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@anonymous · Nov 14, 2013




Forget about trying to make sense of "Thor: The Dark World" if you haven't seen the original Thor film and "The Avengers" at a minimum.  Very little effort is spared to explain who any of these people are.  That's a defensible creative decision, given the popularity of the earlier films, but somewhere out there in America this weekend, it's a statistical certainty that a few people who didn't see the previous Marvel movies are going to plop down a few bucks to see this one, and spend about half the running time as bemused as any non-comic-book geeks who stick around for the obligatory mid-credits "stinger."  (We're at least one full movie away from that scene making a lick of sense to anybody who isn't familiar with Marvel's cosmic adventure comics, but I guess they figure they got away with the almost equally cryptic stinger after "Avengers," so why not? Funnybook fans, get ready to spend your post-"Dark World" coffee shop get-together explaining to your friends who the weirdo in the middle of the credits was.) read more"http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/11/09/Movie-review-Thor-The-Dark-World"