
Question and Answers session 1 - Shaykh Abu Sulayman Al Muhajir (08/05/2015)

Q1) Salamu aleikum shaykh, do u know about Kateebt Abu Slim & Shura council of Dernah?

A1) It would be best to get news of Libya from people on the ground there. Trustworthy people, of course.

Q2) Shk what do you say to those who say Nusra doesn't implement sharaAllah?

A2) I would say that most of these people are either ignorant, liars or have a warped understnding of what Shar'iah is. Shar'iah to some is limited to capital & corporal punishment; though they do exist in Islam, they should be very uncommon.

Q3) Assalam Alaycom shaikhna. What's your expectations for the National hospital of Jisr Al Shoghour?

A3) I was there recently. I have high expectations for the Mujahideen and much hope in Allah.

Q4) What is your judgment on Zahran and his visit to Turkey and Saudi Arabia?

A4) 'Judgment' is a big word. However, our position towards meetings with intelligence agencies (arab or non-arab) has been clear from day 1. Foreign relations is a sensitive topic and a slippery rod for those who do not have a firm stance. We must first gain full independence & unite before establishing our foreign policy.

Q5) What do you have to say to Ahrar Leader Abu Jabber publicly calling for JN to leave AQ?

A5) Our brother Abu Jaber, may Allah forgive us and him, has not mentioned something new. This is a ong standing debate. I do believe that our affiliation with a global Jihad (Al-Qaeda) is more positive than negative. Do not confuse this with our announcement of the affiliation when we were forced to do so after JD (Jama'at Al-Dawlah) created the fitnah.

Q6) Sheikh what is the thing that will occur that will change things in ash-sham? (note: this was a question asked in September where the shaykh at the time answered 'rapid changes..time will reveal all. Patience, akhi.')

A6) Alhamdu lillah we now have large area for Muslims to move around in. Ruined plans for foreign policy to have muscle on the ground, established a firm base for a judicial system & joined ranks in a military body Jaysh Al-Fat'h.

Q7) Shaykh what do you say about these claims made against you http://justpaste.it/whyileftjabhat4

A7) I say "Hasbiya Allah wa ni'ma al-wakeel". We will stand in front of the King one day.

Q8) Sheikh do u recommend any books?

A8) Diseases of the Heart and Its Cures by Ibn Taymiyyah.

Q9) Shaykh r u pleased with the formation of Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham & Jabhat Ansar ad-Deen & Jund al-Aqsa?

A9) I will be more pleased when Muslims gather together for the long run & realise many differences can be over looked

Questioner: Beloved Sheikh, JN and Ahrar have spearheaded the Shami Jihad. Has there been any attempt at true unity between the 2? JZK

Shaykh: I cannot remember a meeting with their leaders that wasn't aimed at unification of ranks.

Questioner: What is preventing it? Our hope is in Allah first and the unity of these two great groups secondly

Shaykh: It is certainly not in the core. However, we ask you to continue to make duaa that Allah unifies the hearts.

Q11) Salaam Alaykum ya Sheikh. What is the view of JN regarding Hijra for sisters to Syria.

A11) We do not advise hijrah for women alone. There is a war going on here. We fight to establish a land for hijrah. There are exceptions to this, and this shoud be done by specific fatwa.

Q12) May ALLAH protect you. Can you give a word for those who say Ahrar are puppets of the tawageet. Shed light on Ahrars manhaj?

A12) These people shoud fear Allah regarding those who have defended Islam with their blood.

Q13) sheikh the field of Jihad in shaam, what does it lack? People of knowledge or money or men?

A13) mashayekh and knowledge in different fields of specialization.

Q14) What is the opinion about Islamic front and z. Alloush?

A14) We fear they may fall into danger, like a man who goes into the house of a known criminal with ony a knife & good intentions.

Q15) Asalamu alaykum sheikh, some fanboys don't stop about JN don't attack israhell, what can u say about it?

A15) Wa alaykum assalam. Who is stnding between us and Damascus? The khawarij. Let's get there first!