unable to manage it.  Can move cursor around screen using track-pad but no control over where she wants cursor to be also no concept of what cursor is for.    She has now figured out that people on Skype can see and hear her and that they are not behind the computer screen!   18-24 months Mental Representation. develop symbolic thought, the ability to represent and think about objects and eventsin terms ofinternal, mental entities, or symbols. They may “experiment” with objects in their minds, first predicting what will happen ifthey do something to an object, then transforming their plans into action.
21         Gets response from voice activated game    
21.5   Awareness of ability of camera to capture images.          
22.5 recognises (correctly or otherwise) device with buttons and screens as a phone Recognises that camera lens is part of camera function     Fine motor skills developed well enough to intentionally side swipe button on touch-screen and unlock phone. Tapping screen more accurately to produc response, able to press in the right area of the screen to play a simple game.     
24         Better control of the touch screen although she can't yet manage to unlock it on the first attempt. She is aware that different pictures have different functions. She can swipe the screen sideways to navigate the home pages, she can tap the screen and knows that this action makes something happen. She can interact with an app vocally and has a good understanding of the camera function.   Able to run. Walks up and down stairs 2 feet per step. Builds tower of 6 cubes. Joins 2-3 words in sentences.
25           Aware of  potential and ability for devices to show something she is interested in on-demand, eg video/pictures   Preoperational Stage egocentric child assumes that other people see, hear and feel exactly the same as the child does. Holds belief that inanimate objects (such as toys and teddy bears) have human feelings and intentions.
26.5       Tries to fix crashed app or slow loading video content by tapping screen or switching device on and off. Played games on laptop – pressing same key over (space bar). Played interactive game via webcam. Tries to ÒfixÓ crashed app or slow loading video content by tapping screen or switching device on and off. Requests to see and talk to people on Skype.  
30     She can turn on the tv with the remote or the button and adjust the volume using button on the tv play simple single key press games on a laptop, recognise letters and numbers on a keyboard unlock a touch screen mobile phone, play drag and drop games, pause and re-start a youtube video Switches things off when she's had enough of them.   
34         switches on, unlocks, chooses app, plays simple drag and drop game, plays music game, exits Apps and switches tablet off.  recognises an e-reader as being different to a tablet  
35       Interested in more complex games but cannot manage drag and drop using track-pad.      
36   Requests photographs and is able to take photographs using touch screen.     Plays virtual keyboard and drums. Can navigate app by recognising buttons with icons such as Play, Door (to exit), Camera, arrows, X to close.   Goes up stairs one foot per step. Copies cicle, imitates cross and draws man on request. Builds tower of 9 cubes. Constantly asks questions. Speaks in sentences



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BabiTech Developmental Milestones Chart 0-3 by Angela Rees is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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