
A little about approach and seduction


In order to assist the male friends to get mates with whom they have great affinity, and not to encourage promiscuity, we will deepen the themes of approach and seduction.


Most studies on this field are intended only to teach men to win the largest number of women to fornicate and nothing more. This is the goal of most seduction studies. We aim to provide a different alternative, not to conquer many but to get the best mate (or if you prefer, the least worst) for a stable relationship. Of course, if we are able to conquer a woman who pleases us a lot and with whom we have great compatibility and affinity, we will have a tendency to be less promiscuous than if we are dissatisfied with the partner we have at our side.


The impulse to possess


When we see a desirable woman, our first and strongest impulse is to own her immediately. We would like her to undress at the same time and offered herself completely to us. Nothing else draws our attention. We are gripped by a kind of suffering, the suffering of lust, which often borders on despair. We are blind to everything else, we only want to possess that delicious female, to get into her, to be together, to join, merge and disappear inside that gorgeous body. We know that this suffering will only be relieved by possessing her, otherwise dissatisfaction will be with us for a long time, until we completely forget that woman. It is precisely this thoughtless impulse that disrupts everything.


A first error


Moved by this impulse, we express our intent immediately. We let to pass through what we want. We lose control over ourselves and our actions, we do not belong to us anymore, we become autonomous. This is our first mistake because it produces the opposite of the desired effect, causing the desired woman to see us as supplicating creep and consider us, unconsciously, a simple male-beta (I'm not recommending that we become alpha males) who became desperate for being rejected by women. Also, her unconscious objectives to be loved and desired will already have been achieved. Why she who doesn’t like much neither sex either men,  would need to relate with us if we have already offered ourselves so easily? For women, the situation is resolved, there is no problem that needs to be resolved and this is why she expresses no interest, since the mere finding of male interest is enough to satisfy her. The smart-ass senses that he will be imprisoned and that she can find him whenever she wants, she feels that the dog will always come when she snaps her fingers...


Most often, women and men are not aware of this process and just act and react automatically, instinctively.


What should be done


We would get better results if, instead of exposing our brutal sexual interest, we simply awaken in the woman some interest in our person, and only much later, after having settled this interest, we approach her. Here starts the problem.


The blindness of lust is misleading


Before her desired woman, man overcome by lust does not find other ways other than launching him over her in order to get the intercourse in the fastest, most objective and straightforward was as you possible. And it is this desperation to shorten the path that ruins everything.


The man, in the specific conditions that I am explaining here, does not want to violate the woman. He simply believes in his passionate despair, that he is already being reciprocated or about to be reciprocated, when in fact he is causing growing revulsion. If he insists on this insanity he will soon be committing sexual harassment without realizing it.


If the woman in question is a bitch (a woman of bad character, insincere and who likes to harm others, a characteristic that does not depend on the number of partners she has), she will encourage more and more ambiguous behaviors to have pleasure to hurt him in the end. If you belong to the circle of the few honest people that exist on Earth, rapidly eliminate all doubts of the man so that he cannot sustain more hope. Unfortunately the first case is much more frequent than the second.


Directions in which they are not armored


A woman's interest is piqued by correct impression. Impress here means leaving a mark, being pointed out, stand out and be remembered. Leave your mark on her imagination, as she does with you.


A woman easily impresses a man with her beauty, warmth and voluptuousness, but a man never impresses a woman with these same attributes. She is also not impressed by love letters, flowers, and even exhibitionism, even if with gifts, unless these are worth billions of dollars ... The smart-asses are very smart, reinforced and desensitized in these fields. But in others they are not armored.


Basically, people are impressed by their fears and desires. Imagine the emotional armor is a circle. Well, no human being, unless you have completely dissolved the ego is absolutely invulnerable to fascination and impressionism throughout this circle. They may be insensitive to the letters, declarations of love and sexual interest, but they are not about money, the mystery, the resolute affront to their beliefs, to being ignored in favor of her rivals, to the exclusive inattention by a man, to contempt for her beauty, to the fear of a storm or other hazards, etc. In these fields, their vulnerability is great, as it is ours in relation to the offer of affection and sex and voluptuous beauty. And that's where we can leave our differentiating mark, counter-acting the ruse aimed at attracting us. If you prove to be really able to protect her from her fears (do not be a fake or otherwise she will torment you) and/or realize her wishes, even if they are like the petty desires of revenge on you, to submit you with passion and enslave you, you will open the smartass’ guard to leave your mark. When you do not give them much attention, treat them as little girls, keep them away from our contact, or rebuke her convictions, we excite in them various desires that impel them toward us by petty motives.


We are not teaching manipulation but the disarticulation of the manipulative female act, which seeks to awaken in us the desire to draw us with bad intentions, the most irritating of which is to reject us afterwards. Often, only with the act of being present wearing certain clothes she already demonstrates unequivocally the female intention of manipulating the male mind to excite desire. Add to this looks, body postures, facial expressions and tones of voice, always with the sole intention to stoke lust in the male who suffers with dissatisfaction.


About reaching the feminine feelings


Before the Nazi feminists shoot slanderous accusations and silly, I should clarify that, here, the word "reach" means to reach and influence. This word is not used in any sense of violence or aggression.


The question that most intrigues the male representatives is: what should I do to influence the feelings of a woman properly, so as to arouse her interest in me?


We cannot give a specific advice, and neither a magic formula, but we can give some general answers.


First of all, you should know which are the behaviors that arouse and maintain the attraction of women.


Roughly speaking, we could point them as follows:


1. Assume a certain mean face, being careful not to be ridiculous;


2. Looking in a penetrating, serious and fearless way;


3. Express little or no interest in the existence of this woman (if you expose your sexual intent or love, she is happy and runs away);


4. Give attention to other women (who are the ones that do not interest you);


5. Make her understand that you have many beautiful women available and interested in you;


6. Committing an act suddenly or defend an idea that leaves her amazed, i.e., the calculated shocking, mentioned by Eliphas Lévi (2001/1855) and also in the movie "Hitch" (Tennant, 2005).


If doing so, the resistance will probably be broken and the smartass will become accessible or attempt to be friendly. If she tries to show or open a contact, do not get carried away, talk to her in a short and thick, in a tone of voice steady, serious and determined, as if not giving too much importance to that.


Secondly, you cannot forget that they are cheaters in love. Clever as they are, they usually calculate everything. Although apparently friendly, the smartass is only waiting for the moment you show your interest to try to reverse the roles and induce you to run after her. This is why you should always keep half distant and half-closed, not being very kind. In spite of being accessible to contact, you should be impenetrable and incomprehensible.


When you realize that she is open enough to touch, you should play it without any fear but in a subtle and unassuming way. You must do so with a certain amount of hypocrisy, as if you didn’t think about it, as Eliphas Levi wrote (2001/1855). Here again the fears of rejection and cheating can interfere.


They say Aleister Crowley boasted himself of being able to make any woman fall for him in a matter of minutes and attributed it to a supernatural power. My opinion is that he simply applied the teachings of Master Eliphas Levi in ​​his own way, horrifying and impressing women with all that silly story of a pact with the Devil and Satanism. In believing that he was actually a demonic being incarnate from the depths of hell, they felt a mix of fear, attraction and sexual impotence. Well, Crowley used the knowledge to promiscuously fornicate and certainly should now be paying for it.


It is clear that such strategy would work only with religious women and would be ridiculously useless if applied to women who are strong atheists, who would ridicule the alleged seducer. In this case, what would impress them further would be another scientific authority (or at least a superiority in this field). On the other hand, if the woman is a fanatic feminist, she will be impressed if the male shows his superior knowledge in the field of gender relations, even if they hate and attack him by having a different opinion. If deep inside he is the most powerful of the two, and defies and destroys all her arguments, she will not resist in the end.


In most cases, the awakening of female sexual interest in a man is diametrically opposed to all the suggestions given in this regard by the media and literature. When you believe that women are turned on by romanticism, the matrixians, poor victims of brainwashing, pour tons of love letters and drown them in trucks of flower bouquets, triggering aversion instead of attraction. When these unfortunate believe, to further worsen their situation, that women are aroused by the manifestation of sexual interest on the part of man, they start to chase them everywhere, to wait for them at work, harass them, throw them romantic or malicious line and, in extreme cases, even to try to touch them in prohibited parts without permission. The result is that this generates hatred, disgust and revulsion. It is in this way they increase their own misery until total catastrophe, as the result of a misconception about women is always a disaster.


How to awaken her interest


The first way is to behave as if we give her no importance, not occupying ourselves with her and not even noticing her existence for a while. This will call her attention to you,  you will be noticed by this differential.


The second way is to behave in the most masculine possible way: sit, walk, move, dress and talk like a real macho, avoiding effeminate behaviors in all ways. A short speech and a direct, steady gaze, a deep voice, a serious semblance, almost fearful, are essential. You should be quiet and not talkative. In doing so, her initial interest for will increase at least a little. Whereas you have good intentions, it is better that she feels attracted to you than for some worthless and unscrupulous cad, don’t you think so? Then take his place. This is legitimate because you do not want to hurt her, unlike the cad. The female unconscious, unfortunately, feels the bad to be superior to the good and irresistibly propels them toward the former. If you do not conquer her before, inevitably some cad will snatch her sooner or later.


So ignore their existence, do not give a shit and acting manly are the first ways to spark attraction in women. But the work does not end there. There is still a long way to go to the level of cohabitation.


Losing the fear of the first contact


If the woman is unusually desirable the man hesitates, fearing the possibility of rejection. The woman is not the fear factor, as she is desirable, but the rejection. This fear prevents him from establishing a first contact.


The simple adoption of an indifferent posture (technique of the “tough man”), generates some attraction but not enough. It is necessary to go beyond taking the correct initiative of contact, on alert to "break her defenses" at any time.


It is important to fight this fear of first contact. Otherwise, the entire effort is useless.


They prefer those who do not fear


When a man does not address boldly for fear of rejection or because of a treacherous harassment charge, a woman who has sent him favorable signs, she assumes that the reluctance is due to a fear inspired by her, and not by the rational male prudence against harmful consequences arising out of acts of evil female character, such as attracting to reject, attracting to accuse, attracting to a trap, attracting to rob and murder, etc.


In fact, the power that women have to socially harm a man should not be overlooked, which justifies male prudence. Although the smartass has sent many favorable signs favorable to the person concerned she can then accuse him of sexual harassment or simply spread the news that she is being persecuted. She can also manipulate other suitors against him stimulating rivalry. Dangers are such that impede the good man to be bold in approaching even when the woman really interests him.


In case of interest in the woman is really exaggerated, there is also the fear of saying or doing something wrong that results in rejection. It is a fear that makes his voice tremble and paralyzes actions, as with fighters who fear the enemy or certain prey animals before hunters. Fear paralyzes and hinders all freedom of action.


In none of these cases is the woman the feared element itself but the circumstances connected with her or caused by her. However, even if the woman does not have bad intentions and is a good person, she believes that the man was afraid. Her unconscious then react with disinterest, considering this man weak and fearful. That is, if you dare, will be seen as stalker. If you do not dare, you will be seen as coward. We will then have a problem, two outputs and a risk of failure in each one of them!


The man then becomes the victim of a contradiction: if you dare to approach, you expose yourself to a trap. If he does not approach, he  causes disinterest. The solution seems to be to try bold approaches progressively as favorable signals are sent, always ready to react to the slightest hint that it might really be a trap and never allowing the woman concludes that she inspires fear. The women immediately reject a man they believe that he fears them. Hence the importance of defying them resolutely, looking directly into their eyes, and taking control of the situation. This is exactly how they cads and players do, with the difference that they are not motivated by inner strength but by contempt for the people they want to seduce.


If the woman is very important to you and the poison of passion has contaminated you, you will be subject to stutter, dumbness, say something stupid, be disconcerted or present a talk trembling, not being afraid of her but for fear of losing her. However, she will not be even a little solidary with your emotional suffering. Instead, she will believe that she is feared and you will be seen as weak. So either on the phone or in person, we have to stand firm, even though inside we are about to shatter, sink and collapse. Strive to see her and treat her as a mere mortal and nothing more, a mere human being, and not as a goddess who is above you, nor even as a terrible demon highly dangerous. Be cautious but do not be afraid or you will lose her.


Go beyond the alpha-male


Even within this initial phase, you should express your full masculinity but superior than the gross alpha-males. This means that you should go far beyond the alpha male. The average human alpha-male is leading, aggressive and strong, but has an intelligence drawn to inferior and stupid things, which makes him to be limited and constrained. The alpha male only thinks about power and fornication (wish for power and sexual drive). You must be superior to them in self-mastery, understanding, ability to find solutions, calm, inner serenity, selflessness, etc. In short, strive to uplift yourself above the humanoid beasts, whether alpha or beta. This is what Nietzsche teaches as "Beyond the Man". This is only possible through the whip. We must tame the brute animal that we are using the whip of willpower. But do not forget: women do not feel sexual attraction for virtues and a lot less for kindness. Nor are they attracted to intellect. What attracts them is his social standing and his position in the hierarchy of males. If you are dull, you won’t arouse interest. If your actions make a difference, then you will awaken it.


How to approach


When the woman starts to bother with your presence or be different when she sees you, that means it's time to make contact and approach. This moment may arrive after a few moments or may take hours, days or weeks.


She will begin to groom her clothes and move her hair, worried about her appearance. She will gestured quickly and speak loudly to be noticed. Stay calm and do not jump over! Control yourself and act as if nothing is happening.


So keeping your calm and indifference, make contact with a pretext other than the desire to approach. Make contact but as if unwilling to make the contact.


A small relation have been installed then. Thereafter you just have to increase the attraction through a leading and protecting profile. But remember: if you meet her emotional interests, she will lose interest in you. The interest must be preserved while the intimacy narrows.


When and how to disclose the intention?


There is much controversy. My opinion is that our true intent is only to be revealed after attraction is entrenched in the woman and never before that. Otherwise, she will run away mercilessly joyful and leave you alone.


I also believe that the explicit intention should not be revealed through words but by actions, such as staring at her and simply quietly approaching to kiss her, without neglecting the alertness for any refusal. Do not ask if she wants this or that. It is best to learn to "guess" what she wants or does not want, through the actions and reactions that constitute a set of signals between them. If she tries to trick you by contradictory behavioral signs, drawing you into the familiar trap of rejecting when being approached, be attentive and anticipate, rejecting her first to rob her of this sense of triumph. Of course, if she tried to lure you into a trap, she's a bitch and does not deserve anyone's love. Unmask her and look for another less disingenuous.


This knowledge benefits to women


I hope here that women will thank me, instead of enraging, showing them the weak point where they can be taken by malicious seducers. If they get to know them, it will be much easier for them to defend themselves from these invasions of the unconscious.