
"You know all the fine print you don't read when you sign up for most types of digital accounts? It can cost you over a thousand dollars in games, as one Steam user recently found out the hard way.

Steam user Lowblock posted a message inquiring about possible interest in purchasing the rights to his Steam account on Reddit about a month ago. The account in question had nearly $1800 in games tied to it.

Ten days ago, Lowblock wrote a follow-up post on the site, detailing the incident. Though he didn't manage to sell the account, he posted pictures of an email correspondence seemingly showing Valve customer service confirming that his Steam account is permanently disabled for simply offering the account for sale.

Fair? Bogus? Whatever you think, Valve has the right to do what it likes according to the (unreadable legalese) license agreement you are forced to agree to in order to use the service. Though testing such agreements in court has mixed outcomes, the onus is on the offended party to bring a lawsuit. Something tells me that Valve has a little more spare cash to drop on lawyers than Joe Gamer looking to sell off his games for a quick buck. "

Sursa : http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/03/14/valve-takes-eula-seriously-permabans-customer.aspx


Raspuns : http://www.reddit.com/r/gameswap/comments/fihck/i_have_an_american_steam_account_with_149_games/

Mai jos.. 




Pe scurt : Nu e recomandat sa cumparati/vindeti conturi de steam. Daca afla cei de la valve ca vrei sa vinzi contul sau l-ai vandut, iti baneaza contul permanent.(scrie in EULA lor- bucata aia mare de text la care dai I AGREE ca ti lene sa citesti inainte sa iti creezi contul de steam.Decat sa risti sa ramai fara cont si cu banii dati aiurea... sau fara cont inainte sa apuci sa-l vinzi.. mai bine iti cumperi o licenta steam de pe diferite sites (adica CD KEY ul , nu un cont).